52 research outputs found

    Prognostic value of high-dose dipyridamole stress myocardial contrast perfusion echocardiography

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    The addition of myocardial perfusion (MP) imaging during dipyridamole real-time contrast echocardiography improves the sensitivity to detect coronary artery disease, but its prognostic value to predict hard cardiac events in large numbers of patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease remains unknown

    Pulmonary embolism and patent foramen ovale thrombosis: the key role of TEE

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    This is a case report of a 35 young man with Klinefelter Syndrome presented breathlessness, palpitations and chest pain. It shows a rare case of a thrombus located through the PFO, in patient with pulmonary and paradoxical embolism, which takes back to exciting hypothesis on thrombus growth. A thrombus, which has grown 'in situ' or trapped through the patent foramen ovale, may be a cause of relapsing pulmonary or systemic embolism during anticoagulation therapy

    Incremental value of contrast myocardial perfusion to detect intermediate versus severe coronary artery stenosis during stress-echocardiography

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We aimed to compare the incremental value of contrast myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) for the detection of intermediate versus severe coronary artery stenosis during dipyridamole-atropine echocardiography (DASE).</p> <p>Wall motion (WM) assessment during stress-echocardiography demonstrates suboptimal sensitivity to detect coronary artery disease (CAD), particularly in patients with isolated intermediate (50%-70%) coronary stenosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed DASE with MPI in 150 patients with a suspected chest pain syndrome who were given clinical indication to coronary angiography.</p> <p>Results and discussion</p> <p>When CAD was defined as the presence of a ≥50% stenosis, the addition of MPI increased sensitivity (+30%) and decreased specificity (-14%), with a final increase in total diagnostic accuracy (+16%, p < 0.001). The addition of MPI data substantially increased the sensitivity to detect patients with isolated intermediate stenosis from 37% to 98% (p < 0.001); the incremental sensitivity was much lower in patients with severe stenosis, from 85% to 96% (p < 0.05), at the expense of a higher decrease in specificity and a final decrease in total diagnostic accuracy (-18%, p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The addition of MPI on top of WM analysis during DASE increases the diagnostic sensitivity to detect obstructive CAD, whatever its definition (≥50% or > 70% stenosis), but it is mainly driven by the sensitivity increase in the intermediate group (50%-70% stenosis).</p> <p>The total diagnostic accuracy increased only when defining CAD as ≥50% stenosis, since in patients with severe stenosis (> 70%) the decrease in specificity is not counterbalanced by the minor sensitivity increase.</p

    Microenvironmental regulation of the IL-23R/IL-23 axis overrides chronic lymphocytic leukemia indolence

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    Although the progression of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) requires the cooperation of the microenvironment, the exact cellular and molecular mechanisms involved are still unclear. We investigated the interleukin (IL)-23 receptor (IL-23R)/IL-23 axis and found that circulating cells from early-stage CLL patients with shorter time-to-treatment, but not of those with a more benign course, expressed a defective form of the IL-23R complex lacking the IL-12R beta 1 chain. However, cells from both patient groups expressed the complete IL-23R complex in tissue infiltrates and could be induced to express the IL-12R. 1 chain when cocultured with activated T cells or CD40L(+) cells. CLL cells activated in vitro in this context produced IL-23, a finding that, together with the presence of IL-23 in CLL lymphoid tissues, suggests the existence of an autocrine/paracrine loop inducing CLL cell proliferation. Interference with the IL-23R/IL-23 axis using an anti-IL-23p19 antibody proved effective in controlling disease onset and expansion in xenografted mice, suggesting potential therapeutic strategies

    PraticabilitĂ  dell'unbundling: aspetti regolamentari e di tutela della concorrenza

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    Il lavoro analizza le distorsioni della paritĂ  di accesso che si sono prodotte nella fornitura dell'accesso ai servizi di unbundling dell'ultimo miglio delle reti di telecomunicazione, individua una serie di cause di queste distorsioni, applica test di price squeeze atti a dimostrarne la presenza e propone adeguamenti dei rimedi regolamentari atti a prevenirl

    ProprietĂ  e impatto delle regole asimmetriche di terminazione su reti telefoniche

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    Il lavoro studia le proprietà di regole asimmetriche di tariffazione per i servizi di terminazione su rete fissa e l’impatto che la loro introduzione può avere sulle strategie degli operatori e sullo sviluppo del mercato. In particolare, il lavoro analizza le motivazioni tecnico-economiche a favore della definizione di regole di tariffazione asimmetrica della terminazione e presenta un quadro delle scelte effettuate a tale riguardo dai regolatori europei. Il lavoro presenta inoltre i risultati derivanti dalla proposta di due approcci analitici al problema, che individuano le condizioni per cui la fissazione di regole asimmetriche di terminazione può favorire lo sviluppo della concorrenza e degli investimenti infrastrutturali
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