52 research outputs found

    Modelling Security Market Events in Continuous Time: Intensity based, Multivariate Point Process Models

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    A continuous time econometric modelling framework for multivariate market event (or 'transactions') data is developed in which the model is specified via the vector stochastic intensity. This has the advantage that the conditioning sigma-field is updated continuously in time as new information arrives. We introduce the class of generalised Hawkes models which allow the estimation of the dependence of the intensity on the events of previous trading days. Analytic likelihoods are available and we show how to construct diagnostic tests based on the transformation of non-Poisson processes into standard Poisson processes using random changes of time scale. A proof of the validity of the diagnostic testing procedures is given that imposes only a very weak condition on the point process model, thus establishing their widespread applicability. A continuous time bivariate point process model of the timing of trades and mid-quote changes is presented for a NYSE stock and the empirical findings are related to the theoretical and empirical market microstructure literature.Point and counting processes, intensity, multivariate, diagnostics, goodness of fit, specification tests, change of timescale, transactions data, NYSE, NASDAQ, market microstructure

    Stochastic kinetic models: Dynamic independence, modularity and graphs

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    The dynamic properties and independence structure of stochastic kinetic models (SKMs) are analyzed. An SKM is a highly multivariate jump process used to model chemical reaction networks, particularly those in biochemical and cellular systems. We identify SKM subprocesses with the corresponding counting processes and propose a directed, cyclic graph (the kinetic independence graph or KIG) that encodes the local independence structure of their conditional intensities. Given a partition [A,D,B][A,D,B] of the vertices, the graphical separation ABDA\perp B|D in the undirected KIG has an intuitive chemical interpretation and implies that AA is locally independent of BB given ADA\cup D. It is proved that this separation also results in global independence of the internal histories of AA and BB conditional on a history of the jumps in DD which, under conditions we derive, corresponds to the internal history of DD. The results enable mathematical definition of a modularization of an SKM using its implied dynamics. Graphical decomposition methods are developed for the identification and efficient computation of nested modularizations. Application to an SKM of the red blood cell advances understanding of this biochemical system.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS779 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Modelling Security Market Events in Continuous Time: Intensity Based, Multivariate Point Process Models

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    A continuous time econometric modelling framework for multivariate financial market event (or `transactions') data is developed in which the model is specified via the vector stochastic intensity. This has the advantage that the conditioning sigma-field is updated continuously in time as new information arrives. The class of generalised Hawkes models is introduced which allows the estimation of the dependence of the intensity on the events of previous trading days. Analytic likelihoods are available and it is shown how to construct diagnostic tests based on the transformation of non-Poisson processes into standard Poisson processes using random changes of time. A proof of the validity of the diagnostic testing procedures is given that imposes only a very weak condition on the point process model, thus establishing their widespread applicability. A continuous time, bivariate point process model of the timing of trades and mid-quote changes is presented for a New York Stock Exchange stock and the empirical findings are related to the theoretical and empirical market microstructure literature. The two-way interaction of trades and quote changes is found to be important empirically.Point and counting processes, multivariate, intensity, Hawkes process, diagnostics, goodness of fit, specification tests, change of time, transactions data, NYSE, market microstructure.

    Modelling Security Market Events in Continuous Time: Intensity Based, Multivariate Point Process Models

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    A continuous time econometric modelling framework for multivariate financial market event (or 'transactions') data is developed in which the model is specified via the vector conditional intensity. This has the advantage that the conditioning information set is updated continuously in time as new information arrives. Generalised Hawkes (g-Hawkes) models are introduced that are sufficiently flexible to incorporate `inhibitory' events and dependence between trading days. Novel omnibus specification tests for parametric models based on a multivariate random time change theorem are proposed. A computationally efficient thinning algorithm for simulation of g-Hawkes processes is also developed. A continuous time, bivariate point process model of the timing of trades and mid-quote changes is presented for a New York Stock Exchange stock and the empirical findings are related to the market microstructure literature. The two-way interaction of trades and quote changes is found to be important empirically. Furthermore, the model delivers a continuous record of instantaneous volatility that is conditional on the timing of trades and quote changes.Point process, conditional intensity, Hawkes process, specification test, random time change, transactions data, market microstructure.

    High Dimensional Yield Curves: Models and Forecasting

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    Functional Signal plus Noise (FSN) models are proposed for analysing the dynamics of a large cross-section of yields or asset prices in which contemporaneous observations are functionally related. The FSN models are used to forecast high dimensional yield curves for US Treasury bonds at the one month ahead horizon. The models achieve large reductions in mean square forecast errors relative to a random walk for yields and readily dominate both the Diebold and Li (2006) and random walk forecasts across all maturities studied. We show that the Expectations Theory (ET) of the term structure completely determines the conditional mean of any zero-coupon yield curve. This enables a novel evaluation of the ET in which its 1-step ahead forecasts are compared with those of rival methods such as the FSN models, with the results strongly supporting the growing body of empirical evidence against the ET. Yield spreads do provide important information for forecasting the yield curve, especially in the case of shorter maturities, but not in the manner prescribed by the Expectations Theory.Yield curve, term structure, expectations theory, FSN models, functional time series, forecasting, state space form, cubic spline.

    Stationarity and the term structure of interest rates: a characterisation of stationary and unit root yield curves

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    The nature of yield curve dynamics and the determinants of the integration order of yields are investigated using a benchmark economy in which the logarithmic expectations theory holds and the regularity condition of a limiting yield and limiting term premium is satisfied. By considering a zero-coupon yield curve with a complete term structure of maturities, a linear vector autoregressive process is constructed that provides an arbitrarily accurate moving average representation of the complete yield curve as its cross-sectional dimension (n) goes to infinity. We use this to prove the following novel results. First, any I(2) component vanishes owing to the almost sure (a.s.) convergence of the innovations to yields, vt(n), as n. Second, the yield curve is stationary if and only if nvt(n) converges a.s., or equivalently the innovations to log discount bond prices converge a.s.; otherwise yields are I(1). A necessary condition for either stationarity or the absence of arbitrage is that the limiting yield is constant over time. Since the time-varying component of term premia is small in various fixed-income markets, these results provide insight into the critical determinants of the stationarity properties of the term structure.Econometric models ; Interest rates

    The dynamics of economics functions: modelling and forecasting the yield curve

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    The class of Functional Signal plus Noise (FSN) models is introduced that provides a new, general method for modelling and forecasting time series of economic functions. The underlying, continuous economic function (or "signal") is a natural cubic spline whose dynamic evolution is driven by a cointegrated vector autoregression for the ordinates (or "y-values") at the knots of the spline. The natural cubic spline provides flexible cross-sectional fit and results in a linear, state space model. This FSN model achieves dimension reduction, provides a coherent description of the observed yield curve and its dynamics as the cross-sectional dimension N becomes large, and can feasibly be estimated and used for forecasting when N is large. The integration and cointegration properties of the model are derived. The FSN models are then applied to forecasting 36-dimensional yield curves for US Treasury bonds at the one month ahead horizon. The method consistently outperforms the Diebold and Li (2006) and random walk forecasts on the basis of both mean square forecast error criteria and economically relevant loss functions derived from the realised profits of pairs trading algorithms. The analysis also highlights in a concrete setting the dangers of attempts to infer the relative economic value of model forecasts on the basis of their associated mean square forecast errors.Time-series analysis ; Forecasting ; Mathematical models ; Macroeconomics - Econometric models

    Criterion-based inference for GMM in autoregressive panel-data models

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    In this paper we examine the properties of a simple criterion-based, likelihood ratio type test of parameter restristions for standard GMM estimators in autoregressive panel data models. A comparison is made with recent test proposals based in the continuously-updated GMM criterion (Hansen, Heaton and Yaron, 1996) or exponential tilting parameters (Imbens, Spady and Johnson, 1998). The likelihood ratio type statistic is computed simply as the difference between the standard GMM tests of overidentifying restrictions in the restricted and unrestricted models. In Monte Carlo simulations we find thsi test had similar properties to the criterion-based alternatives, whilst being much simpler to compute. All three criterion-based tests outperform conventional Wald tests in this context.Generalised Method of Moments; Hypothesis testing; Panel data

    Modelling the Dynamics of Cross-Sectional Price Functions: an Econometric Analysis of the Bid and Ask Curves of an Automated Exchange

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    Functional Signal plus Noise (FSN) time series models are introduced for the econometric analysis of the dynamics of a large cross-section of prices in which contemporaneous observations are functionally related. A semiparametric FSN model is developed in which a smooth, cubic spline signal function is used to approximate the price curve data. Estimation may then be performed using quasi-maximum likelihood methods based on the Kalman filter. The model is used to provide one of the first studies of the dynamics of the bid and ask curves of an electronic limit order book and enables the comprehensive measurement of the dynamic determinants of traders execution costs. It is found that the differences between the bid and ask curves and their intercepts (i.e. the immediate price impacts of market orders) are well described by covariance stationary processes. The in-sample, 1-step ahead point predictions for these curves perform well and motivate the development of parametric FSN models that take into account the monotonicity of the price curves and can be used to form predictive distributions.functional time series, bid and ask curves, liquidity, electronic limit order book, cubic spline, state space form, Kalman filter, quasi-maximum likelihood.