38 research outputs found

    “Genomics and Translational Medicine for Information Professionals”: an innovative course to educate the next generation of librarians

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    This article discusses an innovative course to educate the next generation of librarians and meet the demands of the changing health information environment

    Quality Health Information On the Internet: Developing a Diabetes Pathfinder For the Chinese Population

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    A Web-based bilingual diabetes information pathfinder was created to help the Chinese population access quality health information on the Internet as part of a collaborative outreach project in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. A survey was conducted to identify the demographics, Internet usage, health information needs, and preferences for training sessions of the Chinese population. Breast cancer, diabetes, and hepatitis B were the top three diseases of interest. The process of developing the pathfinder is described from start to finish, and it can serve as a model for the development of others. Pathfinder training sessions also were held. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Ne-termalni biopokazatelji izloženosti radiofrekvencijskom/mikrovalnom zračenju

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    This article gives a review or several hypotheses on the biological effects of non-thermal radiofrequency/microwave (RF/MW) radiation and discusses our own findings from animal and in vitro studies performed over the last decade. We have found that RF/MW radiation disturbs cell proliferation and leads to cell differentiation in the bone marrow, which is reflected in the peripheral blood of rats. Repeated RF/MW radiation can also temporarily disrupt melatonin turnover. The observed changes seem to be a sign of adaptation to stress caused by irradiation rather than of malfunction. The article looks further into the basic mechanisms of RF/MW biological action, including cell growth parameters, colony-forming ability, viability, and the polar and apolar protein cytoskeleton structures. The observed reversible cell changes significantly obstructed cell growth. In contrast to the apolar intermediate proteins, the intracellular polar microtubule and actin fibres were damaged by radiation in a time-dependent manner. These signifi cantly altered parameters can be considered as the biomarkers of exposure. Future research should combine dosimetry, experimental studies, and epidemiological data.Svrha rada je prikaz više hipoteza o biološkom djelovanju ne-termalnih razina radiofrekventnog/mikrovalnog (RF/MW) zračenja i rasprava o rezultatima vlastitih istraživanja na životinjama i in vitro. Istraživanje djelovanja elektromagnetskih polja na organizam uključilo je proučavanje hematopoieze u štakora povremeno izloženih ne-termalnom radiofrekventnom/mikrovalnom (RF/MW) zračenju tijekom supkroničnog pokusa. Rezultati su pokazali neravnotežu u proliferaciji i diferencijaciji stanica koštane srži što se odrazilo na stanične parametre u krvi štakora. U primijenjenim uvjetima zračenja nađeno je da RF/MW može privremeno destabilizirati metabolizam melatonina bez štetnog utjecaja na zdravlje životinja. Razmatrana je mogućnost aktivacije prilagodbenog mehanizma na stres izazvan zračenjem jer smatramo da su nađene promjene prije znak adaptacije nego štetnog učinka zračenja. Pristup temeljnim mehanizmima biološkog djelovanja RF/MW zračenja uključio je istraživanje parametara staničnog rasta, sposobnosti stvaranja kolonija, vijabilnosti te polarnih i nepolarnih proteinskih struktura citoskeleta nakon ozračivanja stanica. Reverzibilne promjene staničnih svojstava koje su nađene upućuju na značajnu opstrukciju staničnog rasta. Za razliku od nepolarnih intermedijarnih proteina, unutarstanična polarna vlakna mikrotubula i aktina su, ovisno o vremenu izloženosti, pokazala značajna oštećenja uzrokovana zračenjem. Statistički značajno promijenjeni parametri smatrani su biomarkerima izloženosti. Istaknuta je potreba za budućim istraživanjima koja uključuju epidemiološke, laboratorijske i dozimetrijske studije

    Miles to go before we sleep: education, technology, and the changing paradigms in health information*

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    Article discussing a philosophy of educating health information professionals in a rapidly changing health care and information environment