4 research outputs found


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    Artykuł ten jest odpowiedzią na pytania dotyczące zadań jakie musi wykonaćprawidłowo funkcjonujący - skuteczny nauczyciel XXI wieku. Bardzo istotnejest, aby wciąż się dokształcał i gromadził materiały, które umożliwią mu przekazanieuczniom wiedzy w przystępny sposób. Przedstawiona została równieżrola nauczyciela – wychowawcy. Możliwe jest kształtowanie charakteru uczniówdzięki odpowiednim predyspozycjom, stosowaniu zasad moralnych oraz wpajaniuwychowankom swojej wiedzy o życiu, idei moralnych, etycznych oraz prawdyi dobra. Opisane zostały również rozważania na temat funkcji edukacji w życiukażdego człowieka

    Rhe role of the education in preparing graduates for the contemporary labour market

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    Having the ability of the efficient getting around the labour market is now necessary for everyone who enters the adults life and intends to start professional work. Finding a job these times, requires the skills of coping with the constantly changing conditions. Some jobs have been disappearing, while others are appearing. Therefore, the need for the constant improvement of qualifications and lifelong learning, must be often satisfied by almost all participants in the labour market. Finding the first job usually causes a lot of problems, thus it is important to have the appropriate support system, which can be provided by schools. Its mission is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills needed in order to select the proper fields of education, or profession and appropriate incorporate their aspirations into the expectations of the employer. The school can achieve such tasks by a number of its own initiatives, namely, the career counseling, and/or special subject-matter projects. The school plays a very important role in preparing young people for the entry into the adults life. However, a person who wants to remain active in the labour market should be flexible and adapt himself/herself to constantly changing conditions. He/she will be still professionally active, if he/she keeps fulfilling such conditions

    Teachers facing the challenges of the 21st century education

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    This article is the response to the questions dealing with the tasks that must be performed by the properly functioning - an effective teacher of the 21st century. It is very important that such teacher should still gain extra qualifications and collect the material that will enable to provide students with the knowledge in the accessible way. The role of the teacher - educator was also presented. It is possible to shape the characteristics of students by the use of the appropriate predisposition, moral principles and presenting students with our knowledge of life, the idea of moral, ethical issues as well as the truth and goodness. The reflections on the function of the education in the life of every human being were also described