386 research outputs found

    Immune response to vaccines in children with celiac disease

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    Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated systemic condition evoked by ingestion of gluten and related prolamines in genetically susceptible subjects. The disease is featured by a variable combination of clinical signs, specific antibodies, HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 haplotypes, and enteropathy. Vaccination is the most potent intervention for infectious disease prevention. Several factors including age, gender, ethnicity, quality and quantity of vaccine antigen, doses, and route of administration can influence immune response to vaccination, although the main cause of variation in the responsiveness among vaccine recipients is host genetic variability. The HLA system has a fundamental role in identifying the antigens introduced into the host with the vaccines and in the development of specific antibodies, and some HLA phenotypes have been associated with a less effective immunological response. The available literature indicates that the immunological response to vaccines in CD children does not differ markedly from that of general population and antibody titres are high enough to provide long-term protection, except for hepatitis B virus vaccine. In this article, we review and discuss the scarce literature in this field in order to provide clinical practice guidelines to achieve the most efficient monitoring of the response to vaccines in pediatric CD patients

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease connections with fat-free tissues: A focus on bone and skeletal muscle

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    The estimates of global incidence and prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are worrisome, due to the parallel burden of obesity and its metabolic complications. Indeed, excess adiposity and insulin resistance represent two of the major risk factors for NAFLD; interestingly, in the last years a growing body of evidence tended to support a novel mechanistic perspective, in which the liver is at the center of a complex interplay involving organs and systems, other than adipose tissue and glucose homeostasis. Bone and the skeletal muscle are fat- free tissues which appeared to be independently associated with NAFLD in several cross-sectional studies. The deterioration of bone mineral density and lean body mass, leading to osteoporosis and sarcopenia, respectively, are age-related processes. The prevalence of NAFLD also increases with age. Beyond physiological aging, the three conditions share some common underlying mechanisms, and their elucidations could be of paramount importance to design more effective treatment strategies for the management of NAFLD. In this review, we provide an overview on epidemiological data as well as on potential contributors to the connections of NAFLD with bone and skeletal muscle

    Mediterranean diet and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is emerging as the most common chronic liver disease, and is characterized by a wide spectrum of fat-liver disorders that can result in severe liver disease and cirrhosis. Inflammation and oxidative stress are the major risk factors involved in the pathogenesis of NAFLD. Currently, there is no consensus concerning the pharmacological treatment of NAFLD. However, lifestyle interventions based on exercise and a balanced diet for quality and quantity, are considered the cornerstone of NAFLD management. Mediterranean diet (MD), rich in polyunsaturated fats, polyphenols, vitamins and carotenoids, with their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, has been suggested to be effective in preventing cardiovascular risk factors. In adults, MD has also been demonstrated to be efficacious in reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome. However, few studies are available on the effects of the MD in both adult and pediatric subjects with NAFLD. Thus, the aims of the present narrative review are to analyze the current clinical evidence on the impact of MD in patients with NAFLD, and to summarize the main mechanisms of action of MD components on this condition

    Liver involvement in pediatric celiac disease

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    Celiac disease (CD) is an intestinal inflammatory disease that manifests in genetically susceptible individuals when exposed to dietary gluten. It is a common chronic disorder, with a prevalence of 1% in Europe and North America. Although the disease primarily affects the gut, the clinical spectrum of CD is remarkably varied, and the disease can affect many extraintestinal organs and systems, including the liver. The hepatic dysfunction presenting in CD ranges from asymptomatic liver enzyme elevations or nonspecific reactive hepatitis (cryptogenic liver disorders), to chronic liver disease. In this article, we review the clinical presentations and possible mechanisms of CD-related liver injury to identify strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders in childhood

    Early-onset neonatal sepsis: Still room for improvement in procalcitonin diagnostic accuracy studies

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    To perform a systematic review assessing accuracy and completeness of diagnostic studies of procalcitonin (PCT) for early-onset neonatal sepsis (EONS) using the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) initiative.EONS, diagnosed during the first 3 days of life, remains a common and serious problem. Increased PCT is a potentially useful diagnostic marker of EONS, but reports in the literature are contradictory. There are several possible explanations for the divergent results including the quality of studies reporting the clinical usefulness of PCT in ruling in or ruling out EONS.We systematically reviewed PubMed, Scopus, and the Cochrane Library databases up to October 1, 2014. Studies were eligible for inclusion in our review if they provided measures of PCT accuracy for diagnosing EONS. A data extraction form based on the STARD checklist and adapted for neonates with EONS was used to appraise the quality of the reporting of included studies.We found 18 articles (1998-2014) fulfilling our eligibility criteria which were included in the final analysis. Overall, the results of our analysis showed that the quality of studies reporting diagnostic accuracy of PCT for EONS was suboptimal leaving ample room for improvement. Information on key elements of design, analysis, and interpretation of test accuracy were frequently missing.Authors should be aware of the STARD criteria before starting a study in this field. We welcome stricter adherence to this guideline. Well-reported studies with appropriate designs will provide more reliable information to guide decisions on the use and interpretations of PCT test results in the management of neonates with EONS

    Excellent intra and inter-observer reproducibility of wrist circumference measurements in obese children and adolescents

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    In a previous study, we found that wrist circumference, in particular its bone component,was associated with insulin resistance in a population of overweight/obese children. Theaim of the present study was to evaluate the intra- and inter-operator variability in wrist cir-cumference measurement in a population of obese children and adolescents. One hundredand two (54 male and 48 female) obese children and adolescents were consecutivelyenrolled. In all subjects wrist circumferences were measured by two different operators twotimes to assess intra- and inter-operator variability. Statistical analysis was performed usingSAS v.9.4 and JMP v.12. Measurements of wrist circumference showed excellent inter-operator reliability with Intra class Correlation Coefficients (ICC) of 0.96 and ICC of 0.97 forthe first and the second measurement, respectively. The intra-operator reliability was, also,very strong with a Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) of 0.98 for both operators.The high reproducibility demonstrated in our results suggests that wrist circumference mea-surement, being safe, non-invasive and repeatable can be easily used in out-patient set-tings to identify youths with increased risk of insulin-resistance. This can avoid testing theentire population of overweight/obese children for insulin resistance parameter

    Comparison of magnetic resonance spectroscopy, proton density fat fraction and histological analysis in the quantification of liver steatosis in children and adolescents

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    AIM: To establish a threshold value for liver fat content between healthy children and those with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) by using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with liver biopsy serving as a reference standard. METHODS: The study was approved by the local ethics committee, and written informed consent was obtained from all participants and their legal guardians before the study began. Twenty-seven children with NAFLD underwent liver biopsy to assess the presence of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. The assessment of liver fat fraction was performed using MRI, with a high field magnet and 2D gradient-echo and multiple-echo T1-weighted sequence with low flip angle and single-voxel point-resolved ¹H MR-Spectroscopy (¹H-MRS), corrected for T1 and T2* decays. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was used to determine the best cut-off value. Lin coefficient test was used to evaluate the correlation between histology, MRS and MRI-PDFF. A Mann-Whitney U-test and multivariate analysis were performed to analyze the continuous variables. RESULTS: According to MRS, the threshold value between healthy children and those with NAFLD is 6%; using MRI-PDFF, a cut-off value of 3.5% is suggested. The Lin analysis revealed a good fit between the histology and MRS as well as MRI-PDFF. CONCLUSION: MRS is an accurate and precise method for detecting NAFLD in children

    The impact of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease on renal function in children with overweight/obesity

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    The association between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and chronic kidney disease has attracted interest and attention over recent years. However, no data are available in children. We determined whether children with NAFLD show signs of renal functional alterations, as determined by estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and urinary albumin excretion. We studied 596 children with overweight/obesity, 268 with NAFLD (hepatic fat fraction >= 5% on magnetic resonance imaging) and 328 without NAFLD, and 130 healthy normal-weight controls. Decreased GFR was defined as eGFR < 90 mL/min/1.73 m(2). Abnormal albuminuria was defined as urinary excretion of >= 30 mg/24 h of albumin. A greater prevalence of eGFR < 90 mL/min/1.73 m2 was observed in patients with NAFLD compared to those without liver involvement and healthy subjects (17.5% vs. 6.7% vs. 0.77%; p < 0.0001). The proportion of children with abnormal albuminuria was also higher in the NAFLD group compared to those without NAFLD, and controls (9.3% vs. 4.0% vs. 0; p < 0.0001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that NAFLD was associated with decreased eGFR and/or microalbuminuria (odds ratio, 2.54 (confidence interval, 1.16-5.57); p < 0.05) independently of anthropometric and clinical variables. Children with NAFLD are at risk for early renal dysfunction. Recognition of this abnormality in the young may help to prevent the ongoing development of the disease

    Comparative cytotoxicity evaluation of eight root canal sealers

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    The aim of the present study is to evaluate and compare the cytotoxic effects of eight root canal sealers (BioRoot RCS, TotalFill BC Sealer, MTA Fillapex, Sealapex, AH Plus, EasySeal, Pulp Canal Sealer, N2) on immortalized human gingival fibroblasts over a period of 24, 48 and 72 hours. Immortalized human gingival fibroblast-1 HGF-1 (ATCC CRL-2014) were incubated. Root canal sealers were then placed into sterile, cylindrical Teflon moulds. The extraction was made eluting the sealers in cell culture medium. Cells (1 × 104) were seeded in each well of a 96-well plate and incubated for 24 h at 37°C. Cultures were then exposed to 100 ?L of the extracts medium. The percentage of viable cells in each well was calculated relative to control cells set to 100%. BioRoot RCS and TotalFill BC Sealer extracted for 24h showed no cytotoxic effect, while it was mild by using 48 and 72 h extracts. No cytotoxic effect was measured by using AH Plus medium eluted for 24 h, while it was moderate after 48 h and severe after 72 h. Pulp Canal Sealer, Sealapex and N2 showed moderately cytotoxic activity for all the extraction times. EasySeal and MTA Fillapex remained severely or borderline mildly cytotoxic for all the extraction times. In the present study only BioRoot RCS, TotalFill BC Sealer and AH Plus showed no cytotoxic effects at least in the first 24h. All the other sealers revealed moderately or severely cytotoxic activity during all the extraction times
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