5 research outputs found


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    In the present world having connections across borders becomes a competitive advantage. The easy access to a constant stream of information is making the opportunities countless, adding to the equation that the Internet and supplementary techniques such as different types of software are still very young, the opportunities will keep on emerge. There are still great gaps in terms of technology between countries, which enables fast growing companies to fill a niche and gain new market shares due to their technological lead and managerial practices. This research has put the emphasis on creating a guiding discussion on how an international expansion strategy could be formulated.tour operator, risk, globalization, strategy

    European tour-operators environmental risk management

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    European tour-operators have become more involved in building long-term relationships between tourists, governments and local communities across the world. Having an enormous economic and social potential tour-operators have the capabilities to inspire a significant movement towards tourism sustainability. This research presents case studies of three global tour-operators (TUI, Thomas Cook and Kuoni) that are deeply engaged in ecological initiatives. Data concerning environmental protection, nature conservation and sustainable development in their source markets and tourism destinations have been integrated in order to reveal a common environmental risk assessment (ERA) framework. This study also identified a shift between Western and Eastern Europe tour operators in terms of environmental management initiatives

    Exploring the eco-attitudes and buying behaviour of Facebook users

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    Eco-friendly consumers’ attitudes are becoming increasingly frequent, recent research indicating that pro-environmental purchase behaviour not only lower costs on the long term, but also enhance business stakeholders’ and consumers’ confidence in high added value products and services. This paper undertakes an interdisciplinary research on how social media (i.e. Facebook) can influence users’ perceptions and buying behaviour related to five categories of ecological products and services (eco-food, eco-tourism, eco-housing, eco-textiles and eco-beauty & cosmetics). This research investigates how ecological products and services could gain popularity and overpass the identified purchasing barriers (e.g. high prices, low awareness, low availability) via superior integration in consumers’ daily experiences with Facebook. The research findings indicate that Facebook represents an effective and innovative environment that could build the necessary links between green attitudes and consumers’ hearts and minds

    Exploring the Eco-attitudes and Buying Behaviour of Facebook Users

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    Eco-friendly consumers’ attitudes are becoming increasingly frequent, recent research indicating that pro-environmental purchase behaviour not only lower costs on the long term, but also enhance business stakeholders’ and consumers’ confidence in high added value products and services. This paper undertakes an interdisciplinary research on how social media (i.e. Facebook) can influence users’ perceptions and buying behaviour related to five categories of ecological products and services (eco-food, eco-tourism, eco-housing, eco-textiles and eco-beauty & cosmetics). This research investigates how ecological products and services could gain popularity and overpass the identified purchasing barriers (e.g. high prices, low awareness, low availability) via superior integration in consumers’ daily experiences with Facebook. The research findings indicate that Facebook represents an effective and innovative environment that could build the necessary links between green attitudes and consumers’ hearts and minds.ecological products & services, Facebook, green attitudes, buying behaviour, eco-food, eco-tourism

    Risk Characteristics and Their Impact on Tourism Industry

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    Tourism and air transport are the areas most vulnerable to change public perception. News media about earthquakes, terrorist attacks, violent conflict or emerging infectious disease in an area determined tourists to cancel trips or change their holiday plans. The impact of these events on the airline business or the destination can be very powerful, sometimes requiring long periods to return to normal. JEL classification: L9tourism, air transport, public perception