13 research outputs found

    An evaluation of the effects of rural development policies in the North-East Region of Romania

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    peer reviewedaudience: researcher, professional, popularizationThe European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) holds as principal objectives, as they were outlined in the Treaty of Rome, the following: increase productivity, by promoting technical innovation and ensuring optimum use of factors of production, ensure a fair standard of living for the agricultural community, stabilize agricultural markets, secure availability of agricultural supplies and provide consumers with food at reasonable prices. Over time, and depending on certain factors, new secondary objectives have been added such as: environmental protection, biodiversity, animal welfare, enhancement of rural areas. In the North-East Region of Romania, the impact of rural development policies implemented through the National Rural Development Programme (NRDP) has been assessed at regional and local level utilizing a combined analysis of statistical databases.Strategies regarding the promotion of agro-tourism and rural tourism in the hidrographic basins of the Slanic, Oituz and Casin rivers – Bacau County in order to ensure sustainable rural developmen

    Study regarding the situation of agricultural consultancy in the North-East Region of Romania

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    The undertaken study aimed to diagnose the situation of agricultural consultancy from the North – East Region of Romania, 12 years after its foundation. For the realization of the study the questionnaires method has been utilized which have been completed by a number of 80 agricultural consultancy specialists from 6 counties in the North – East Region. From the responses analysis, the following aspects emerged. All persons that ensure consultancy develop general activities from all fields of agriculture. There is a shortage of specialists, a person providing services to several thousand farmers. The consultants have benefited from training courses in consultancy, a short period of time, 2-8 weeks, fact that reflects on the services rendered. The local consultancy centres have a precarious endowment (office, computer, telephone), lacking transport means, training rooms, endowment with specific auxiliary means. Between consultancy methods, the biggest share is held by individual office consultancy. Group consultancy, which has the highest efficiency, is done sporadically because of reduced financial means. A lack of interest from local authorities is manifested for consultancy activity. Specialists are unhappy with the level of salaries, reduced training possibilities, high work volume, lack of endowment and transport means, and political interference in the recruitment process.Peer reviewe

    Tourism, social and economic balance tool and culture in rural area of Romania

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    This paper brings into question the organization of tourism since it is a tool for balance, are generating significant income, jobs - thus reducing the unemployment rate, of civilization - by improving sanitary conditions and behavior social, aesthetic cultivation of taste, to continue and increase economic activities in a weak agricultural production, thereby enhancing quality of life itself. Through this activity a direct contect between tourists and the local population is created, ensuring a better possibility to encounter new cultures and opinions. Knowledge spreads not only among those who practice agrotourism at the pensions, but also among the local dwellers with whom the tourists get in contact during their holiday and for the latter as well. Furthermore it is suitable for establishing friendly relations and preserving the local traditions, making culture and the society of rural a permanency. Thus harmony between authentic and modern is created, putting textures and traditional carpets next to a computer. tradition is kept, but modern is kept, but modern is not ignored. The authors have proposed that the first part to address a number of theoretical concepts relating to subject matter, and in the second to examine the specific issues that are found or not in reality. It is known that during the Roman period most of the trips were for shopping, cultural or military, and their paths inevitably going through the countryside. At the same time as the evolution of human society and the structure is diversified travel, as in the Middle Ages, especially traveling merchants, but often meet ambassadors, priests and pilgrims, scientists, artists, journeymen and students. Some of these travelers have decided to convey their experiences. We support this in writing aimer Picaud French monk who in 1130 made a guide for pilgrims who want to reach Santiago de Compostella, or Basho Japanese priest, who in 1960 wrote a poem entitled "Narrow Road to the North." Aiming to present the evolution of facilities, Christureanu Cristina, in "Economics and politics of international tourism 'is quite suggestive quatrain:" stung by mosquitoes, bitten by lice / I managed to sleep in a bed / While horse urine / Right next to my pillow "

    Strategies for tourism development in NE region of Romania

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    Tourism represents today, undoubtedly one of the phenomenon’s which dominates the contemporary world, one of the most profitable segments, of the global economy, unique, in its dynamics, multiple motivations and great variety of ways of manifestation. The aim of the paper is to present a general overview of the NE Region area regarding the touristic development, to show how were blended the physical and economic-geographical factors, to emphasize factitive the geographical landscape evolution as a result of the interaction of the genetic factors, to highlight the positive and negative action of the human on the natural frame and of tourism and to propose measures for systematization of the NE Region territory. The touristic arrangement of the NE Region area in Romania has an existence of over 100 years. Numerous associations and touristic pensions occurred since the period of the end of XIX century; they had outstanding contributions at equipping the NE Region tourist area. Gradually in the times until the December 1989, these actions were limited because of the prohibition of accommodation of foreign tourists to privates, being only few exceptions. The purpose of this study is to examine how the indicators which quantify the NE Region agro tourism Romania, aiming to eliminate weaknesses and strengths potentiation. In this sense it was the fact that, starting and running agro business requires a capital investment. For this reason, starting investment is preceded by a careful justification of expenditures, whether they are intended for new targets, or for improvement or interior and exterior refurbishments. The authors have proposed that assess the efficiency and effectiveness of agro-tourism activities to be completed by a budget analysis and a feasibility study. To define the nature of income, the results of different activities (agricultural, tourism, services, etc..) Will establish a budget revenue and expenditure showing the sources of revenue and cost of resources used. From this point of view, it will evaluate the annual receipts of tourists and the seasons, prices and costsprovide

    Agritourism, one of the main factors in sustainable rural development in NE region

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    The paper describes the steps in projection of agri-tourism activity and presents several issues and opportunities that show the importance of agri-tourism activity as source of improvement the income of agricultural households. The aim of the paper is to present a general overview of the tourism in NE Region area regarding the tourist development, to show how the physical and economic-geographical factors were blended, to emphasize the geographical landscape evolution as a result of the interaction of the genetic factors, to highlight the positive and negative action of the human and tourism on the natural frame and to propose measures for systematization of the territory from the NE Region. The paper has a strongly pronounced conceptual, methodological character, contains arguments in favour of development of tourism; it has practical information for experts, for travelling companies and for development of positive image of Romania in the world; it contains a number of conclusions and recommendations for the development of tourism in NE region of Romania as a component part of European tourism. The main aim is to have tourism marketing alternatives in tourism activity regarding the objectives, targets and marketing mix programs. In this paper we started from the premise that national and international tourism is a real chance of recovery sustainable economic growth, development of market economy in Romania and the achievement of EU integration program. We gave priority to special study of tourism development in this region of the country, transcending traditional boundaries, considering that our integration trends have increased chances when ordered border barriers are overcome. From the perspective of rural tourism and agri-tourism, NE region is of particular interest as it combines cultural and landscape qualities to be valued and protected. Thez are considered strategic points aimed at creating more attractions scattered in the region to attract tourists sensitive to culture and to promote the area properly. The strategy of tourism development, developed by us in the paper, aimed at maintaining a number of tourists allowed social and environmental limits, the creation of attractive tours covering entire area, an adequate promotion of the area. This paper attempts to highlight the region's agri- potential components of NE, in the current national and international context, when we became more and more aware that tourism should be turning the rural heritage of the Romanian village - mountain and sub-mountainous, unaltered and located in an unpolluted environment. Steps taken by our analysis shows that the level of detail can be in the multitude of economic and agricultural activities to ensure optimum exploitation of the potential

    Opportunities for improvement of tourism and agri-business in Romania : case study vârtop arieşeni "apuseni mountains

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    Today we cannot talk about one agricultural household economy, which are based just on agriculture. The diversification process and integration of more economic branch give essential change in agricultural household economy structure in the life of the rural and the habitants of this. Among a lot of activities that are presented now in mountain region of Romania one important role and with expansion tendency are represented by Agri-tourism activity. The initiation of agro tourism activity at one pension implied assimilation of new knowledge regarding a new domain, the family accumulation, during the process, professional experience in other areas than agriculture or leather manufacture (already known and exploited). In order to make it diverse and efficient, the agrotourism activity at the level of studied farms should respect the following: • Elaboration, at the locality level (Vârtop Arieşeni "Apuseni Mountains) of a small touristic guide (at the tourists disposal), which should contain: the presentation of the area, the map of the area, possibilities of hiking, museums, marks, beauty spots, springs etc., which must give the tourists complete information about the offer, as well as about tha may in which they can integrate; • Imptovement of personal touristic folder, by its printing in more languages of international use; • Hoping that the agrotourism will develope, more and more, at the analysed farm, we suggest the organization of information and proposals of diversification in the agrotourism activity of the farm, things which should be given to tourism agencies through different tourism intermediaries in the whole country. Analysing the current situation, we can assert that agrotourism is developing in satisfying conditions in Vârtop Arieşeni "Apuseni Mountains

    Study regarding the net profitableness of products according to "critical point" in a vegetal farm from Iaşi county

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    The breakeven is the critical point under which the degree of use of production capacity should not fall because the farm would come at a loss and could not recover, as, indeed, working capital, and would not able to pay salaries. This point is of great importance especially for large farms where the determination of the size of a minimum profit necessary and sufficient is vital for the functioning of the society. Breakeven analysis is necessary: in the current activity as a way to foresee the profile when modifying the activity level, and production, in studying the consequences of increasing the sales or turnover (CA) and in the study of modernization programs and upgrading of production. Production level in the culture of wheat, 3015 kg / ha marks the critical or breakeven point, where the amount of income obtained by selling the quantity of products at a price of 1.2 lei / kg, provides full coverage of the cost of production and at the culture of barley, production of 3397 kg / ha marks the critical or break-even point, where the amount of income obtained by selling the quantity of products at a price of 1.0 lei / kg, provides full coverage of the cost of production. The main advantages offered by cost-effectiveness analysis method based on critical point are: to establish the size at which production becomes profitable, indicates production volume needed to achieve a profit, reveal correlations between the dynamics of production, income and dynamics that costs grouped by variable and fixed costs, allows determining the use of production capacity in conjunction with a desired profit

    Use of computer-assisted management for –making strategic decisions in the agricultural farms

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    For a business to be effective it must be well organized, must use software programmes to provide data on the evolution of the activity at any time, use advanced software to facilitate work in agricultural farms and increase its productivity. The main purpose of MBS determining is in comparing the size on geographical areas, making a uniform classification of agricultural farms, in order to determine the economic size and technical-economic orientation of the farm. To calculate the standard gross margin in the SC Agricola Frugal SRL agricultural farm we took into account the average yields per hectare for each crop, marketing value of each product and variable expenses involved in the production process and that change during the process according to the value of production. In the SC Agricola Frugal SRL agricultural farm the standard gross margin increased significantly during the three periods, thus to 4,827,177 lei recorded in Present, to record an increase of 106.20% reaching 9,554,060 in Objective period