24 research outputs found

    Development of disaster prevention education video and teaching materials on the theme of local natural disasters: Joint research between Higashi-Hiroshima City and Hiroshima University triggered by the heavy rains in western Japan in July 2018

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    In this paper, we introduce the production of a disaster prevention education video based on the natural disasters of Higashi-Hiroshima City, and the proposal of lessons using the video through joint research between Higashi-Hiroshima City and Hiroshima University. Introducing the efforts of this project would be help develop disaster prevention education materials in other areas. The project was adopted in early June 2019 and continued for 9 months. The materials are intended for the upper grades of elementary school. The contents are as follows: disaster prevention education video, lesson plan using video, worksheets for lesson, debris flow distribution map, and disaster photos caused by the 2018 heavy rain in each elementary school district, and City hazard map. The video was created by collecting interviews with local residents, movies and photographs of flood monuments, debris flow, public assistance, and local-organized assistance. From the questionnaire results for the video to junior high school students, the video’s content was highly evaluated. It is suggested that it is necessary to raise awareness of disaster prevention by giving lessons based on local natural disasters such as the materials.本論文の内容の一部は,2020年度地理科学学会秋季学術大会で口頭発表しました

    Geheimmissionen der japanischen und deutschen U-Boote im Zweiten Weltkrieg—Begleitend zur Exkursion über die geheimen U-Bootmissionen und die Ruinen der kaiserlichen Marine in der Militärhafenstadt Kure in der Präfektur Hiroshima—第二次世界大戦における遣独潜水艦作戦─遣独潜水艦作戦と呉市の海軍遺構を実地見学するための手引き─

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    This article is the teaching material for students who participate in a fieldwork about the secret missions by the submarines to and from Germany and the military ruins around the military port of the city of Kure, or a guidebook for foreign tourists, especially for those who come from German-speaking countries. It can be used firstly as a teaching material of students studying the modern history of Kure and learning the German as a second language at universities in Hiroshima and Kure, secondly as a guidebook or pamphlet for those who guide foreign tourists, especially from German-speaking countries, about the secret missions by the submarines for the transportation and the technology transfer between Japan and Germany during the W.W.II and the ruin of the military facilities of the former Imperial Japanese Navy which were located around the military port of Kure during the W.W.II. Ultimately it aims to provide the foreign travelers with a “language barrier free situation” by using their mother tongue. The shortage of publications such as pamphlets or guidebooks that describe the secret missions and the ruin of the military facilities of the port of Kure in foreign languages particularly in German has motivated the author to prepare this article. Currently there are a few explanations for them in German and other European languages like English and French in that city, too. Considering the growing number of European tourists, especially Germans, who came to Hiroshima in recent years, I think it is worth preparing the guidebook in German. This article will provide students, foreign travelers and devotees of history with an opportunity to learn about the secret missions between Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany and the history of the military port of Kure. In the near future, translations of the article into English and French are forthcoming.Materia

    Die militärischen Ruinen um den Hafen Ujina vor dem Zweiten Weltkrieg—Begleitend zur Exkursion des Zentrums der Logistik der Militärstadt Hiroshima—第二次世界大戦前の宇品港周辺の軍事遺構—軍都広島の兵站拠点を実地見学するための手引き—

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    This article is the teaching material for students who participate in a fieldwork about the military ruins around the port Ujina or a guidebook for foreign tourists. It can be used firstly as a teaching material for students studying the modern history of Hiroshima and learning German as a second language at universities in Hiroshima, secondly as a guidebook or pamphlet for those who guide foreign tourists, especially from German-speaking countries. Ultimately it aims to provide the foreign travelers with a “language barrier free situation” by using their mother tongue. The shortage of publications such as pamphlets or guidebooks that describe the military ruins around the port Ujina before WWII in foreign languages, particularly in German, has motivated the author to prepare this article. Currently there are a few explanations about the subject for them in German and other European languages like English and French in that city, too. Considering the growing number of European tourists, especially Germans, who come to Hiroshima in recent years, I think it is worth preparing the guidebook in German. This article will provide students, foreign travelers and devotees of history with an opportunity to learn about the military ruins around the port Ujina, the port grown as the central base of logistics of the Imperial Japanese Army before WWII. This article will describe the history of Ujina port and Ujina line, the packing plant of Ujina provisions and fodder arsenal for Imperial Army, the army wharf, the military uniform arsenal for imperial army and army vessels forces (secret name dawn troops). In the near future, translations of the article into English and French are forthcoming.Materia