824 research outputs found
Hidden-variable theorems for real experiments
It has recently been questioned whether the Kochen-Specker theorem is
relevant to real experiments, which by necessity only have finite precision. We
give an affirmative answer to this question by showing how to derive
hidden-variable theorems that apply to real experiments, so that non-contextual
hidden variables can indeed be experimentally disproved. The essential point is
that for the derivation of hidden-variable theorems one does not have to know
which observables are really measured by the apparatus. Predictions can be
derived for observables that are defined in an entirely operational way.Comment: 4 page
Entangled qutrits violate local realism stronger than qubits - an analytical proof
In Kaszlikowski [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 85}, 4418 (2000)], it has been shown
numerically that the violation of local realism for two maximally entangled
-dimensional () quantum objects is stronger than for two maximally
entangled qubits and grows with . In this paper we present the analytical
proof of this fact for N=3.Comment: 5 page
Quantum Machine and SR Approach: a Unified Model
The Geneva-Brussels approach to quantum mechanics (QM) and the semantic
realism (SR) nonstandard interpretation of QM exhibit some common features and
some deep conceptual differences. We discuss in this paper two elementary
models provided in the two approaches as intuitive supports to general
reasonings and as a proof of consistency of general assumptions, and show that
Aerts' quantum machine can be embodied into a macroscopic version of the
microscopic SR model, overcoming the seeming incompatibility between the two
models. This result provides some hints for the construction of a unified
perspective in which the two approaches can be properly placed.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures. Introduction and Conclusions improved, minor
corrections in several sections. Accepted for publication in Foundations of
Multi-Prover Commitments Against Non-Signaling Attacks
We reconsider the concept of multi-prover commitments, as introduced in the
late eighties in the seminal work by Ben-Or et al. As was recently shown by
Cr\'{e}peau et al., the security of known two-prover commitment schemes not
only relies on the explicit assumption that the provers cannot communicate, but
also depends on their information processing capabilities. For instance, there
exist schemes that are secure against classical provers but insecure if the
provers have quantum information processing capabilities, and there are schemes
that resist such quantum attacks but become insecure when considering general
so-called non-signaling provers, which are restricted solely by the requirement
that no communication takes place.
This poses the natural question whether there exists a two-prover commitment
scheme that is secure under the sole assumption that no communication takes
place; no such scheme is known.
In this work, we give strong evidence for a negative answer: we show that any
single-round two-prover commitment scheme can be broken by a non-signaling
attack. Our negative result is as bad as it can get: for any candidate scheme
that is (almost) perfectly hiding, there exists a strategy that allows the
dishonest provers to open a commitment to an arbitrary bit (almost) as
successfully as the honest provers can open an honestly prepared commitment,
i.e., with probability (almost) 1 in case of a perfectly sound scheme. In the
case of multi-round schemes, our impossibility result is restricted to
perfectly hiding schemes.
On the positive side, we show that the impossibility result can be
circumvented by considering three provers instead: there exists a three-prover
commitment scheme that is secure against arbitrary non-signaling attacks
An experimental test of non-local realism
Most working scientists hold fast to the concept of 'realism' - a viewpoint
according to which an external reality exists independent of observation. But
quantum physics has shattered some of our cornerstone beliefs. According to
Bell's theorem, any theory that is based on the joint assumption of realism and
locality (meaning that local events cannot be affected by actions in space-like
separated regions) is at variance with certain quantum predictions. Experiments
with entangled pairs of particles have amply confirmed these quantum
predictions, thus rendering local realistic theories untenable. Maintaining
realism as a fundamental concept would therefore necessitate the introduction
of 'spooky' actions that defy locality. Here we show by both theory and
experiment that a broad and rather reasonable class of such non-local realistic
theories is incompatible with experimentally observable quantum correlations.
In the experiment, we measure previously untested correlations between two
entangled photons, and show that these correlations violate an inequality
proposed by Leggett for non-local realistic theories. Our result suggests that
giving up the concept of locality is not sufficient to be consistent with
quantum experiments, unless certain intuitive features of realism are
abandoned.Comment: Minor corrections to the manuscript, the final inequality and all its
conclusions do not change; description of corrections (Corrigendum) added as
new Appendix III; Appendix II replaced by a shorter derivatio
MGP versus Kochen-Specker condition in hidden variables theories
Hidden variables theories for quantum mechanics are usually assumed to
satisfy the KS condition. The Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem then shows that these
theories are necessarily contextual. But the KS condition can be criticized
from an operational viewpoint, which suggests that a weaker condition (MGP)
should be adopted in place of it. This leads one to introduce a class of hidden
parameters theories in which contextuality can, in principle, be avoided, since
the proofs of the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem break down. A simple model
recently provided by the author for an objective interpretation of quantum
mechanics can be looked at as a noncontextual hidden parameters theory, which
shows that such theories actually exist.Comment: 10 pages, new updated footnotes and quotation
Two qubits of a W state violate Bell's inequality beyond Cirel'son's bound
It is shown that the correlations between two qubits selected from a trio
prepared in a W state violate the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality more
than the correlations between two qubits in any quantum state. Such a violation
beyond Cirel'son's bound is smaller than the one achieved by two qubits
selected from a trio in a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state [A. Cabello, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 88, 060403 (2002)]. However, it has the advantage that all local
observers can know from their own measurements whether their qubits belongs or
not to the selected pair.Comment: REVTeX4, 5 page
Entanglement splitting of pure bipartite quantum states
The concept of entanglement splitting is introduced by asking whether it is
possible for a party possessing half of a pure bipartite quantum state to
transfer some of his entanglement with the other party to a third party. We
describe the unitary local transformation for symmetric and isotropic splitting
of a singlet into two branches that leads to the highest entanglement of the
output. The capacity of the resulting quantum channels is discussed. Using the
same transformation for less than maximally entangled pure states, the
entanglement of the resulting states is found. We discuss whether they can be
used to do teleportation and to test the Bell inequality. Finally we generalize
to entanglement splitting into more than two branches.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, extended version, to be published in Phys. Rev.
Correlations of observables in chaotic states of macroscopic quantum systems
We study correlations of observables in energy eigenstates of chaotic systems
of a large size . We show that the bipartite entanglement of two subsystems
is quite strong, whereas macroscopic entanglement of the total system is
absent. It is also found that correlations, either quantum or classical, among
less than points are quite small. These results imply that chaotic states
are stable. Invariance of these properties under local operations is also
shown.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
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