36 research outputs found


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    Abstract Potential health benefits of aromatic and medicinal plants connected to their content in minerals are usually not evoked by the relevant literature. However, they may be significant for persons using regularly phytotherapy, as well as for those adopting diets which are rich in herbal spices. In this context, we performed an extensive investigation of metal and metalloid elements present in different populations of wild-growing Origanum vulgare samples from Romania. Forty-nine elements were identified and quantified through inductively coupled plasma -mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Results were discussed as to their significance for human health. The present study provides, for the first time, a complete set of reference data on the mineral content of Origanum vulgare from South-Western Romania. Rezumat Aportul elementelor minerale din plantele medicinale şi aromatice la menţinerea stării de sănătate este rareori abordată în literatura de specialitate. Totuși, această contribuţie ar putea fi semnificativă la persoanele care recurg în mod regulat la fitoterapie, precum şi la cele care adoptă o alimentaţie bogată în condimente vegetale. În acest context a fost realizată o analiză extensivă a elementelor metalice şi metaloizilor prezenţi în diferite populaţii de şovârf (Origanum vulgare) din flora spontană a României. Patruzeci şi nouă de elemente au fost identificate şi cuantificate prin inductively coupled plasma -mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Rezultatele au fost analizate sub aspectul semnificaţiei lor pentru sănătatea umană. Prezentul studiu oferă, pentru prima dată, un set complet de date de referinţă pentru conţinutul în elemente minerale ale speciei Origanum vulgare din sud-vestul României

    The Predictive Role of NLR, d-NLR, MLR, and SIRI in COVID-19 Mortality

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    (1) Background: Since its discovery, COVID-19 has caused more than 256 million cases, with a cumulative death toll of more than 5.1 million, worldwide. Early identification of patients at high risk of mortality is of great importance in saving the lives of COVID-19 patients. The study aims to assess the utility of various inflammatory markers in predicting mortality among hospitalized patients with COVID-19. (2) Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted among 108 patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 hospitalized between 1 May 2021 and 31 October 2021 at Municipal Emergency Clinical Hospital of Timisoara, Romania. Blood cell counts at admission were used to obtain NLR, dNLR, MLR, PLR, SII, and SIRI. The association of inflammatory index and mortality was assessed via Kaplan–Maier curves univariate Cox regression and binominal logistic regression. (3) Results: The median age was 63.31 ± 14.83, the rate of in-hospital death being 15.7%. The optimal cutoff for NLR, dNLR, MLR, and SIRI was 9.1, 9.6, 0.69, and 2.2. AUC for PLR and SII had no statistically significant discriminatory value. The binary logistic regression identified elevated NLR (aOR = 4.14), dNLR (aOR = 14.09), and MLR (aOR = 3.29), as independent factors for poor clinical outcome of COVID-19. (4) Conclusions: NLR, dNLR, MLR have significant predictive value in COVID-19 mortality

    Correlation of Lung Damage on CT Scan with Laboratory Inflammatory Markers in COVID-19 Patients: A Single-Center Study from Romania

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    (1) Background: This study aims to evaluate the association of CRP, NLR, IL-6, and Procalcitonin with lung damage observed on CT scans; (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed among 106 COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Timisoara Municipal Emergency Hospital. Chest CT and laboratory analysis were performed in all patients. The rank Spearmen correlation was used to assess the association between inflammatory markers and lung involvement. In addition, ROC curve analysis was used to determine the accuracy of inflammatory markers in the diagnosis of severe lung damage; (3) Results: CRP, NLR, and IL-6 were significantly positively correlated with lung damage. All inflammatory markers had good accuracy for diagnosis of severe lung involvement. Moreover, IL-6 has the highest AUC- ROC curve; (4) Conclusions: The inflammatory markers are associated with lung damage and can be used to evaluate COVID-19 severity

    Predictive Value of SOFA and qSOFA for In-Hospital Mortality in COVID-19 Patients: A Single-Center Study in Romania

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    Two years after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the disease continues to claim victims worldwide. Assessing the disease’s severity on admission may be useful in reducing mortality among patients with COVID-19. The present study was designed to assess the prognostic value of SOFA and qSOFA scoring systems for in-hospital mortality among patients with COVID-19. The study included 133 patients with COVID-19 proven by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) admitted to the Municipal Emergency Clinical Hospital of Timisoara, Romania between 1 October 2020 and 15 March 2021. Data on clinical features and laboratory findings on admission were collected from electronic medical records and used to compute SOFA and qSOFA. Mean SOFA and qSOFA values were higher in the non-survivor group compared to survivors (3.5 vs. 1 for SOFA and 2 vs. 1 for qSOFA, respectively). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and area under the curve (AUC) analyses were performed to determine the discrimination accuracy, both risk scores being excellent predictors of in-hospital mortality, with ROC–AUC values of 0.800 for SOFA and 0.794 for qSOFA. The regression analysis showed that for every one-point increase in SOFA score, mortality risk increased by 1.82 and for every one-point increase in qSOFA score, mortality risk increased by 5.23. In addition, patients with SOFA and qSOFA above the cut-off values have an increased risk of mortality with ORs of 7.46 and 11.3, respectively. In conclusion, SOFA and qSOFA are excellent predictors of in-hospital mortality among COVID-19 patients. These scores determined at admission could help physicians identify those patients at high risk of severe COVID-19

    Predictors for COVID-19 Complete Remission with HRCT Pattern Evolution: A Monocentric, Prospective Study

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    There are growing concerns that some COVID-19 survivors may acquire fibrosis and other irreversible lung abnormalities. The purpose of this prospective study was to assess the rate and predictors of complete resolution of COVID-19 pneumonia by pursuing a hypothetical relation between time and imaging pattern evolution using HRCT findings. A monocentric prospective cohort study with a consecutive-case enrolment design was implemented during a five-month period, having a total of 683 post-COVID patients eligible for inclusion and 635 evaluations with complete follow-up for chest HRCT. The target for post-COVID evaluations consisted of performing HRCT 90 days after a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. The studied patients had an average age of 54 years, ranging between 18 and 85 years old, and an average duration from the first symptoms until HRCT was performed of 74 days. At the post-COVID follow-up, 25.8% had a complete imagistic remission. The most common appearance with HRCT was “ground glass” in 86.6% in patients with persistent COVID-19, followed by reticulations, present in 78.8%, and respectively pleural thickening in 41.2% of cases. The mean total HRCT scores were statistically significantly higher in patients older than 65 years (10.6 ± 6.0) compared to the 40–65 group (6.1 ± 6.1) and the 18–40 age group (2.7 ± 4.8) (p < 0.001). Chest HRCT is a “time window” in documenting temporal persistent radiologic features of lung injury 90 days after SARS-CoV-2 infection, determining the pathologic basis of so-called “long COVID”. The complete remission was associated with a significantly higher average follow-up period and a significantly lower average patient age. Persistent HRCT features of ground glass, reticulation, and pleural thickening are associated with a higher total CT score and older age

    Using the NYHA Classification as Forecasting Tool for Hospital Readmission and Mortality in Heart Failure Patients with COVID-19

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was observed that patients with heart disease are more likely to be hospitalized and develop severe COVID-19. Cardiac disease takes the top position among patient comorbidities, heart failure (HF) prevalence reaching almost 5% in the general population older than 35 years in Romania. This retrospective study aimed to determine the potential use of the NYHA classification for HF in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 as prognostic tool for in-hospital mortality, length of hospitalization, and probability of rehospitalization for HF decompensation. We observed that patients with advanced HF had a history of significantly more comorbid conditions that are associated with worse disease outcomes than the rest of patients classified as NYHA I and II. However, regardless of existing diseases, NYHA III, and, especially, NYHA IV, patients were at greatest risk for mortality following SARS-CoV-2 infection. They required significantly longer durations of hospitalization, ICU admission for mechanical ventilation, and developed multiple severe complications. NYHA IV patients required a median duration of 20 days of hospitalization, and their in-hospital mortality was as high as 47.8%. Cardiac biomarkers were significantly altered in patients with SARS-CoV-2 and advanced HF. Although the study sample was small, all patients with NYHA IV who recovered from COVID-19 required a rehospitalization in the following month, and 65.2% of the patients at initial presentation died during the next six months. The most significant risk factor for mortality was the development of severe in-hospital complications (OR = 4.38), while ICU admission was the strongest predictor for rehospitalization (OR = 5.19). Our result highlights that HF patients continue to be vulnerable post SARS-CoV-2 infection. Physicians and policymakers should consider this population’s high likelihood of hospital readmissions when making discharge, hospital capacity planning, and post-discharge patient monitoring choices

    Immunogenicity Following Administration of BNT162b2 and Ad26.COV2.S COVID-19 Vaccines in the Pregnant Population during the Third Trimester

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    Globally, COVID-19 vaccines are currently being used to prevent transmission and to reduce morbidity and death associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Current research reveals that vaccines such as BNT162b2 and Ad26.COV2.S are highly immunogenic and have high short-term effectiveness for most of the known viral variants. Clinical trials showed satisfying results in the general population, but the reluctance in testing and vaccinating pregnant women left this category with little evidence regarding the safety, efficacy, and immunogenicity following COVID-19 vaccination. With the worldwide incidence of COVID-19 remaining high and the possibility of new transmissible SARS-CoV-2 mutations, data on vaccination effectiveness and antibody dynamics in pregnant patients are critical for determining the need for special care or further booster doses. An observational study was developed to evaluate pregnant women receiving the complete COVID-19 vaccination scheme using the BNT162b2 and Ad26.COV2.S, and determine pregnancy-related outcomes in the mothers and their newborns, as well as determining adverse events after vaccination and immunogenicity of vaccines during four months. There were no abnormal findings in pregnancy and newborn characteristics comparing vaccinated versus unvaccinated pregnant women. COVID-19 seropositive pregnant women had significantly higher spike antibody titers than seronegative patients with similar characteristics, although they were more likely to develop fever and lymphadenopathy following vaccination. The same group of pregnant women showed no statistically significant differences in antibody titers during a 4-month period when compared with case-matched non-pregnant women. The BNT162b2 and Ad26.COV2.S vaccines are safe to administer during the third trimester of pregnancy, while their safety, efficacy, and immunogenicity remain similar to those of the general population

    Analysis of Vaginal Microbiota Variations in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy and Their Correlation with Preterm Birth: A Case-Control Study

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    This study conducted a detailed analysis of the vaginal microbiota in pregnant women to explore its correlation with preterm birth (PTB) outcomes. The primary objective was to identify microbial variations associated with increased PTB risk. Secondary objectives included investigating how changes in microbial composition relate to the local immune environment and PTB. Utilizing a retrospective case–control design, the study involved pregnant women with liveborn infants between 2019 and 2023. In total, 89 women who delivered preterm and 106 term deliveries were included. Data collection focused on third-trimester vaginal cultures. Statistically significant differences were observed between the preterm and full-term groups in several areas. The median white blood cell count (10.2 × 103/mm3 vs. 7.6 × 103/mm3, p = 0.009) and neutrophil count (7.2 × 103/mm3 vs. 5.1 × 103/mm3, p p p = 0.001) as indicated by the Nugent Score. The study noted a significant association of PTB with the presence of Candida spp. (OR = 1.84, p = 0.018), Gardnerella vaginalis (OR = 2.29, p = 0.003), Mycoplasma hominis (OR = 1.97, p = 0.007), and Ureaplasma urealyticum (OR = 2.43, p = 0.001). Conversely, a reduction in Lactobacillus spp. correlated with a decreased PTB risk (OR = 0.46, p = 0.001). The study provides compelling evidence that specific vaginal microbiota components, particularly certain pathogenic bacteria and an altered Lactobacillus profile, are significantly associated with PTB risk. These findings highlight the potential of targeting microbial factors in strategies aimed at reducing PTB rates. Further research is necessary to fully understand the complex interplay between microbial dynamics, host immunity, and PTB outcomes

    Appraisal of COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance in the Romanian Pregnant Population

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    Widespread COVID-19 vaccination is crucial for limiting the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and minimizing the risk of novel variants arising in the general population, especially in pregnant women. According to the publicly available research data, vaccination intentions vary significantly by country, with Romania among the European countries with the lowest vaccination rates. Thus, we sought to determine the scale of acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign among pregnant women in Romania, as well as the variables affecting their choices. A cross-sectional study was conducted on pregnant women referred to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the Timisoara Municipal Emergency Hospital in Romania, where participants were asked to complete an online survey including standardized and unstandardized questionnaires indicating their willingness to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and the reasons for their willingness. Out of the 500 women who were requested to participate, there was a total of 345 validated questionnaires, with 184 vaccinated and 161 unvaccinated pregnant women. The statistically significant determinant factors for COVID-19 vaccination acceptance were the urban area of residence (OR = 0.86), having a higher level of education (OR = 0.81), the third trimester of pregnancy (OR = 0.54), trusting the government (OR = 0.83), being a frequent traveler (OR = 0.76), fearing the severity of COVID-19 (OR = 0.68), the higher availability of COVID-19 vaccines nearby (OR = 0.87), and seeing more people getting vaccinated (OR = 0.75). As there are no increased risks associated with SARS-CoV-2 immunization in pregnant women, the variables identified in this research are crucial in determining the acceptability of COVID-19 vaccines that should be addressed in this vulnerable group to increase vaccination rates