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    Prospectus, September 21, 1977

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    ONLY 830.1 NIGHT STUDENTS? PARKLAND NIGHT CLASSES: GOING, GOING, GOING…; Activity Day today: music, food, games; Insurance for Parkland students now available; Parkland Events; Stoeber tops Jones for Stu-Go Vice-Prexy slot; Blue Angels at Willard Airport; Editorial: Who cares for people?; Scholarships are given to area persons; Counseling Service provided: each college division; Parkland news in brief; What to do with a bad case of ivy? Maybe Jack Frost can help; Holograms: three-D images or \u27miracles\u27; 100,000 children hurt each year; SSU invites students to Career Day; U. of I. to burn liquid radioactive wastes; Early books, manuscripts on display in U. of I. Library Rare Book Room; Home health care to be topic at CHI program; Animation Festival at T-Bird will end today; \u27Jazz, Blues and Langston Hughes\u27 to be topic of talk; Young are growing older, old are living longer; Classifieds; Women spikers trample Kankakee; Saskatoon Buzzsaws cut Al \u27Albino\u27 Catfish; Gymnasium: Tennis courts installed; LaBadie pleased with Cross Country team\u27s performance; Sigma Omega participate in walk; New rules this week: Mike O\u27Neill 12 for 12, wins Fast Freddy No. 2; Parkland golfers gracious hosts, finish at bottom in own tournament; Tennis anyone?; Maupin refractures ankle bone, sophomore\u27s status uncertain; Fishbein frys Cobras, first defeat of year; Fast Freddy Football Forecasthttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1977/1012/thumbnail.jp