3,615 research outputs found

    Instabilities on graphene's honeycomb lattice with electron-phonon interactions

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    We study the impact of electron-phonon interactions on the many-body instabilities of electrons on the honeycomb lattice and their interplay with repulsive local and non-local Coulomb interactions at charge neutrality. To that end, we consider in-plane optical phonon modes with wavevectors close to the Γ\Gamma point as well as to the K,−KK, -K points and calculate the effective phonon-mediated electron-electron interaction by integrating out the phonon modes. Ordering tendencies are studied by means of a momentum-resolved functional renormalization group approach allowing for an unbiased investigation of the appearing instabilities. In the case of an exclusive and supercritical phonon-mediated interaction, we find a Kekul\'e and a nematic bond ordering tendency being favored over the ss-wave superconducting state. The competition between the different phonon-induced orderings clearly shows a repulsive interaction between phonons at small and large wavevector transfers. We further discuss the influence of phonon-mediated interactions on electronically-driven instabilities induced by onsite, nearest neighbor and next-to-nearest neighbor density-density interactions. We find an extension of the parameter regime of the spin density wave order going along with an increase of the critical scales where ordering occurs, and a suppression of competing orders.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Ladder-like optical conductivity in the spin-fermion model

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    In the nested limit of the spin-fermion model for the cuprates, one-dimensional physics in the form of half-filled two-leg ladders emerges. We show that the renormalization group flow of the corresponding ladder is towards the d-Mott phase, a gapped spin-liquid with short-ranged d-wave pairing correlations, and reveals an intermediate SO(5)×\timesSO(3) symmetry. We use the results of the renormalization group in combination with a memory-function approach to calculate the optical conductivity of the spin-fermion model in the high-frequency regime, where processes within the hot spot region dominate the transport. We argue that umklapp processes play a major role. For finite temperatures, we determine the resistivity in the zero-frequency (dc) limit. Our results show an approximate linear temperature dependence of the resistivity and a conductivity that follows a non-universal power law. A comparison to experimental data supports our assumption that the conductivity is dominated by the antinodal contribution above the pseudogap.Comment: 11+2 pages, 8 figure

    Fermion-induced quantum criticality in two-dimensional Dirac semimetals: Non-perturbative flow equations, fixed points and critical exponents

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    We establish a scenario where fluctuations of new degrees of freedom at a quantum phase transition change the nature of a transition beyond the standard Landau-Ginzburg paradigm. To this end we study the quantum phase transition of gapless Dirac fermions coupled to a Z3\mathbb{Z}_3 symmetric order parameter within a Gross-Neveu-Yukawa model in 2+1 dimensions, appropriate for the Kekul\'e transition in honeycomb lattice materials. For this model the standard Landau-Ginzburg approach suggests a first order transition due to the symmetry-allowed cubic terms in the action. At zero temperature, however, quantum fluctuations of the massless Dirac fermions have to be included. We show that they reduce the putative first-order character of the transition and can even render it continuous, depending on the number of Dirac fermions NfN_f. A non-perturbative functional renormalization group approach is employed to investigate the phase transition for a wide range of fermion numbers. For the first time we obtain the critical NfN_f, where the nature of the transition changes. Furthermore, it is shown that for large NfN_f the change from the first to second order of the transition as a function of dimension occurs exactly in the physical 2+1 dimensions. We compute the critical exponents and predict sizable corrections to scaling for Nf=2N_f =2.Comment: 12+5 pages, 5 figure

    Early intervention for children with autism

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    The purpose of this study was to examine early intervention programs for children with autism to determine if the program will have a successful outcome. This study involved 34 children from birth to three years of age. Each child participated in an early childhood intervention program in Southern New Jersey. The children were divided into two groups. An independent sample t-test was conducted from the data to find a statistically significant difference within the children. It was not, however, significant in the children of the early intervention program

    Ground state phase diagram of the half-filled bilayer Hubbard model

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    Employing a combination of functional renormalization group calculations and projective determinantal quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we examine the Hubbard model on the square lattice bilayer at half filling. From this combined analysis, we obtain a comprehensive account on the ground state phase diagram with respect to the extent of the system's metallic and (antiferromagnetically ordered) Mott-insulating as well as band-insulating regions. By means of an unbiased functional renormalization group approach, we exhibit the antiferromagnetic Mott-insulating state as the relevant instability of the free metallic state, induced by any weak finite onsite repulsion. Upon performing a careful analysis of the quantum Monte Carlo data, we resolve the difficulty of identifying this antiferromagnetic ground state for finite interlayer hopping in the weak-coupling regime, where nonmonotonous finite-size corrections are shown to relate to the two-sheeted Fermi surface structure of the metallic phase. On the other hand, quantum Monte Carlo simulations are well suited to identify the transition between the Mott-insulating phase and the band insulator in the intermediate-to-strong coupling regime. Here, we compare our numerical findings to indications for the transition region obtained from the functional renormalization group procedure.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure

    Low temperature acoustic properties of amorphous silica and the Tunneling Model

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    Internal friction and speed of sound of a-SiO(2) was measured above 6 mK using a torsional oscillator at 90 kHz, controlling for thermal decoupling, non-linear effects, and clamping losses. Strain amplitudes e(A) = 10^{-8} mark the transition between the linear and non-linear regime. In the linear regime, excellent agreement with the Tunneling Model was observed for both the internal friction and speed of sound, with a cut-off energy of E(min) = 6.6 mK. In the non-linear regime, two different behaviors were observed. Above 10 mK the behavior was typical for non-linear harmonic oscillators, while below 10 mK a different behavior was found. Its origin is not understood.Comment: 1 tex file, 6 figure
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