10 research outputs found

    Preferential attachment during the evolution of a potential energy landscape

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    It has previously been shown that the network of connected minima on a potential energy landscape is scale-free, and that this reflects a power-law distribution for the areas of the basins of attraction surrounding the minima. Here, we set out to understand more about the physical origins of these puzzling properties by examining how the potential energy landscape of a 13-atom cluster evolves with the range of the potential. In particular, on decreasing the range of the potential the number of stationary points increases and thus the landscape becomes rougher and the network gets larger. Thus, we are able to follow the evolution of the potential energy landscape from one with just a single minimum to a complex landscape with many minima and a scale-free pattern of connections. We find that during this growth process, new edges in the network of connected minima preferentially attach to more highly-connected minima, thus leading to the scale-free character. Furthermore, minima that appear when the range of the potential is shorter and the network is larger have smaller basins of attraction. As there are many of these smaller basins because the network grows exponentially, the observed growth process thus also gives rise to a power-law distribution for the hyperareas of the basins.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Identifying "communities" within energy landscapes

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    Potential energy landscapes can be represented as a network of minima linked by transition states. The community structure of such networks has been obtained for a series of small Lennard-Jones clusters. This community structure is compared to the concept of funnels in the potential energy landscape. Two existing algorithms have been used to find community structure, one involving removing edges with high betweenness, the other involving optimization of the modularity. The definition of the modularity has been refined, making it more appropriate for networks such as these where multiple edges and self-connections are not included. The optimization algorithm has also been improved, using Monte Carlo methods with simulated annealing and basin hopping, both often used successfully in other optimization problems. In addition to the small clusters, two examples with known heterogeneous landscapes, LJ_13 with one labelled atom and LJ_38, were studied with this approach. The network methods found communities that are comparable to those expected from landscape analyses. This is particularly interesting since the network model does not take any barrier heights or energies of minima into account. For comparison, the network associated with a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice is also studied and is found to have high modularity, thus raising some questions about the interpretation of the community structure associated with such partitions.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Power-law distributions for the areas of the basins of attraction on a potential energy landscape

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    Energy landscape approaches have become increasingly popular for analysing a wide variety of chemical physics phenomena. Basic to many of these applications has been the inherent structure mapping, which divides up the potential energy landscape into basins of attraction surrounding the minima. Here, we probe the nature of this division by introducing a method to compute the basin area distribution and applying it to some archetypal supercooled liquids. We find that this probability distribution is a power law over a large number of decades with the lower-energy minima having larger basins of attraction. Interestingly, the exponent for this power law is approximately the same as that for a high-dimensional Apollonian packing, providing further support for the suggestion that there is a strong analogy between the way the energy landscape is divided into basins, and the way that space is packed in self-similar, space-filling hypersphere packings, such as the Apollonian packing. These results suggest that the basins of attraction provide a fractal-like tiling of the energy landscape, and that a scale-free pattern of connections between the minima is a general property of energy landscapes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Characterizing the network topology of the energy landscapes of atomic clusters

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    By dividing potential energy landscapes into basins of attractions surrounding minima and linking those basins that are connected by transition state valleys, a network description of energy landscapes naturally arises. These networks are characterized in detail for a series of small Lennard-Jones clusters and show behaviour characteristic of small-world and scale-free networks. However, unlike many such networks, this topology cannot reflect the rules governing the dynamics of network growth, because they are static spatial networks. Instead, the heterogeneity in the networks stems from differences in the potential energy of the minima, and hence the hyperareas of their associated basins of attraction. The low-energy minima with large basins of attraction act as hubs in the network.Comparisons to randomized networks with the same degree distribution reveals structuring in the networks that reflects their spatial embedding.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Exploring the origins of the power-law properties of energy landscapes: An egg-box model

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    Multidimensional potential energy landscapes (PELs) have a Gaussian distribution for the energies of the minima, but at the same time the distribution of the hyperareas for the basins of attraction surrounding the minima follows a power-law. To explore how both these features can simultaneously be true, we introduce an ``egg-box'' model. In these model landscapes, the Gaussian energy distribution is used as a starting point and we examine whether a power-law basin area distribution can arise as a natural consequence through the swallowing up of higher-energy minima by larger low-energy basins when the variance of this Gaussian is increased sufficiently. Although the basin area distribution is substantially broadened by this process,it is insufficient to generate power-laws, highlighting the role played by the inhomogeneous distribution of basins in configuration space for actual PELs.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    A self-consistent approach to measure preferential attachment in networks and its application to an inherent structure network

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    Preferential attachment is one possible way to obtain a scale-free network. We develop a self-consistent method to determine whether preferential attachment occurs during the growth of a network, and to extract the preferential attachment rule using time-dependent data. Model networks are grown with known preferential attachment rules to test the method, which is seen to be robust. The method is then applied to a scale-free inherent structure network, which represents the connections between minima via transition states on a potential energy landscape. Even though this network is static, we can examine the growth of the network as a function of a threshold energy (rather than time), where only those transition states with energies lower than the threshold energy contribute to the network.For these networks we are able to detect the presence of preferential attachment, and this helps to explain the ubiquity of funnels on energy landscapes. However, the scale-free degree distribution shows some differences from that of a model network grown using the obtained preferential attachment rules, implying that other factors are also important in the growth process.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Self-similar disk packings as model spatial scale-free networks

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    The network of contacts in space-filling disk packings, such as the Apollonian packing, are examined. These networks provide an interesting example of spatial scale-free networks, where the topology reflects the broad distribution of disk areas. A wide variety of topological and spatial properties of these systems are characterized. Their potential as models for networks of connected minima on energy landscapes is discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures; some bugs fixed and further discussion of higher-dimensional packing