46 research outputs found

    Ernestine Carreira & Idelette Muzart-Fonseca dos Santos, Éclats d’empire, du Brésil à Macao

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    The attentive reader can find gems here, but is obliged to hunt through much dross to do so. The chapters vary enormously in analytical breadth and empirical novelty, and do not come together as a coherent whole. Indeed, 'fragments' is a good title for an uneven collection, to which the editors' introduction and conclusion adds little or nothing. There are four practical and useful guides to archives (Aix, Nantes, Lisbon, and Macao), but they break the analytical flow, and should have been pl..

    Lorenzo MACAGNO, Outros muçulmanos. Islão e narrativas coloniais

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    The vague title of this book fails to indicate that the subject is Mozambican Islam in late colonial and post-colonial times. The topic is of crucial relevance to the future of Mozambique, for a large and growing proportion of the population is Muslim, especially in the north, with Nampula as its centre. Islam was generally neglected in the colonial period, except at its very end, and was a taboo subject for much of the time that Samora Machel was in power. However, a growing volume of work o..

    Paulo Jorge de Sousa Pinto, Portugueses e malaios, Malaca e os sultanatos de Johor e Achem, 1575-1619, 1997

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    Clarence-Smith William Gervase. Paulo Jorge de Sousa Pinto, Portugueses e malaios, Malaca e os sultanatos de Johor e Achem, 1575-1619, 1997. In: Lusotopie, n°7, 2000. Lusophonies asiatiques, Asiatiques en lusophonies. pp. 671-672

    Malyn Newitt, A History of Mozambique, 1995

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    Clarence-Smith William Gervase. Malyn Newitt, A History of Mozambique, 1995. In: Lusotopie, n°7, 2000. Lusophonies asiatiques, Asiatiques en lusophonies. pp. 669-670

    Lynn (Martin), Commerce and economic change in West Africa ; the palm oil trade in the nineteenth century.

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    Clarence-Smith Gervase. Lynn (Martin), Commerce and economic change in West Africa ; the palm oil trade in the nineteenth century.. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 86, n°322-323, 1er semestre 1999. De l'inventaire du monde à la mise en valeur du globe. Botanique et colonisation (fin 17e siècle-début 20e siècle) sous la direction de Marie-Noëlle Bourguet et Christophe Bonneuil. pp. 411-413

    Lynn (Martin), Commerce and economic change in West Africa ; the palm oil trade in the nineteenth century.

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    Clarence-Smith Gervase. Lynn (Martin), Commerce and economic change in West Africa ; the palm oil trade in the nineteenth century.. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 86, n°322-323, 1er semestre 1999. De l'inventaire du monde à la mise en valeur du globe. Botanique et colonisation (fin 17e siècle-début 20e siècle) sous la direction de Marie-Noëlle Bourguet et Christophe Bonneuil. pp. 411-413

    Souza (George Bryan) : The Survival of Empire. Portuguese Trade and Society in China and the South China Sea, 1630-1754

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    Clarence-Smith Gervase. Souza (George Bryan) : The Survival of Empire. Portuguese Trade and Society in China and the South China Sea, 1630-1754. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 75, n°278, 1er trimestre 1988. pp. 138-139

    Souza (George Bryan) : The Survival of Empire. Portuguese Trade and Society in China and the South China Sea, 1630-1754

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    Clarence-Smith Gervase. Souza (George Bryan) : The Survival of Empire. Portuguese Trade and Society in China and the South China Sea, 1630-1754. In: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer, tome 75, n°278, 1er trimestre 1988. pp. 138-139