20 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Disiplin terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Hotel Resty Menara Pekanbaru

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    The population and samples in this study is all employee about 75 people. The data recourses used were primary and secondary data. The data accumulation technique used were taken by doing interview and questionnaire. The method of analysis used were the method of quantitative descritive and multiple regression analysis (simultaneously and partially analysis) with the help of SPSS 17 version. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, simultaneously test showed that motivation (X1) and discipline (X2) had a significant effect on labor performance (Y). The influence of each independent variables on dependent variable could be seen by doing partial test, the results showed that motivation (X1) and discipline (X2) had a significant effect on labor performance (Y). And for that, writer suggested for the company to watch another factors that can influence on labor performance, because the company and the labor are both work partner that needed each other for the welfare of the company.Keywords: motivation, discipline, and labor performance

    A cultura organizacional como impulsionadora dos processos de inteligência na gestão pública

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    O uso de dados e informações advindos do ambiente externo à administração pública pode proporcionar o aprimoramento da tomada de decisão dos gestores públicos, bem como uma maior eficiência e eficácia no desenvolvimento da atividade pública. Sistematizar o monitoramento de ambientes exige a estruturação de processos de inteligência, os quais possuem foco nas informações externas das organizações, objetivando o monitoramento do ecossistema como um todo, sendo determinante para as organizações conhecerem e se adaptarem ao seu ambiente. Reconhecendo a importância de uma cultura organizacional impulsionadora que permita a manutenção e a evolução desses processos, neste estudo buscou-se identificar pontos relevantes relacionados à influência da cultura organizacional na concretização de processos de inteligência na gestão pública. Com a realização de 17 entrevistas com gestores públicos de diferentes, foi possível evidenciar que os mesmos reconhecem a cultura organizacional como impulsionadora dos processos de inteligência, uma vez que apontam o fortalecimento de um ambiente estimulado para o monitoramento do ambiente externo, o engajamento das pessoas e a utilização de tecnologias da informação e comunicação como mecanismos-chave da cultura organizacional para a concretização de tais processos. Identifica-se como limitação deste trabalho a não realização de entrevistas com gestores que trabalham diretamente com processos de inteligência, bem como a participação de órgãos de um único estado no estudo, impossibilitando a realização de comparativos entre culturas organizacionais. Para estudos futuros, sugere-se a continuidade da pesquisa por meio da realização de entrevistas com servidores que não exerçam cargos de gestão. Palavras-chave: Cultura organizacional. Inteligência. Gestão pública

    Fraud Prevention Determinants: A Balinese Cultural Overview

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    This study aims to examine the influence of the Tri Hita Karana culture, good village governance and human resource competence on fraud prevention by being moderated by morality. Using the method of analysis, namely multiple linear regression with Moderated Regression Analysis. The total population is 133 villages, and to get the appropriate sample a random sampling technique and a total of 00 villages are sampled. This research was conducted in Tabanan-Bali Regency wich is the district with the highest number of villages and recipients of village funds in the Province of Bali. Research data collection using a questionnaire with survey techniques, the results of which are tri hita karana culture and human resource competencies have a significant positive effect on fraud prevention, while good village governance has a negative and not significant effect on fraud prevention. Another result is that the variable of morality successfully moderates the relationship between human resource competencies on fraud prevention, but is found to be unable to moderate the influence of Tri Hita Karana and good village governance on the prevention of village fund fraud

    The Development Of Professional Judgment Research

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    The auditor's professional judgment quality is essential to maintain and improve. Therefore, careful judgment by an independent third-party can assist the company in its operations. The purpose of this research is to see the development of judgment and decision-making (JDM) in Indonesia and its benefits in improving the quality of auditor judgment, especially auditors in the Indonesian supreme audit institution environment. This thinking is based on that (1) there has been a shift in JDM audit research from a normative model to a cognitive process (2) human cognition is limited, so a cognitive strategy is needed to assist humans in making quality judgments. This study guides designing effective empirical research using this conceptual framework. The framework adopted from this research helps improve the auditor's understanding of the appraisal process that can assist the auditor's appraisal performance by providing a practical suggestion through a cognitive strategy. The result of this research is that the personality factor is one of the factors that influence the auditor's assessment. Certain behaviors are more likely to occur if associated with high expectations and motivational reinforcement. Motivation is linearly related to individual expectations. Future researchers are expected to determine which type of character should be displayed higher. When researchers know which characters can stand out in improving performance, providing motivational reinforcement for the whole individual will be effective. Individual motivation will cause human cognition to be better because there is an urge to direct maximum thinking skills to get the best work results

    The Development Of Professional Judgment Research

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    The auditor's professional judgment quality is essential to maintain and improve. Therefore, careful judgment by an independent third-party can assist the company in its operations. The purpose of this research is to see the development of judgment and decision-making (JDM) in Indonesia and its benefits in improving the quality of auditor judgment, especially auditors in the Indonesian supreme audit institution environment. This thinking is based on that (1) there has been a shift in JDM audit research from a normative model to a cognitive process (2) human cognition is limited, so a cognitive strategy is needed to assist humans in making quality judgments. This study guides designing effective empirical research using this conceptual framework. The framework adopted from this research helps improve the auditor's understanding of the appraisal process that can assist the auditor's appraisal performance by providing a practical suggestion through a cognitive strategy. The result of this research is that the personality factor is one of the factors that influence the auditor's assessment

    A inteligência na gestão pública: uma análise sob a perspectiva institucional

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    Resumo Estudos recentes apontam que as barreiras para a transição e estruturação de um governo inteligente parecem menos tecnológicas e mais institucionais. Nesse intuito, este artigo fornece uma contribuição original ainda não abordada na literatura, com o objetivo de analisar as dimensões de inteligência na gestão pública sob a lente da teoria institucional e, por meio do debate teórico, desenvolver um modelo de institucionalização de inteligência na gestão pública. Para fins de validação das quatro categorias definidas segundo a análise teórica (estrutura organizacional, estrutura tecnológica, capital humano e engajamento social), com as respectivas dimensões de inteligência (uso de dados e informações externas; cultura organizacional para inteligência; uso efetivo de tecnologias [Big Data; Business Intelligence]; decisão com base em evidências; colaboração interdepartamental e interorganizacional; organização e unificação de base de dados; agilidade em governo; eficiência e efetividade da gestão; engajamento social; inovação, cocriação, inteligência coletiva), optou-se pela utilização da técnica de card sorting. Os resultados apontam para a importância da incorporação dos elementos da perspectiva institucional para a legitimação de inteligência no governo. Ainda, com base na análise da etapa de card sorting, os resultados demonstram concordância na classificação dos itens por construto proposto, apresentando-se como uma oportunidade futura do modelo a ser testado quantitativamente

    Pengaruh Lama Pemanasan pada Penurunan Kualitas Mutu Minyak Goreng Sawit Komersial

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    The quality of palm cooking oil is an important parameter that must be considered. Repeated use of cooking oil at high temperatures and prolonged exposure can change the physical characteristics of the oil and result in oil degradation and increase polar components such as triacylglycerol dimers and oligomers that can increase the risk of heart and gastrointestinal diseases. This study aims to analyze the deterioration of palm cooking oil during the frying process. Cooking oil samples were heated at 150-160 ℃ for 45, 60 and 90 minutes. This study used the observation method of free fatty acid content, peroxide number and total oxidative value (TOTOX value). The results showed that heating at a temperature of 150-160 ℃ caused a decrease in quality characterized by an increase in free fatty acid content, peroxide number and TOTOX value. Based on the results of the research conducted, it shows that of the three samples of packaged palm cooking oil tested, packaged palm cooking oil Y is the best quality oil by having the lowest fatty acid content, peroxide number and TOTOX value among packaged palm cooking oils X and Z. This study makes an important contribution in recognizing the negative impact of repeated use of palm cooking oil at high temperatures, by identifying deterioration through observations of free fatty acid content, peroxide number, and TOTOX value, which have significant implications for cardiovascular and gastrointestinal health.Kualitas minyak goreng sawit merupakan parameter penting yang harus diperhatikan. Penggunaan minyak goreng berulang dengan suhu tinggi dan berkepajangan dapat mengubah karakteristik fisik dari minyak serta mengakibatkan degradasi minyak dan meningkatkan komponen polar seperti triasilgliserol dimer dan oligomer yang dapat meningkatkan resiko penyakit jantung dan saluran pencernaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penurunan mutu minyak goreng sawit selama proses penggorengan. Sampel minyak goreng dipanaskan pada suhu 150-160 ℃ selama 45, 60 dan 90 menit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengamatan kadar asam lemak bebas, bilangan peroksida dan total oxidative value(nilai TOTOX). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanasan pada suhu 150-160 ℃ menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan mutu yang ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar asam lemak bebas, bilangan peroksida dan nilai TOTOX. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan dari ketiga sampel minyak goreng sawit kemasan yang diuji, minyak goreng sawit kemasan Y adalah minyak paling baik mutunya dengan memiliki kadar asam lemak, bilangan peroksida dan nilai TOTOX terendah diantara minyak goreng sawit kemasan X dan Z. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi penting dalam menyadari dampak negatif penggunaan berulang minyak goreng sawit pada suhu tinggi, dengan mengidentifikasi penurunan mutu melalui pengamatan kadar asam lemak bebas, bilangan peroksida, dan nilai TOTOX, yang memiliki implikasi signifikan terhadap kesehatan jantung dan saluran pencernaan

    E-Tourism, Personal Technology Post-Adoption Behavior and, Sustainable Behavior Intention in Indonesia

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    E-tourism's behavior of e-tourism in minimizing the use of natural resources and costs gives birth to sustainable behavior in the form of environmentally friendly tourism and digital technology. This study aims to examine the effects of technology-based post-adoption behavior by tourists that lead to sustainable behavior. Predictors of technology usage using some of the UTAUT2 models. The survey was conducted in Indonesia on respondents in Manado who obtained as many as 100 participants, which were then analyzed using path analysis. The research findings show that the UTAUT 2 model, namely the relationship between hedonic motivation, price value, and habit, affects sustainable behavior mediated by behavior intention. These findings contribute to the development of technology-based marketing and tourism management. Some limitations, as well as implications, are also disclosed in this article