13 research outputs found

    Solar Biomass Pyrolysis with the Linear Mirror II

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    A simple and innovative prototype for biomass pyrolysis is presented, together with some experimental results. The setup uses only the thermal solar energy provided by a system of reflecting mirrors (Linear Mirror II) to heat a selected agro-waste biomass, such as wheat straw. At the end of the pyrolysis process, solar carbon with a high energy density (around 24 - 28 MJ/kg) is produced from a biomass with an energy density of 16.9 MJ/kg. The perspectives for a future industrial application of this setup are also discussed

    Uno studio preliminare per la produzione di Carbone Solare.

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    Oggigiorno il fabbisogno energetico sta crescendo ovunque ad un tasso molto elevato, e le fonti di energia rinnovabile sono l\u2019unica possibilit\ue0 per fronteggiare la fine dei combustibili fossile, del gas naturale e degli olii fino ad oggi ampiamente utilizzati, nonch\ue9 i problemi di inquinamento e di salute derivanti dall\u2019uso di queste fonti energetiche tradizionali. L\u2019obiettivo di questa ricerca \ue8 quello di sfruttare la pirolisi solare in virt\uf9 del suo potenziale nel fornire un metodo efficiente, sostenibile e conveniente per lo sfruttamento di una fonte energetica totalmente rinnovabile, e la caratterizzazione di una tipologia innovativa di biochar ottenuti mediante pirolisi solare. Viene inoltre presentato un semplice ed innovativo prototipo per la pirolisi di biomasse assieme ad alcuni risultati sperimentali. Il prototipo consente di pirolizzare una ben precisa biomassa locale agroalimentare e di scarto utilizzando unicamente l\u2019energia termica fornita dal sole attraverso un sistema di specchi riflettenti (Linear Mirror II). Viene inoltre approfondita la caratterizzazione chimica di queste biomasse pirolizzate solarmente mediante il Linear Mirror II. Le biomasse pirolizzate solarmente hanno una struttura porosa e grafitica e la composizione chimica indica che il carbone solare prodotto \ue8 un carbone attivo ed estremamente versatile per numerose applicazioni industriali della catalisi e come ammendante in agricoltura sostenibile.Nowadays, the energy demand is growing everywhere at a very high rate, and renewable energies are considered the only possibility to face the future depletion of fossil fuels, natural gas and oils, up to now widely used, and the pollution and health problems related to the use of these traditional energy sources. Goal of this research is to exploit solar pyrolysis because of its potential to provide an efficient, environmentally acceptable, and cost-effective method for the exploitation of a totally renewable energy source, and the characterization of an innovative class of biochars derived from solar pyrolysis. A simple and innovative prototype for biomass pyrolysis is presented, together with some experimental results. The setup allows to pyrolyze a selected and local agro-waste biomass using only the thermal solar energy provided by a system of reflecting mirrors (Linear Mirror II). The chemical characterization of biomasses which were thermally treated using the Linear Mirror II without any help from other thermal auxiliary sources, is discussed in detail. Solar carbon produced has a porous (and graphitic) structure and chemical composition suggest that as activated carbon could be a very versatile material also for catalysis. Activated carbon also enhances soil fertility and allow a more sustainable use of some soils

    Space applications of GAGG:Ce scintillators: a study of afterglow emission by proton irradiation

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    We discuss the results of a proton irradiation campaign of a GAGG:Ce (Cerium-doped Gadolinium Aluminium Gallium Garnet) scintillation crystal, carried out in the framework of the HERMES-TP/SP (High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites -- Technological and Scientific Pathfinder) mission. A scintillator sample was irradiated with 70 MeV protons, at levels equivalent to those expected in equatorial and sun-synchronous low-Earth orbits over orbital periods spanning 6 months to 10 years. The data we acquired are used to introduce an original model of GAGG:Ce afterglow emission. Results from this model are applied to the HERMES-TP/SP scenario, aiming at an upper-bound estimate of the detector performance degradation resulting from afterglow emission.Comment: The article front-page does now report journal submission correctly. The size of Fig. 6 has been slightly reduce

    The scientific payload on-board the HERMES-TP and HERMES-SP CubeSat missions

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    none103siHERMES (High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites) Technological and Scientific pathfinder is a space borne mission based on a LEO constellation of nano-satellites. The 3U CubeSat buses host new miniaturized detectors to probe the temporal emission of bright high-energy transients such as Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). Fast transient localization, in a field of view of several steradians and with arcmin-level accuracy, is gained by comparing time delays among the same event detection epochs occurred on at least 3 nano-satellites. With a launch date in 2022, HERMES transient monitoring represents a keystone capability to complement the next generation of gravitational wave experiments. In this paper we will illustrate the HERMES payload design, highlighting the technical solutions adopted to allow a wide-energy-band and sensitive X-ray and gamma-ray detector to be accommodated in a CubeSat 1U volume together with its complete control electronics and data handling system.noneEvangelista, Yuri; Fiore, Fabrizio; Fuschino, Fabio; Campana, Riccardo; Ceraudo, Francesco; Demenev, Evgeny; Guzman, Alejandro; Labanti, Claudio; La Rosa, Giovanni; Fiorini, Mauro; Gandola, Massimo; Grassi, Marco; Mele, Filippo; Morgante, Gianluca; Nogara, Paolo; Piazzolla, Raffaele; Pliego Caballero, Samuel; Rashevskaya, Irina; Russo, Francesco; Sciarrone, Giulia; Sottile, Giuseppe; Milankovich, Dorottya; Pál, András; Ambrosino, Filippo; Auricchio, Natalia; Barbera, Marco; Bellutti, Pierluigi; Bertuccio, Giuseppe; Borghi, Giacomo; Cao, Jiewei; Chen, Tianxiang; Dilillo, Giuseppe; Feroci, Marco; Ficorella, Francesco; Lo Cicero, Ugo; Malcovati, Piero; Morbidini, Alfredo; Pauletta, Giovanni; Picciotto, Antonino; Rachevski, Alexandre; Santangelo, Andrea; Tenzer, Chistoph; Vacchi, Andrea; Wang, Lingjun; Xu, Yupeng; Zampa, Gianluigi; Zampa, Nicola; Zorzi, Nicola; Burderi, Luciano; Lavagna, Michèle; Bertacin, Roberto; Lunghi, Paolo; Monge, Angel; Negri, Barbara; Pirrotta, Simone; Puccetti, Simonetta; Sanna, Andrea; Amarilli, Fabrizio; Amelino-Camelia, Giovanni; Bechini, Michele; Citossi, Marco; Colagrossi, Andrea; Curzel, Serena; Della Casa, Giovanni; Cinelli, Marco; Del Santo, Melania; Di Salvo, Tiziana; Feruglio, Chiara; Ferrandi, Fabrizio; Fiorito, Michele; Gacnik, Dejan; Galgóczi, Gabor; Gambino, Angelo Francesco; Ghirlanda, Giancarlo; Gomboc, Andreja; Karlica, Mile; Efremov, Pavel; Kostic, Uros; Clerici, Aurora; Lopez Fernandez, Borja; Maselli, Alessandro; Nava, Lara; Ohno, Masanori; Ottolina, Daniele; Pasquale, Andrea; Perri, Matteo; Piccinin, Margherita; Prinetto, Jacopo; Riggio, Alessandro; Ripa, Jakub; Papitto, Alessandro; Piranomonte, Silvia; Scala, Francesca; Selcan, David; Silvestrini, Stefano; Rotovnik, Tomaz; Virgilli, Enrico; Troisi, Ivan; Werner, Norbert; Zanotti, Giovanni; Anitra, Alessio; Manca, Arianna; Clerici, AuroraEvangelista, Yuri; Fiore, Fabrizio; Fuschino, Fabio; Campana, Riccardo; Ceraudo, Francesco; Demenev, Evgeny; Guzman, Alejandro; Labanti, Claudio; La Rosa, Giovanni; Fiorini, Mauro; Gandola, Massimo; Grassi, Marco; Mele, Filippo; Morgante, Gianluca; Nogara, Paolo; Piazzolla, Raffaele; Pliego Caballero, Samuel; Rashevskaya, Irina; Russo, Francesco; Sciarrone, Giulia; Sottile, Giuseppe; Milankovich, Dorottya; Pál, András; Ambrosino, Filippo; Auricchio, Natalia; Barbera, Marco; Bellutti, Pierluigi; Bertuccio, Giuseppe; Borghi, Giacomo; Cao, Jiewei; Chen, Tianxiang; Dilillo, Giuseppe; Feroci, Marco; Ficorella, Francesco; Lo Cicero, Ugo; Malcovati, Piero; Morbidini, Alfredo; Pauletta, Giovanni; Picciotto, Antonino; Rachevski, Alexandre; Santangelo, Andrea; Tenzer, Chistoph; Vacchi, Andrea; Wang, Lingjun; Xu, Yupeng; Zampa, Gianluigi; Zampa, Nicola; Zorzi, Nicola; Burderi, Luciano; Lavagna, Michèle; Bertacin, Roberto; Lunghi, Paolo; Monge, Angel; Negri, Barbara; Pirrotta, Simone; Puccetti, Simonetta; Sanna, Andrea; Amarilli, Fabrizio; Amelino-Camelia, Giovanni; Bechini, Michele; Citossi, Marco; Colagrossi, Andrea; Curzel, Serena; Della Casa, Giovanni; Cinelli, Marco; Del Santo, Melania; Di Salvo, Tiziana; Feruglio, Chiara; Ferrandi, Fabrizio; Fiorito, Michele; Gacnik, Dejan; Galgóczi, Gabor; Gambino, Angelo Francesco; Ghirlanda, Giancarlo; Gomboc, Andreja; Karlica, Mile; Efremov, Pavel; Kostic, Uros; Clerici, Aurora; Lopez Fernandez, Borja; Maselli, Alessandro; Nava, Lara; Ohno, Masanori; Ottolina, Daniele; Pasquale, Andrea; Perri, Matteo; Piccinin, Margherita; Prinetto, Jacopo; Riggio, Alessandro; Ripa, Jakub; Papitto, Alessandro; Piranomonte, Silvia; Scala, Francesca; Selcan, David; Silvestrini, Stefano; Rotovnik, Tomaz; Virgilli, Enrico; Troisi, Ivan; Werner, Norbert; Zanotti, Giovanni; Anitra, Alessio; Manca, Arianna; Clerici, Auror

    The HERMES-technologic and scientific pathfinder

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    HERMES-TP/SP (High Energy Rapid Modular Ensemble of Satellites Technologic and Scientific Pathfinder) is a constellation of six 3U nano-satellites hosting simple but innovative X-ray detectors, characterized by a large energy band and excellent temporal resolution, and thus optimized for the monitoring of Cosmic High Energy transients such as Gamma Ray Bursts and the electromagnetic counterparts of Gravitational Wave Events, and for the determination of their positions. The projects are funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research and by the Italian Space Agency, and by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No. 821896. HERMES-TP/SP is an in-orbit demonstration, that should be tested starting from 2022. It is intrinsically a modular experiment that can be naturally expanded to provide a global, sensitive all sky monitor for high-energy transients