12,411 research outputs found

    Wirkung von Surround gegen den Gemeinen Birnenblattsauger (Cacopsylla pyri) im praxisnahen Grossversuch

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    Fragestellung: Wirkt vor der Blüte appliziertes Surround auch gegen spätere Generationen des Gemeinen Birnenblattsaugers (Cacopsylla pyri

    Dispersal of Rhagoletis cerasi in commercial cherry orchards: Efficacy of soil covering nets for cherry fruit fly control

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    Demand for organic cherries offers producers a premium price to improve their commercial viability. Organic standards require that producers find alternatives to pesticides. Soil treatments to control the European cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cerasi (L.)(Diptera: Tephrididae) appear to be an attractive option. However, soil treatments can only be effective if the migration of flies is low, because mature flies may migrate from near-by trees for oviposition. To examine the general potential of soil treatments and to understand the dispersal and flight behaviour of R. cerasi within orchards, experiments using netting to cover the soil were conducted in two orchards with different pest pressure during two years. The netting reduced flight activity by 77% and fruit infestation by 91%. The data showed that the flies have a dispersal of less than 5 m within orchards, which is very low. The low thresholds for tolerance for infested fruit in the fresh market creates a strong economic incentive for control, therefore, soil covering is a promising strategy for controlling R. cerasi in commercial orchards

    Effects of autumn kaolin, pyrethrin, and ladybird larvae (Adalia bipunctata) applications on the spring populations of the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) in an on-farm apple orchard (cv. Topaz)

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    Effects of different strategies (insecticide treatment, physical barrier, biocontrol) to control autumn forms of Dysaphis plantaginea. Question 1: Efficacy of pyrethrum, kaolin, and larvae of A. bipunctata to control Dysaphis plantaginea. Question 2: Date of application and number of applications for a valuable efficacy

    Wirkung verschiedener Insektizide gegen die Birnenpockenmilbe (Phytoptus pyri)

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    Wirkung verschiedener Insektizide gegen die Birnenpockenmilbe (Phytoptus pyri)

    Effects of autumn kaolin, pyrethrin, and ladybird larvae (Adalia bipunctata) applications on the spring populations of the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) in an experimental apple orchard (cv. Glockenapfel)

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    Effects of different strategies (insecticide treatment, physical barrier, biocontrol) to control autumn forms of Dysaphis plantaginea. Question 1: Efficacy of pyrethrum, kaolin, and larvae of A. bipunctata to control Dysaphis plantaginea. Question 2: Date of application and number of applications for a valuable efficacy

    Efficacy of Surround® WP against the European pear psyllid (Cacosylla pyri) in large-scale field trials

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    Are pre-flowering applications of Surround® WP sufficient to keep the European pear psyllid (Cacopsylla pyri) below the economic threshold for the whole season

    Neue Wege zur Regulierung der Kirschfruchtfliege Rhagoletis cerasi in der biologischen Süsskirschenproduktion

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    Spinosad in der Formulierung Audienz weist nur eine unzureichende Wirkung gegen die Kirschfruchtfliege auf. Auch die Beimischung von Neem erhöht die Wirkung nicht signifikant. Alle momentan verfügbaren Frassköder sind für die Kirschfruchtfliege nur bedingt geeignet und sollten noch einmal unter standardisierten Bedingungen im Labor verglichen werden. Das Verfahren Attract&Kill in der Frutect-Falle funktioniert nicht, über andere Typen einer Bait-Station sollte nachgedacht werden

    Wirkung verschiedener Insektizide und Repellentien gegen den Gemeinen Birnenblattsauger (Cacopsylla pyri)

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    The efficacy of different insecticides (neem, pyrethrin, spinosad, and rotenone) and a repellent (kaolin) applied with different strategies (single or repeated applications) against the over-wintering pear suckers (Cacopsylla pyri) and nymphs of the first generation was tested in a field trial in Switzerland in spring 2003. Rotenone, the only admitted product in Swiss organic agriculture, showed good effects. But, since Rotenone is toxic for non-target insects we looked for an alternative. The application of spinosad (Audienz) in combination with rape oil (Telmion) as well as the application of pyrethrum showed similar efficacy as rotenone. Neem had no or a very low impact on the pear sucker populations. The repellent kaolin (Surround® WP) showed the best efficacy against the European pear sucker: triple application of kaolin before blossom was most efficient. Since kaolin is not toxic for beneficials this product might be an alternative to rotenone