10 research outputs found

    Study on Some Conformation Traits and Indices in Shagya Arabian Bloodstock

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    The study involved the analysis of the mares included in the brood stock between 1989-2018 and the public breeding stallions registered in the ranking sheets ranged from 2000-2010 of the Shagya Arabian horse breed, from the Radauti Stud farm, Suceava county, Romania. The dynamics of the average values of height, heart girth, and cannon girth were studied for both breeders category, to follow the evolution of the breed within the stud. The average values of the female’s height ranged from 156.7±0.069 cm to 159.9±0.102 cm; the average values for heart girth felt within the 180.1±0.151 cm - 180.8±0.153 cm interval; the average values of cannon girth varied between the 18.0±0.11 cm to 18.8±0.09 cm. The minimal value for height at withers in stallions was 157.66±1.21 cm while the maximal was 161.22±0.84 cm; average values of the hearth girth varied between 177.25±4.09 cm and 183.33±1.83 cm; cannon girth had average values of 18.5±0.77 - 19.16±0.31 cm. On the morphometric indices, it was found that stallions had higher values of massiveness index (113.21%) vs. mares (113.06%) and for the dactylo-thoracic index, as well (stallions had 11.11% and the mares 10.55%), while the bone index was higher in females (11.93%) vs. males (11.81%)

    Study of milk production indices of Bălțată românească exploited in farms in Neamț county

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    In this paper we analyzed the milk production indices, for normal lactation (305 days), on the first two lactations of Spotted Romanian cattle breed in two farms in Neamț County. To aim this, we used data from the Association of Cattle Breeders from Mureș County accredited for performing our own performance control (CPP) as well as data from the Genealogical Register. For the analysis of the productive performances, statistical processing of the primary data regarding the average value and the variability of the milk production indices for 4 characters was carried out, as follows: length of normal lactation (days), quantity of milk per normal lactation (kg), percentage of fat, and percentage of milk protein. The studied farms were coded with Arabic numerals: darm 1- I.I Ciucalău Aurelia Vasilica, and farm 2 - P.F.A. Pintea Ionela. The best productive performances were registered in farm 1, where the average milk production for the first lactation was 5967.80 kg, the average value of the fat percent was 4.08%, and the average value of the protein percent was 3.26%. At the second lactation, the average milk production was 5012.89 kg, the average value of the fat percent was 4.05%, and the average value of the protein percent was 3.31%. In the first lactation the average milk production per normal lactation was 5967.80 kg, but it decreased in the second lactation to 5012.89 kg

    Research on the quality of milk production husbandry holdings for cattle breeding in Neamț county

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    In this paper, the quality of milk production was analyzed in dairy cattle herds from 7 farms in Neamț County. For this, data from accredited associations were used to perform their own performance control (CPP), respectively the Association of Animal Breeders "Operator IA" Neamț, the Association of Cattle Breeders from Mureș County, as well as the date from the Genealogical Register. The quality of milk was assessed according to the seven specific indicators, as follows: somatic cell number (NCS), fat percentage (G%), protein percentage (P%), lactose proportion (L%), proportion of urea (U%), proportion of casein (C%) and the pH of the milk.The average daily milk production produced by the cows on these farms was also calculated (kg/head/day). The breeds raised on these farms are:Bălțată cu Negru Românească (BNR), Holstein, Brună de Maramureș and Bălțată Românească (BR). The best results of milk quality were obtained in Brună de Maramureș cows from farm 5 or Secuieni Neamț Agricultural Research and Development Station, the average values of the specific indicators on milk quality were as follows: NCS thousand / ml - 157.64, fat (%) -4.64, protein (%) - 3.73, lactose (%) -4.84, urea (%)-23.37casein (%) -28.78, pH - 6.60

    An Appropriate Genetic Approach to Endangered Podolian Grey Cattle in the Context of Preserving Biodiversity and Sustainable Conservation of Genetic Resources

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    In the context of the general phenomenon of diminishing genetic diversity, especially in cattle, the conservation of endangered species plays a primary role. The disappearance of some animal populations can irreparably affect the biodiversity of genetic resources. Among the most ancient European cattle are breeds that belong to the Podolian group, the history of which is still not well established. The common origin of these breeds is the wild ox (Bos taurus primigenius), which has been declared extinct since the 17th century. The purpose of this paper is to highlight and compare the latest studies on the origin, evolution, genetic diversity, and phylogenetic relationships of Podolian cattle, with special emphasis on the endangered Romanian Grey Steppe. The importance of studying these cattle derives from the special biological properties by which they have distinguished themselves over time (adaptability and resistance to diseases, severe climate and habitat conditions, hardiness, and longevity). The bibliographic references reviewed in this study confirm that these breeds are carriers of valuable genes that must be preserved for improvement of other cattle and protection of biodiversity. The information presented represents a valuable tool for efforts to conserve endangered cattle

    Studiu privind consumabilitatea frunzei de dud în raport cu vârsta larvelor de bombyx mori

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    During the growth of silk larvae series on summertime,alternated with the development of several experiences regarding the nutritional value of mulberry leaves obtained from some varieties.There were alsostudied the dynamics of leaf consumption by Bombyx mori larvae. Data regarding this fact shown that if during age I, the average value of consumption coefficient was 24.72±0.88%,which it has been increased progressively while the larvae grew (during age V this coefficient was 51.57±0.42%). During the whole larvae period, the consumption coefficient registeredan average value of 51.07±0.45%

    Studiu privind estimarea potenţialului melifer din arealul comunei Victoria, judeţul Iaşi

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    The current paper representsa study accomplished on the territory of Victoria commune, in Iaşi County,to estimate the honey potential of the area. The results showed that here lives a spontaneous, diversified and cultivated flora, among which exist also species of honey interest (acacia, linden, rapeseed, sunflower etc.); they can provide up to 333 tons of honey, which would ensure conditions for the maintenance of 2797 stationary beefamilies. The area can also assuregood conditions for capitalizing on the honey potential by pastoral beekeeping, especially for acacia harvesting, where could be moved up to 15200 hives

    Diet Influence on Sperm Quality, Fertility, and Reproductive Behavior in Karakul of Botoșani Rams

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of an improved diet with vitamins and minerals (VM) on the live weight, body condition, quality of sperm, behavior, and fertility of rams. The biological material comprised two groups of rams (L1—control and L2—VM supplemented), each consisting of 15 individuals. After a complete one-year cycle, they received different dietary treatments at the beginning of the preparation for the reproduction period. Although in the onset of the mounting period (SM), no significant differences were observed for live weight (p > 0.05), providing supplemental feeding of a VM complex allowed a better capitalization of body reserves, and, consequently, the rams’ groups differed significantly by the end of mating season (FM), for live weight (+4.1%; p p p p p p p p < 0.001) on mating behavior, on the gestation installation (+11.2%) and on the number of obtained lambs (+14.0%), as well as on the key economic indicators (+13.8% incomes per ram)

    Comparative Assessment of the Nutritional and Sanogenic Features of Certain Cheese Sorts Originating in Conventional Dairy Farms and in “Mountainous” Quality System Farms

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    In order to highlight the influence of cattle farming systems on dairy products, assessments were carried out on certain varieties of cheese—marked with the “Mountain product” quality label in comparison with those conventionally produced ones not bearing the quality label. The study was carried out using products obtained from raw milk issued from seven farms and transformed into cheese in four small dairy factories from the mountainous area of Dornelor Basin, Suceava County, Northeastern Romania. The analyzed cheese issued from the “mountain” production system were “Călimani” Schweizer, “Călimani” Cașcaval, “Călimani” smoked Cașcaval, and “Călimani” Telemea—salty brined cheese. Both the “Mountain cheese” and conventional cheese samples produced throughout the same shift were collected and kept under refrigeration conditions until laboratory analysis in order to compare the production systems. The physico-chemical analysis revealed higher amounts of minerals (2.8 to 10.7% Ca; 2.8 to 9.5% P; 12.3% to double the amount of Fe, p Enterobacteriaceae family species were identified in “Mountain cheese”, while they were absent from conventionally processed cheese, knowing the raw matter milk is thermally treated at ultra-high temperatures in the latter ones. In the “Mountain cheese”, such microorganisms were found within the safety regulation limits and contributed to providing flavor, taste, color, and specific texture, making it superior in terms of sensorial quality compared to the conventionally produced cheese

    Research Regarding Correlation between the Assured Health State for Laying Hens and Their Productivity

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    Predictions show the possibility of banning birds’ rearing in batteries. From this reason, we aimed to study the welfare conditions assured to birds accommodated in lofts in comparison with those reared in improved batteries. The research targeted ISA Brown hybrids monitored over a period of 25–55 weeks. The batches were represented by birds that were differently reared in halls provided with lofts compared to with improved batteries. The research was carried out in real production conditions. Biochemical indicators were determined, using a BA 400 analyzer produced by BioSystems, as well as quantitative ones using specific formulas based on productions, consumptions, and batch outputs. A cumulated production of 199.24 eggs/week/head was realized in the loft, versus 199.98 in the battery, at a mean laying intensity of 91.82% and 92.17%. Batch output was 4.14% (loft) and 2.98% (battery). Mean consumption registered a level of 122.20 g m.f./head/day for birds in the loft and 115.87 g for the ones from the battery, and feed conversion index was 133.09 g m.f./egg, compared to 125.69. The aviary system ensures optimal conditions to express the birds’ natural behaviors, with a positive impact on the metabolic functions, resulting in a good state of health and high productive levels, comparable to those of birds exploited in batteries