127 research outputs found

    Top Incomes in Chile 1957-2007: Evolution and Mobility

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    Using household surveys that cover more than 50 years of the political and economic history of Chile, we investigate changes in the shape and in the composition of the distribution of income in Chile, in particular of top 10 % and top 1% incomes. In line with international evidence top income concentration appears to be countercyclical in the short run. For the entire length of this survey, this concentration shows roughly an inverted U-shape, peaking at the end of the 80s. These changes correspond approximately with different economic models prevailing in Chile. We observe important changes in the composition of top income groups related to greater relative importance of women, employees and college schooling levels. These changes are stronger for the top 10% than the top 1% of incomes. Additionally, using a national level panel of households for the period 1996-2006 we explore correlations between probabilities of permanence and arrival to the top decile with variables such as composition of the household, ownership of physical and human assets, job quality and active persons in the labor market.

    Top Incomes in Chile using 50 years of household surveys : 1957-2007

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    Using household surveys that cover more than 50 years of the political and economic history of Chile, we investigate changes in the shape of the distribution of income in Chile, and in the composition of top 10% and top 1% incomes. In line with international evidence, top incomes concentration appears to be countercyclical in the short run. For the entire length of this survey, this concentration shows roughly an inverted U-shape, peaking at the end of the 80s. These changes correspond approximately with different economic policy regimes prevailing in Chile. We observe important changes in the composition of top income groups related to greater relative importance of women, employees and college schooling levels. These changes are stronger for the top 10% than the top 1% of incomes. Additionally, using a national level panel of households for the period 1996-2006 we explore correlations between probabilities of permanence and arrival to the top decile with variables such as composition of the house old, ownership of physical and human assets, job quality and changes in the numbers of household members working in the labor market.Income distribution, Income mobility

    Parametric and Semi-parametric Estimations of the Return to Schooling in South Africa

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    This paper estimates return to schooling for african and coloured women in South Africa. It compares parametric and semiparametric estimates of the sample selection model for the case of return to schooling. The parametric estimator is the one proposed by Heckman (1979) and the semiparametric estimator proposed by Newey (1991) and Klein and Spady (1993). It also attempts to correct endogeneity and mesurement error by using instruments of schooling. Following recent literature, the paper uses community variables primary and secondary school proximity and availability as instruments. Using instrumental variables increases the return to schooling substantially. Parametric corrections does not change the results but semiparametric corrections increases the return even morereturn to schooling, sample selection bias, semiparametric regression, instrumental variables, south africa

    Seguro de Desempleo y Riesgo individual del desempleo: Caso Chileno

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    Chile posee un sistema de seguro de desempleo con un diseño y forma de financiamiento única en el mundo.Esta combina cuentas de ahorro individuales, financiadas por trabajadores y empresas con un fondoredistributivo financiado por empresas y el Estado. Este paper intenta determinar los factores de riesgoasociados al desempleo y el posible impacto del seguro de desempleo en Chile. Se usan tres medidas deriesgo: la pérdida involuntaria del empleo, la duración del desempleo y la reinserción en el empleo. Pararealizar esta investigación se utiliza un panel de individuos quienes se observan mensualmente desde enero de2002 hasta diciembre de 2004 su condición laboral y las características de las empresas donde estuvotrabajando, su condición de afiliación al seguro y se agregaron a estos datos medidas de ciclo económico(EPS 2004). Aprovechando la forma de panel de los datos de historia laboral se estima el posible impacto deestar afiliado o ser beneficiario del seguro en la probabilidad de estar desempleado y en la duración deldesempleo, controlando por factores correlacionados con la condición de afiliación. Se utilizarán modelosmultinomial logit, modelos de duración y un modelo de máximo verosimilitud condicional con efectos fijos ypanel de efectos fijos. A diferencia de lo reportado en la literatura internacional con respecto a los efectos delos sistemas de seguro desempleo tradicionales, los individuos que logran acceder a los beneficios del segurode desempleo o aquellos que están afiliados tienen una menor probabilidad de estar desempleados relativos aestar empleados y tienen períodos de desempleo más cortos que sus pares.seguro de desempleo, riesgo de desempleo, modelos de duracion, modelo logistico condicional

    Is There Labor Market Discrimination among Professionals in Chile? Lawyers, Doctors and Businesspeople

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    This paper analyzes gender differences in three Chilean professional labor markets, Business, Law and Medicine, utilizing a new and rich data set collected for this purpose. The results show that differences in wages attributed to gender are only present in the legal profession. In Business/Economics, a vector of current family condition eliminates the gender effect and in Medicine, taking into account hours worked, size of firm and region also eliminates gender differences. The paper further shows that individuals’ perceived locus of control (internal or external) is relevant in explaining the distribution of earnings.

    Discriminación en el mercado laboral por habilidades, educación escolar y género en Chile

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    En este trabajo se analiza el efecto de los niveles de escolaridad sobre las brechas de sexo en el mercado laboral chileno. Se emplea un nutrido conjunto de datos sobre los resultados del mercado laboral, el logro académico y el rendimiento académico, así como las variables que caracterizan los antecedentes familiares. Aunque los resultados muestran diferencias de sexo estadísticamente significativas en varias dimensiones del mercado laboral chileno, esas brechas dependen mayormente del nivel de escolaridad de los individuos. Esos hallazgos no se deben tomar como una prueba decisiva de discriminación en el mercado laboral chileno.

    Family Size and Birth Order in Chile: Using Twins as a Natural Experiment

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    This study estimates the causal effect of family size and birth order on educational attainment of individuals in the long run. Following recent literature we use the presence of twins as an instrumental variable for family size and fixed effects model for birth order. The results suggest that in Chile there is a negative relationship between family size and individuals’ educational achievements. Moreover, it shows a strong significant and positive effect of being a big brother. However, in larger families there is a nonlinear effect in which middle siblings are less favored.birth order, family size, family fixed effects, twins, natural experiments.

    Intergenerational Mobility of Income: The Case of Chile 1996-2006

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    Using the largest household panel data available in Chile we investigate intergenerational mobility of income during the decade 1996-2006. Following recent literature we control our estimates by time-series variation in intergenerational mobility. In addition, we control for sample selection following new weight adjusting methods proposed for intergenerational mobility analysis using longitudinal data. Our results indicate low income mobility compared with developing countries and that income elasticities are higher for men. Furthermore, a cohort analysis suggests that intergenerational mobility decreased with time.Chile, income mobility, intergenerational mobility

    La Belleza y su Efecto en el Mercado Laboral: Evidencia para Chile

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    Este trabajo investiga el premio de la “belleza” en una muestra de ingenieros comerciales egresados desde 1978 a 1998. Usando un diseño experimental se construyó un índice de belleza por individuo en base a la percepción de un grupo de personas seleccionadas aleatoriamente, quienes calificaron fotos. Los resultados indican que el efecto de la “belleza” está presente sólo en los años iniciales en el mercado laboral, como un “premio” por estar sobre el promedio para las mujeres, llegando a ser del orden del 33%, y como un “castigo” por estar bajo el promedio para los hombres, cercano al 36%. Otro resultado es que el efecto para los hombres se disipa más rápidamente que para las mujeres, a medida que ganan experiencia en el mercado laboral. Por último, aunque la evidencia no es concluyente los resultados indican que el premio a la belleza es mayor en el sector privado y para trabajadores dependientes o empleados.diseño experimental, Indicadores de belleza, Diferencias salariales por belleza

    Ética de la Tierra y justicia ambiental: Reflexiones en torno a la responsabilidad del ser humano en el devenir actual, desde un enfoque social y filosófico

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    For some decades, the deterioration of ecosystems and the biotic world in general has been exposed, emphasising the scientific-technical aspect of the subject. However, the analysis lacks a philosophical ground that allows a holistic view on human’s failure to counteract the harmful effects of industrialization and large-scale urbanisation. This research aims to approach the discussion through the review of Aldo Leopold’s pioneering work called Land Ethic, where in a completely new dialectic twist at the time, human beings lose their central role as rulers of nature to become just one more of its members. From this intrinsic human responsibility, thinkers such as Attfield, Jonas, Rawls, and Habermas, reflect on common social welfare agreements, where social and environmental justice are the centre of the debate, considering the current and future wellbeing of society and the biotic community.Desde hace algunas décadas se ha expuesto el deterioro de los ecosistemas y el mundo biótico en general, haciendo hincapié en el aspecto científico-técnico de la temática; sin embargo, el análisis carece de un sustrato filosófico que permita tener una visión holística acerca de la incapacidad del ser humano para contrarrestar los efectos nefastos de la industrialización y la urbanización a gran escala. Esta investigación tiene como propósito aproximarse a la discusión a través de la revisión del trabajo pionero de Aldo Leopold, denominado “Una ética de la tierra”, donde en un giro dialéctico inédito en la época, el ser humano pierde su rol central de dominador de la naturaleza para ser un miembro más de ella. A partir de esta responsabilidad humana intrínseca, pensadores como Attfield, Jonas, Rawls y Habermas, reflexionan sobre los acuerdos comunes de bienestar social, donde la justicia social y ambiental es el centro del debate, considerando el bienestar actual y futuro de la sociedad y de la comunidad biótica