60 research outputs found

    Projecting social contact matrices to populations stratified by binary attributes with known homophily

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    Contact networks are heterogeneous. People with similar characteristics are more likely to interact, a phenomenon called assortative mixing or homophily. While age-assortativity is well-established and social contact matrices for populations stratified by age have been derived through extensive survey work, we lack empirical studies that describe contact patterns of a population stratified by other attributes such as gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc. Accounting for heterogeneities with respect to these attributes can have a profound effect on the dynamics of epidemiological forecasting models. Here, we introduce a new methodology to expand a given e.g. age-based contact matrix to populations stratified by binary attributes with a known level of homophily. We describe a set of linear conditions any meaningful social contact matrix must satisfy and find the optimal matrix by solving a non-linear optimization problem. We show the effect homophily can have on disease dynamics and conclude by briefly describing more complicated extensions. The available Python source code enables any modeler to account for the presence of homophily with respect to binary attributes in contact patterns, ultimately yielding more accurate predictive models.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 4 table

    The influence of canalization on the robustness of finite dynamical systems

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    Topology and Dynamics of Gene Regulatory Networks: A Meta-analysis

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    Canalization and other design principles of gene regulatory networks

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    Canalization reduces the nonlinearity of regulation in biological networks

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    Biological networks such as gene regulatory networks possess desirable properties. They are more robust and controllable than random networks. This motivates the search for structural and dynamical features that evolution has incorporated in biological networks. A recent meta-analysis of published, expert-curated Boolean biological network models has revealed several such features, often referred to as design principles. Among others, the biological networks are enriched for certain recurring network motifs, the dynamic update rules are more redundant, more biased and more canalizing than expected, and the dynamics of biological networks are better approximable by linear and lower-order approximations than those of comparable random networks. Since most of these features are interrelated, it is paramount to disentangle cause and effect, that is, to understand which features evolution actively selects for, and thus truly constitute evolutionary design principles. Here, we show that approximability is strongly dependent on the dynamical robustness of a network, and that increased canalization in biological networks can almost completely explain their recently postulated high approximability.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figure

    Modularity in Gene Regulatory Networks

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    Collectively canalizing Boolean functions

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    This paper studies the mathematical properties of collectively canalizing Boolean functions, a class of functions that has arisen from applications in systems biology. Boolean networks are an increasingly popular modeling framework for regulatory networks, and the class of functions studied here captures a key feature of biological network dynamics, namely that a subset of one or more variables, under certain conditions, can dominate the value of a Boolean function, to the exclusion of all others. These functions have rich mathematical properties to be explored. The paper shows how the number and type of such sets influence a function's behavior and define a new measure for the canalizing strength of any Boolean function. We further connect the concept of collective canalization with the well-studied concept of the average sensitivity of a Boolean function. The relationship between Boolean functions and the dynamics of the networks they form is important in a wide range of applications beyond biology, such as computer science, and has been studied with statistical and simulation-based methods. But the rich relationship between structure and dynamics remains largely unexplored, and this paper is intended as a contribution to its mathematical foundation.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Revealing the canalizing structure of Boolean functions: Algorithms and applications

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    Boolean functions can be represented in many ways including logical forms, truth tables, and polynomials. Additionally, Boolean functions have different canonical representations such as minimal disjunctive normal forms. Other canonical representation is based on the polynomial representation of Boolean functions where they can be written as a nested product of canalizing layers and a polynomial that contains the noncanalizing variables. In this paper we study the problem of identifying the canalizing layers format of Boolean functions. First, we show that the problem of finding the canalizing layers is NP-hard. Second, we present several algorithms for finding the canalizing layers of a Boolean function, discuss their complexities, and compare their performances. Third, we show applications where the computation of canalizing layers can be used for finding a disjunctive normal form of a nested canalizing function. Another application deals with the reverse engineering of Boolean networks with a prescribed layering format. Finally, implementations of our algorithms in Python and in the computer algebra system Macaulay2 are available at https://github.com/ckadelka/BooleanCanalization.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur