421 research outputs found

    Identification des usages de Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich) hoscht dans la zone du Ferlo (Senegal) et evaluation du potentiel biochimique et nutritionnel de son fruit

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    Le prunier d’Afrique ou Sclerocarya birrea est un arbre fruitier de la famille des Anacardiaceae, qui fournit aux populations des fruits consommables pendant la période de soudure. Bien que présente dans les régions à climat soudano-sahélien du Sénégal, sa zone de prédilection demeure le Ferlo. Elle y fait l’objet de réhabilitation dans la mise en place du programme de l’Union Africaine dite de la muraille verte. Malheureusement, peu d’études scientifiques n’ont encore fait mention de la composition nutritive des fruits issus de cette zone. Dans le cadre de la reconstitution du couvert végétal des zones arides, la connaissance des relations entre l’homme et son milieu s’avère importante. Ainsi, la présente étude est entreprise dans le but de connaître les usages de Sclerocarya birrea et les potentialités qu’offre son fruit. Des enquêtes ethnobotaniques ont permis de recueillir les connaissances sur les usages de l’espèce dans la zone du Ferlo (Sénégal). Des échantillons de fruits mûrs récoltés ont été analysés grâce à des techniques de dosages normalisés et conventionnelles. Les résultats révèlent que les populations du Ferlo connaissent bien S. birrea, dont l’usage médicinal est de loin le plus important (79%). En usage médicinal, les organes végétaux les plus utilisés sont les écorces et les feuilles. Les résultats obtenus sur la pulpe du fruit montrent qu'elle constitue une bonne source en vitamine C, en sucres, en Calcium, Magnésium, Potassium, Sodium et en Polyphénols totaux. L'huile de l'amande présente des caractéristiques qui dans l'ensemble restent dans la norme admise pour les huiles alimentaires. Ces résultats sont marqués par une forte variabilité de la composition physico-chimique qui semble être liées aux variations des conditions édaphiques et climatiques. Il ressort de cette analyse que le fruit de S. birrea constitue une excellente source de nutriments et peut valablement combler certaines carences nutritionnelles des populations autochtones. Par ailleurs, le fruit présente aussi des potentialités de transformation et de conservation qui doivent être explorées.Mots clés:  Sclerocarya birrea, fruits, usages, valeurs nutritionnelles, polyphénols, vitamine C, variabilité, FerloEnglish AbstractThe present study was undertaken to know the uses and some nutritional potentials of Sclerocarya birrea. The African plum tree called Sclerocarya birrea is a fruit tree of the Anacardiaceae family, which provides populations some consumable fruits during the lean season. Although it is present in Sudano-Sahelian regions of Senegal, its favorite repartition zone is the Ferlo. Sclerocarya birrea is being rehabilitated in the framework of the implementation of the African Union program called the “Green Wall”. Unfortunately, no scientific studies have mentioned the nutritional content of fruits coming from this area. In the context of the reconstitution of the vegetation cover, knowledge of the relations between man and his environment is important. Thus, the present study is undertaken with the aim of knowing the uses of Sclerocarya birrea and its fruits attibutes. According to that, ethnobotanical surveys have gathered knowledge on the species' uses in the Ferlo area (Senegal). Samples of ripe fruits harvested were analyzed using standard and conventional assay techniques. The results revealed that the populations of the Ferlo are well acquainted with Sclerocarya birrea and that its medicinal use is by far the most important (79%). In medicinal use, the most commonly used plant organs are barks and leaves. The results obtained on the pulp of the fruit showed that it is a good source of vitamin C, sugars, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and total polyphenols. The almond oil has characteristics that remain within the accepted food standards. These results are marked by a high variability in the physicochemical composition, which appears to be linked to variations in edaphic and climatic conditions. The analysis shows that the fruit of Sclerocarya birrea is an excellent source of nutrients and can validly fill certain nutritional deficiencies of indigenous peoples. The fruit also has potential for transformation that needs to be explored.Keywords: Sclerocarya birrea, fruits, uses, nutritional values, polyphenols, vitamin C, variability, Ferl

    Safety and acceptability of tubal ligation procedures performed by trained clinical officers in rural Uganda.

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess safety associated with tubal ligation performed by trained clinical officers (COs) in rural Uganda. METHODS: Between March and June 2012, 518 women in 4 regions of Uganda were recruited into a prospective cohort study and followed at days 3, 7, and 45 after undergoing tubal ligation performed by a trained CO. Intraoperative and postoperative adverse events (minor, moderate, or major), and acceptability were assessed. RESULTS: Mean age was 36 years (range, 20-49 years) and mean number of living children was 6.7 (range, 0-15). The overall rate of major adverse events was 1.5%: 0.4% intraoperatively; 1.9% at day 3; and 0.2% at day 7. The majority of women who underwent tubal ligation reported a good/very good experience at the facility (range, 94%-99%) and would recommend the health services to a friend (range, 93%-98%). CONCLUSION: In the present study, task sharing of tubal ligation to trained COs in private facilities was safe. Women reported high levels of satisfaction with the procedure. Training COs could be an effective strategy for expanding family-planning services to rural Uganda

    Performances agronomiques des amendements a base de biochar en milieu paysan a l’ouest du Burkina Faso

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    Au Burkina Faso, la baisse de la fertilitĂ© des sols reprĂ©sente une contrainte importante pour la durabilitĂ© de l’agriculture. Dans cette Ă©tude, l’influence du compost, du biochar et du co-compost au biochar sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s chimiques du sol, le rendement du cotonnier et du maĂŻs a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e sur un lixisol endoplinthique en milieu paysan. Le dispositif Ă©tait en blocs randomisĂ©s comportant trois traitements en quatre rĂ©pĂ©titions : T= compost + NPK + UrĂ©e, T2 = biochar pristine + NPK + urĂ©e, et T3=co-compost au biochar + NPK + urĂ©e. La dose d’apport des amendements Ă©tait de 2,5t.ha-1.an-1 pendant deux ans, associĂ©e Ă  la dose recommandĂ©e d’engrais minĂ©raux (coton : NPK = 150 kg.ha-1 et urĂ©e = 50 kg.ha-1 ; maĂŻs : NPK = 200 kg.ha-1 et urĂ©e = 100 kg.ha-1). L’adjonction du biochar pendant le compostage a augmentĂ© les teneurs en azote total, magnĂ©sium total et phosphore total de l’amendement obtenu, respectivement de 48 %, 64 % et 68 % comparativement au compost. MĂŞme si les paramètres physico-chimiques du sol, deux ans après, n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© amĂ©liorĂ©s, une augmentation significative du rendement du coton graine de 14 % (biochar) et 19 % (co-compost au biochar) comparativement au compost a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e la troisième annĂ©e. Les amendements Ă  base de biochar peuvent ĂŞtre suggĂ©rĂ©s aux producteurs pour l’amĂ©lioration du rendement des cultures Ă  moyen terme.   English title: Agronomic Performance of Biochar-Based Amendments in Farmers’ environment in western Burkina Faso In Burkina Faso, declining soil fertility is a major constraint to agricultural productivity and sustainability. In the present study, compost, biochar and co-composted biochar were applied to endoplinthic lixisol, and the effects on soil physicochemical properties, cotton and maize yield over three  years (i.e., three cropping seasons) were investigated. The trial was a completely randomized block design included three treatments and four  repetitions: T1= compost + NPK + Urea, T2= pristine biochar + NPK + Urea and T3= co-composted biochar + NPK + Urea. The amendments rate were  2.5 t.ha-1 each year (2018 and 2019) combined with the recommended rate of mineral fertilizer (cotton: 150 kg.ha-1 NPK , 50 kg.ha-1 Urea; maize:  200 kg.ha-1 NPK, 100 kg.ha-1 Urea). The addition of biochar during the composting process increased the total nitrogen, total magnesium and total  phosphorus contents of co-composted biochar by 48%, 64% and 68% respectively compared to compost. Although the biochar-based amendments  did not improve the physico-chemical parameters of the soil, two years after their application, a significant increase in cotton yield by 14% (biochar)  and 19% (co-composted biochar) compared to compost in the third year was observed. Biochar-based amendments can be suggested to producers  for medium-term crop yield improvement

    Phosphorus recovery: a need for an integrated approach

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    Increasing cost of phosphate fertilizer, a scarcity of high quality phosphate rock (PR)and increasing surface water pollution are driving aneed to accelerate the recovery and re-use ofphosphorus (P) from various waste sectors. Options to recover P occur all along the open P cycle from mining to households to oceans. However, P recovery as a regional and global strategy towards P sustainability and future food, bio energy and water security is in its infancy because of a number of technological, socio-economic and institutional constraints. There is no single solution and resolving these constraints requires concerted collaboration betweenrelevant stakeholders and an integrated approach combiningsuccessful business models withsocio-economic and institutional change. We suggest that an operational framework is developed for fast tracking cost-effective recovery options

    UV Photo-Oxidation of Polybenzimidazole (PBI)

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    Since polybenzimidazole (PBI) is often used in the aerospace industry and in high temperature fuel cells, this research investigated the surface modification of PBI film with 253.7 and 184.9 nm UV photo-oxidation. As observed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), the oxygen concentration on the surface increased up to a saturation level of 20.2 ± 0.7 at %. With increasing treatment time, there were significant decreases in the concentrations of C-C sp2 and C=N groups and increases in the concentration of C=O, O-C=O, O-(C=O)-O, C-N, N-O, and N-C=O containing moieties due to 253.7 nm photo-oxidation of the aromatic groups of PBI and reaction with ozone produced by 184. 9 nm photo-dissociation of oxygen. Because no significant changes in surface topography were detected by AFM and SEM measurements, the observed decrease in the water contact angle down to ca. 44°, i.e., increase in hydrophilic, was due to the chemical changes on the surface

    Integration of Nutrition into the Training Curricula of the Matourkou Agricultural Centre in Burkina Faso

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    Abstract Background: There is heightened interest in strengthening the linkages between agriculture and nutrition so that agriculture education systems become more nutrition-sensitive. This study was conducted to document the process of integrating nutrition into the training curricula of the Matourkou Agriculture Training Centre (CAP/Matourkou) in Burkina Faso. It also aimed to identify the challenges as well as the opportunities related to this mainstreaming process

    Étude de la variabilité agromorphologique de la collection nationale de mils locaux du Sénégal

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    Objectif : Le mil est la première culture vivrière au Sénégal. Il joue un rôle capital dans la vie des populations rurales qui en dépendent pour leur survie (STAT/FAO/SENEGAL, 2010). Il est cultivé sur plus 60% des terres arables. Les variétés locales étaient les plus utilisées mais depuis quelques années leur survie est menacée par l'introduction des variétés améliorées.Methodology et application des résultats : Pour éviter l'érosion génétique, des missions de collecte ont été organisées en 1994 et 2006 dans les principales zones de culture du mil. Le matériel collecté est caractérisé pour faciliter leur utilisation dans les programmes de création variétale. L'objectif du présent travail est caractériser le germoplasme national mil du Sénégal pour les rendre utilisables par les sélectionneurs pour la création de nouvelles variétés hautement productives pour l'augmentation de la production céréalière et l'atteinte de la sécurité alimentaire. Pour caractériser les accessions, 12 variables sélectionnées à partir du Descripteur du mil IPGRI/ICRISAT, 1993 ont été utilisées. Un dispositif expérimental en blocs complets randomisés avec 3 répétitions a été choisi et les sites d'essais étaient Bambey, Nioro et Darou pendant les hivernages 2011 et 2012. Les analyses descriptives ou qualitatives ; statistiques simples (ANOVA) ; de la diversité (phénologique ; génétique avec la méthode de la classification ascendante (CAH), avec les composantes principales (ACP) et l'analyse factorielle discriminante (AFD)) ont été réalisées avec les logiciels Genstat Discovery4 et R. Les analyses descriptives ont montré l'existence d'une grande variabilité entre les accessions pour les caractères qualitatifs comme l'architecture de l'épi et la couleur des grains. Les analyses statistiques simples (ANOVA) ont montré qu'il existe une différence hautement significative entre les entrées et les sites. Cependant, les interactions étaient non significatives à l'exception de la floraison, de l'indice de récolte et des rendements en grains et en matière sèche. Les analyses de la diversité phénologique a permis de classer les variétés en trois groupes selon le cycle végétatif (G1 des variétés extra-précoces, G2 des cycles courts et G3 des cycles longs). La classification ascendante hiérarchique (CAH) suivant la méthode de Ward a permis d'identifier la valeur des axes et les compositions des 3 groupes y découlant (le groupe G1 compte 106 accessions, le G2 compte 129 accessions et le G3 compte 8 accessions) et de tracer le dendrogramme de filiations. L'analyse de la diversité génétique par les composantes principales (ACP) a permis de déterminer la position des accessions par rapport aux axes expliquant les variabilités inter-accessions. L'analyse de la diversité génétique par la méthode factorielle discriminante a permis de déterminer la structuration de la diversité agromorphologique et la représentation graphique des accessions suivant un plan factoriel. Les groupes ainsi formés seront convertis en des entités hétérotiques constituées de pools de gènes différents où les sélectionneurs et autres scientifiques vont puiser pour créer des variétés hautement productives et résistantes aux stress bio et abiotiques afin de nourrir les populations et de lutter contre la faim et la malnutrition

    Effects of climatic factors on diarrheal diseases among children below 5 years of age at national and subnational levels in Nepal: an ecological study

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    INTRODUCTION: The incidence of diarrhea, a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in low-income countries such as Nepal, is temperature-sensitive, suggesting it could be associated with climate change. With climate change fueled increases in the mean and variability of temperature and precipitation, the incidence of water and food-borne diseases are increasing, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. This national-level ecological study was undertaken to provide evidence linking weather and climate with diarrhea incidence in Nepal. METHOD: We analyzed monthly diarrheal disease count and meteorological data from all districts, spanning 15 eco-development regions of Nepal. Meteorological data and monthly data on diarrheal disease were sourced, respectively, from the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology and Health Management Information System (HMIS) of the Government of Nepal for the period from 2002 to 2014. Time-series log-linear regression models assessed the relationship between maximum temperature, minimum temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and diarrhea burden. Predictors with p-values < 0.25 were retained in the fitted models. RESULTS: Overall, diarrheal disease incidence in Nepal significantly increased with 1 degrees C increase in mean temperature (4.4%; 95% CI: 3.95, 4.85) and 1 cm increase in rainfall (0.28%; 95% CI: 0.15, 0.41). Seasonal variation of diarrheal incidence was prominent at the national level (11.63% rise in diarrheal cases in summer (95% CI: 4.17, 19.61) and 14.5% decrease in spring (95% CI: -18.81, -10.02) compared to winter season). Moreover, the effects of temperature and rainfall were highest in the mountain region compared to other ecological regions of Nepal. CONCLUSION: Our study provides empirical evidence linking weather factors and diarrheal disease burden in Nepal. This evidence suggests that additional climate change could increase diarrheal disease incidence across the nation. Mountainous regions are more sensitive to climate variability and consequently the burden of diarrheal diseases. These findings can be utilized to allocate necessary resources and envision a weather-based early warning system for the prevention and control of diarrheal diseases in Nepal
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