4 research outputs found

    Assessing the Role of Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Receptor (CD14) in Septic Cardiomyopathy: The Value of Immunohistochemical Diagnostics

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    Sepsis-induced myocardial dysfunction (SIMD) is one of the major predictors of morbidity and mortality of sepsis. A high percentage of patients with SIMD develop a status similar to cardiogenic shock. A high level of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) associated with an overexpression of CD14 acts as the trigger for the release of a broad spectrum of cytokines. Our study aimed to understand the correlation between septic cardiomyopathy and CD14 immunohistochemical expression. The study included 29 patients who died of septic shock. Increased values of membranous CD14 and soluble CD14 in the heart tissue were correlated with adverse patient evolution. A high cellular expression of CD14 was noted in the study group vs. the control group (p = 0.0013). Therefore, a close positive association between the amount of LPS related to sCD14 and the cellular expression of mCD14 is probable. By extrapolation, we suggest that a large amount of sCD14 detected in the cardiac tissue will activate the mCD14–TRL4–LBP–LPS complex, which in turn will induce an inadequate immune response, resulting in heart damage proportional to the amount of LPS. CD14 could represent a valuable marker for septic cardiomyopathy; thus, apoptosis of cardiomyocytes could be foreseen by its high value

    Epidermoid Cyst of the Uterine Cervix, an Unusual Location: Literature Review and Case Report

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    Epidermoid cysts are most often benign cystic lesions, with uterine cervical localisation being very unusual. We present the case of a 52-year-old female patient diagnosed with an epidermoid cyst at the level of the uterine cervix. A bioptic and haemostatic uterine curettage was performed, followed by total hysterectomy with bilateral adnexectomy. The histopathologic analysis and immunohistochemical essay of the resection specimens confirmed the cervical epidermoid cyst. The presence of high-risk HPV (human papillomavirus) was only seen in the cervical mucosa. The exact etiopathogenesis is unknown, but postpartum cell implantation of reminiscent embryonic tissue can be involved in the development of these lesions

    The Influence of Gingival Exposure on Smile Attractiveness as Perceived by Dentists and Laypersons

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    Background and Objectives: Smile is an important mark of beauty, and smile attractiveness can be influenced by various factors, one of these being the amount of gingival exposure. The aim of this research was to evaluate the perception of an ideal gingival exposure in smile in a sample of Romanian dentists and laypersons, and to find out what is the most important aspect that influences the smile perception for the respondents included in the study sample. Materials and Methods: An online survey was conducted between 3 February 2020 and 31 October 2020. The authors developed a short questionnaire consisting of 7 items. The first four items investigated the respondents’ age, gender, profession and whether or not they underwent an orthodontic treatment in the past. For items 5 and 6, participants had to choose the most and the least attractive amount of gingival exposure, and for the last item they had to choose the factor that mostly influences the smile attractiveness in their opinion. Results: 235 questionnaires remained in the study. The sample consisted of 194 women and 41 men, 162 laypersons and 73 dentists. The average value for the most attractive amount of gingival exposure was −0.57 ± 2.407 mm, with a median value of 0 mm while the average value for the least attractive amount of gingival exposure was 1.43 ± 3.785 mm, with a median value of 4 mm. The differences between the most or least attractive gingival exposure perceived by the participants were not significant according to gender or professional category (p > 0.05), but, when compared between having or not having an orthodontic treatment in the past the differences were statistically significant (p < 0.05). As such, participants who had an orthodontic treatment in the past perceived a significantly higher value for the most attractive gingival exposure, and a significantly higher value for the least attractive gingival exposure (p = 0.026) than the participants who didn’t have an orthodontic treatment in the past. As for the factor that mainly influences smile attractiveness, laypersons chose significantly more frequent white teeth or aligned teeth (96%, 71.7%) while dentists chose significantly more frequent a gingival exposure between 0–3 mm (70.4%) as smile factors for an aesthetic smile (p < 0.001). Conclusions: In this study sample, the respondents considered that the most attractive smile involved a covering of 0.57 mm (in average) of the upper incisors by the upper lip. Although smile attractiveness did not appear to be influenced by gender or profession in this study population, it was influenced by previous orthodontic treatment. The participants’ roles of dentist or layperson influenced the factors chosen for an aesthetic smile

    Current Perspective on the Natural Compounds and Drug Delivery Techniques in Glioblastoma Multiforme

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the debilitating brain tumors, being associated with extremely poor prognosis and short median patient survival. GBM is associated with complex pathogenesis with alterations in various cellular signaling events, that participate in cell proliferation and survival. The impairment in cellular redox pathways leads to tumorigenesis. The current standard pharmacological regimen available for glioblastomas, such as radiotherapy and surgical resection following treatment with chemotherapeutic drug temozolomide, remains fatal, due to drug resistance, metastasis and tumor recurrence. Thus, the demand for an effective therapeutic strategy for GBM remains elusive. Hopefully, novel products from natural compounds are suggested as possible solutions. They protect glial cells by reducing oxidative stress and neuroinflammation, inhibiting proliferation, inducing apoptosis, inhibiting pro-oncogene events and intensifying the potent anti-tumor therapies. Targeting aberrant cellular pathways in the amelioration of GBM could promote the development of new therapeutic options that improve patient quality of life and extend survival. Consequently, our review emphasizes several natural compounds in GBM treatment. We also assessed the potential of drug delivery techniques such as nanoparticles, Gliadel wafers and drug delivery using cellular carriers which could lead to a novel path for the obliteration of GBM