5,189 research outputs found

    Inconsistencies between lifetime and polarizability measurements in Cs

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    Electric-dipole matrix elements for 6p-nd, n=5, 6, 7 transitions in cesium are calculated using a relativistic all-order method. The resulting matrix elements are used to evaluate 5d lifetimes and 6p polarizabilities. The data are compared with experimental lifetime and polarizability measurements made by different groups. Domination of the 6p scalar polarizabilities by 5d-6p dipole matrix elements facilitates an exacting consistency check of 5d lifetime and 6p polarizability data. Values of 5d-6p matrix elements obtained from experimental 5d lifetime data are found to be inconsistent with those inferred from 6p polarizabilities derived from experimental Stark shift data. Our ab initio calculated 6p polarizabilities agree well with experimental determinations.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to Physical Review

    Magic wavelengths for optical cooling and trapping of lithium

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    Using first-principles calculations, we identify magic wavelengths for the 2s-2p and 2s-3p transitions in lithium. The ns and np atomic levels have the same ac Stark shifts at the corresponding magic wavelength, which facilitates state-insensitive optical cooling and trapping. Tune-out wavelengths for which the ground-state frequency-dependent polarizability vanishes are also calculated. Differences of these wavelengths between 6Li and 7Li are reported. Our approach uses high-precision, relativistic all-order methods in which all single, double, and partial triple excitations of the Dirac-Fock wave functions are included to all orders of perturbation theory. Recommended values are provided for a large number of Li electric-dipole matrix elements. Static polarizabilities for the 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, and 3d levels are compared with other theory and experiment where available. Uncertainties of all recommended values are estimated. The magic wavelengths for the uv 2s-3p transition are of particular interest for the production of a quantum gas of lithium [Duarte et al., Phys. Rev. A 84, 061406R (2011)].Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Polarizabilities of Si^{2+}: a benchmark test of theory and experiment

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    We have calculated electric-dipole polarizabilities of the 3s^2 ^1S_0, 3s3p ^3P_0, and 3s3p ^1P_1 states of the Si^{2+} ion using recently developed configuration interaction + all-order method. Detailed evaluation of the uncertainties of the final results is carried out. Our value for the ground state electric-dipole polarizability 11.670(13) a.u. is in excellent agreement with the resonant excitation Stark ionization spectroscopy value 11.669(9) a.u. [Komara et al., J. Phys. B 38, 87 (2005); Mitroy, Phys. Rev. A 78, 052515 (2008)]. This work represents the most precise benchmark test to date of theory and experiment in divalent atoms. The near cancellation of the ns^2 ^1S_0 ground state and the lowest nsnp ^3P_0 polarizabilities previously observed in B+, Al+, In+, Tl+, and Pb^{2+} is also found in Si^{2+} ion.Comment: 6 page