2 research outputs found

    Insights into the Genetic Profile of Two Siblings Affected by Unverricht-Lundborg Disease Using Patient-Derived hiPSCs

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    Unverricht-Lundborg disease (ULD), also known as progressive myoclonic epilepsy 1 (EPM1), is a rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a complex symptomatology that includes action- and stimulus-sensitive myoclonus and tonic-clonic seizures. The main cause of the onset and development of ULD is a repeat expansion of a dodecamer sequence localized in the promoter region of the gene encoding cystatin B (CSTB), an inhibitor of lysosomal proteases. Although this is the predominant mutation found in most patients, the physio-pathological mechanisms underlying the disease complexity remain largely unknown. In this work, we used patient-specific iPSCs and their neuronal derivatives to gain insight into the molecular and genetic machinery responsible for the disease in two Italian siblings affected by different phenotypes of ULD. Specifically, fragment length analysis on amplified CSTB promoters found homozygous status for dodecamer expansion in both patients and showed that the number of dodecamer repeats is the same in both. Furthermore, the luciferase reporter assay showed that the CSTB promoter activity was similarly reduced in both lines compared to the control. This information allowed us to draw important conclusions: (1) the phenotypic differences of the patients do not seem to be strictly dependent on the genetic mutation around the CSTB gene, and (2) that some other molecular mechanisms, not yet clearly identified, might be taken into account. In line with the inhibitory role of cystatin B on cathepsins, molecular investigations performed on iPSCs-derived neurons showed an increased expression of lysosomal cathepsins (B, D, and L) and a reduced expression of CSTB protein. Intriguingly, the increase in cathepsin expression does not appear to be correlated with the residual amount of CSTB, suggesting that other mechanisms, in addition to the regulation of cathepsins, could be involved in the pathological complexity of the disease

    Human iPSC Modeling of Genetic Febrile Seizure Reveals Aberrant Molecular and Physiological Features Underlying an Impaired Neuronal Activity

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    Mutations in SCN1A gene, encoding the voltage-gated sodium channel (VGSC) NaV1.1, are widely recognized as a leading cause of genetic febrile seizures (FS), due to the decrease in the Na+ current density, mainly affecting the inhibitory neuronal transmission. Here, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)-derived neurons (idNs) from a patient belonging to a genetically well-characterized Italian family, carrying the c.434T > C mutation in SCN1A gene (hereafter SCN1AM145T). A side-by-side comparison of diseased and healthy idNs revealed an overall maturation delay of SCN1AM145T cells. Membranes isolated from both diseased and control idNs were injected into Xenopus oocytes and both GABA and AMPA currents were successfully recorded. Patch-clamp measurements on idNs revealed depolarized action potential for SCN1AM145T, suggesting a reduced excitability. Expression analyses of VGSCs and chloride co-transporters NKCC1 and KCC2 showed a cellular “dysmaturity” of mutated idNs, strengthened by the high expression of SCN3A, a more fetal-like VGSC isoform, and a high NKCC1/KCC2 ratio, in mutated cells. Overall, we provide strong evidence for an intrinsic cellular immaturity, underscoring the role of mutant NaV1.1 in the development of FS. Furthermore, our data are strengthening previous findings obtained using transfected cells and recordings on human slices, demonstrating that diseased idNs represent a powerful tool for personalized therapy and ex vivo drug screening for human epileptic disorders