54 research outputs found

    Decision Problem of Instrumentation in a Company involved in ISO 50001

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    International audience—In the context of performance management and the involvement of companies in sustainable development, energy management is a new challenge. Managing energy is a complex problem as it can potentially impact the whole company and if mishandled could be harmful for its added value. In order to assist companies in this challenge, the ISO 50001 proposes a standard for the creation of Energy Management Systems (EnMS). Such systems bring the recurring problem of decision about the choice of the actions necessary into their deployments. Notably, they rely heavily on the data related to the consumptions of energy and its usage in a given company. Hence the problem of decision, at an audit stage, can concern the choice of a sound instrumentation. This paper deals with the interest of the company adixen Vacuum Products in a standard for decision aiding in this situation. The idea is to build the model of preference of the Decision Maker and to establish a generic procedure about decision supported by a MCDA tool. Our proposition is to use the ACUTA method in order to elicit this model of preference

    How to handle the Decision-Maker's awareness of industrial context in his objectives declaration?

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    International audienceThis study investigates some new approaches that concern the handling of human considerations in the decision-aiding field. We particularly look for the industrial context change and the awareness of the Decision-Maker with regards to such a change, in his decisions. Beyond the Routine regular situation, three situations are thus considered, namely the Control, the Emergency Crisis and the Loss of Control. A proposition of definition and use of the Decision-Maker awareness is applied to the case of re-declaring initial objectives. Awareness is defined through three parameters which are the Belief, the Level and the Graduality, which make up to the so-called Awareness Unit Cube. This is assumed to be evolving with regards to the Decision-Maker perception evolution. According to the evolving values of these parameters on the one hand, and to the characterisation of the occurred situation on the other hand, mathematical adjustments of the considered objectives values are proposed. Some illustrations of the proposal are extracted from a case study submitted by a steel manufacturer

    Application of quantitative MCDA methods for parameter setting support of an image processing system

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    International audienceThis paper proposes to use quantitative methods to identify a preference model reflecting the overall satisfaction of the user according to the numerous parameters of a complex fusion system. The studied fusion system is devoted to 3D image interpretation and it works in interaction with experts who have knowledge and experience of the concerned applications. Such a system involves many sub-parts and each of them has many parameters that must be adjusted to obtain interesting detections. The link between the parameters and the overall satisfaction expressed by the experts is a priori unknown and it is a key issue to better interact with the system. After the presentation of the preference model relevance with the problematic, three model identifications (multivariate, UTA+ and MACBETH) are attempted in this paper to find an interesting set of parameters according to the available overall satisfaction. Obtained results show the complexity of this kind of identification, mainly because of the non monotonicity of the parameter utilities

    Décision et décideur en milieu industriel

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    International audienc


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    10 pagesInternational audienceL'évaluation de la performance d'une grande entreprise est souvent réalisée grâce au Tableau de Bord Prospectif de Kaplan et Norton – TBP. Usuellement, à partir des indicateurs quantitatifs définis dans les TBP, le décideur synthétise empiriquement la performance globale atteinte. Or souvent, dans une démarche d'amélioration, le besoin du décideur est de disposer d'une information qui renseigne du progrès réalisé, i.e. de la variation de la performance. Dans ce sens, une information de type - la performance est « meilleure » ou « pire » - est suffisante. L'intérêt d'une méthode dite de « surclassement », capable d'ordonner les performances, tient d'une part dans sa relative facilité de mise en œuvre, les connaissances demandées aux experts étant accessibles et d'autre part, dans l'interprétation immédiate de l'information délivrée. Dans cet article, les indicateurs du TBP sont repris pour caractériser certaines situations rencontrées par le décideur, et le surclassement est obtenu grâce à la méthode ELECTRE. Le décideur dispose alors, pour un ensemble des situations considérées, de performances globales ordonnées. La relation d'ordre établie est une aide à la décision pour le pilotage d'actions d'amélioration. Notre proposition est illustrée sur le cas d'une entreprise textile cherchant à réduire ses

    Monotonic additive preference model for 3D fusion system parameters adjustment

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    International audience3D image interpretation to understand complex phenomenon is achieved thanks to fusion systems having numerous parameters, difficult to adjust. An approximate model is looking for to simulate the 3D fusion process. The problem is described as a ranking problem and three MCDA methods are considered thanks to holistic preference information on a set of reference pictures: The ACUTA method with linear utilities, the ACUTA enriched by the consideration of linearity pieces and the UTA GMS method. Obtained results show the limit of using monotonic additive utilities for such identification problem

    Conception et révision d'un système d'indicateurs de performance dans le cadre d'un Plan stratégique

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    Livret AFNOR mis à jour périodiquement sur les Indicateurs et Tableaux de bord. 15ème mise à jour

    Towards An Industrial Performance Quantification Model According To The Balanced Scorecard

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    10 pagesInternational audienceThis article deals with an industrial performance quantification approach based on the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) tool. Developed by Kaplan and Norton, the BSC has been defined by its strategic control level. In our opinion, it could be more extensively used at an operational level than it is today. In this way, it could be useful for quantifying all the links and performance measures defined in the BSC. For this, we choose to use the multicriteria decision-aiding methodology MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation Technique). Indeed, MACBETH proposes to express in a coherent way elementary and overall performances by using a structured procedure. We propose to apply this methodology with a particular aggregation operator of the Choquet integral family. The Choquet integral operators generalize the weighted arithmetic mean by taking elementary performance interactions into account. The proposed quantified model is illustrated by a case study done on a textile company

    Problématique de la révision du système d'indicateurs de performance dans le cadre de la norme ISO 9000

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    8 pagesInternational audienceThe standard ISO 9000 in their 2000 and 2008 versions focuses first on the process modeling of the company activities, and thus on the use of performance indicators for the control of theses processes. More particularly, the standard proposes a procedure for the design of the so called performance measurement systems. But, the question of the revision of these indicators is not handled. Indeed, in the numerous certified companies, the initial designed system needs to be revised, in order to take into account the context evolutions. The purpose of this article is precisely to consider this step of the performance measurement system life cycle. Our approach deals with systemic principles for the design of these indicators. The model is based on quantification mechanisms, related to the break-down of the objectives on the one hand and the aggregation of the performances on the other hand. We consider, as an illustration, the case of Fournier Company, an industrial kitchen producer certified ISO 9000 since 2003
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