16 research outputs found

    Trattamento di cellule cancerose mediante plasmi non termici

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    Con lo sviluppo di sorgenti capaci di sostenere scariche di non equilibrio a pressione atmosferica è nato un notevole interesse per le applicazioni biomediche del plasma, data la generazione nella scarica di una varietà di agenti efficaci in più ambiti. I plasmi di questo tipo, caratterizzati principalmente da una temperatura macroscopica vicina a quella ambiente, sono infatti già utilizzati, ad esempio, per la sterilizzazione, per il trattamento di polimeri per migliorarne la biocompatibilità, e per l’accelerazione del processo di coagulazione del sangue. In questo lavoro verrà presentata un’altra possibilità applicativa, sempre nel settore della plasma medicine, ovvero l’utilizzo dei plasmi per il trattamento di cellule cancerose, che sta avendo un particolare successo a causa dei risultati ottenuti dai vari gruppi di ricerca che sottintendono un suo possibile futuro nel trattamento di neoplasie. Verrà presentata una breve introduzione alla fisica del plasma, mostrando alcuni parametri che caratterizzano questo stato della materia, concentrandosi in particolare sui plasmi non termici o di non equilibrio, per poi passare al processo di ionizzazione del gas. Nel secondo capitolo sono approfondite due sorgenti per la generazione di plasmi non termici, la scarica a barriera dielettrica e il plasma jet. Il terzo capitolo fornisce una preliminare spiegazione degli agenti generati nella scarica e il rapporto che hanno con la materia con cui interagiscono. L’ultimo capitolo è il fulcro della ricerca, e comprende risultati ottenuti negli ultimi anni da vari gruppi di ricerca di molte nazionalità, e una breve parte riguardante la sperimentazione originale svolta anche in mia presenza dal gruppo di ricerca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Energia Elettrica e dell’Informazione “Guglielmo Marconi”, rappresentato principalmente dal professor Carlo Angelo Borghi e dal professor Gabriele Neretti

    Magneto-convective effect on tritium transport at breeder unit level for the WCLL breeding blanket of DEMO

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    The Water-Cooled Lithium-Lead (WCLL) is one of the four breeding blanket concepts proposed by Europe in view of its DEMO reactor. The velocity field of the electrically conducting lead-lithium eutectic alloy inside the blanket is strongly influenced by the external magnetic field used for plasma confinement combined with buoyancy effect. The strength of the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) effect and of the magneto-convective effect (MHD and buoyancy force) depends on the intensity of the magnetic field and its orientation with respect to the direction of the lead-lithium motion. This phenomenon significantly influences the resulting temperature and velocity fields, and therefore the tritium transport inside the breeding blanket. A multi-physics approach of a 3D tritium transport model is presented for a simplified geometry of the WCLL breeding blanket. In particular, advection-diffusion of tritium into the lead-lithium eutectic alloy, transfer of tritium from the liquid interface towards the steel, diffusion of tritium inside the steel, transfer of tritium from the steel towards the coolant, and advection-diffusion of diatomic tritium into the coolant, temperature field, velocity fields of both lead-lithium and water, buoyancy forces, and MHD effect have been included in this study. The tritium concentrations and the inventories inside the lead-lithium, in the Eurofer pipes and in the baffle, and in the water coolant have been evaluated

    Design of the Test Section for the Experimental Validation of Antipermeation and Corrosion Barriers for WCLL BB

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    Tritium permeation into the Primary Heat Transfer System (PHTS) of DEMO and ITER reactors is one of the challenging issues to be solved in order to demonstrate the feasibility of nuclear fusion power plants construction. Several technologies were investigated as antipermeation and corrosion barriers to reduce the tritium permeation flux from the breeder into the PHTS. Within this frame, alumina coating manufactured by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) and Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) are two of the main candidates for the Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) Breeder Blanket (BB). In order to validate the performance of the coatings on relevant WCLL BB geometries, a mock-up was designed and will be characterized in an experimental facility operating with flowing lithium-lead, called TRIEX-II. The present work aims to illustrate the preliminary engineering design of a WCLL BB mock-up in order to deeply investigate permeation of hydrogen isotopes through PHTS water pipes. The permeation tests are planned in the temperature range between 330 and 500 °C, with hydrogen and deuterium partial pressure in the range of 1–1000 Pa. The hydrogen isotopes transport analysis carried out for the design and integration of the mock-up in TRIEX-II facility is also shown

    Preliminary Assessment of Radiolysis for the Cooling Water System in the Rotating Target of {SORGENTINA}-{RF}

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    The SORGENTINA-RF project aims at developing a 14 MeV fusion neutron source featuring an emission rate in the order of 5-7 x 10(13) s(-1). The plant relies on a metallic water-cooled rotating target and a deuterium (50%) and tritium (50%) ion beam. Beyond the main focus of medical radioisotope production, the source may represent a multi-purpose neutron facility by implementing a series of neutron-based techniques. Among the different engineering and technological issues to be addressed, the production of incondensable gases and corrosion product into the rotating target deserves a dedicated investigation. In this study, a preliminary analysis is carried out, considering the general layout of the target and the present choice of the target material

    Analysis of MHD and tritium transport in liquid breeders for fusion applications

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    The Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) is one of the breeding blanket concepts proposed for DEMO reactor. The velocity field of the electrically conducting lead-lithium eutectic alloy inside the blanket is highly influenced by the external magnetic field used for plasma confinement, due to a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effect. In addition, strong temperature gradients give rise to buoyancy forces, that have a great impact on flow behavior. MHD and convection significantly influences the resulting temperature and velocity fields, and therefore tritium transport. A multi-physics approach of a 3D tritium transport model is presented for a simplified geometry of the WCLL breeding blanket. In particular, MHD, buoyancy forces, advection-diffusion of tritium into the lead-lithium eutectic alloy, transfer of tritium from the liquid interface towards the steel and diffusion of tritium inside the steel have been included in this study. Tritium permeation from PbLi to the baffle, tritium concentrations and inventories inside the lead-lithium and in the EUROFER baffle have been evaluated


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    Tritium, the radioactive isotope of hydrogen, is of main interest in the research and development of fusion technology. In order to establish fusion as an energy source, tritium safety and availability must be achieved. In effect, tritium constitutes a hazard, even in low quantities, and must be handled limiting the releases to the environment. Tritium will be burn in large quantities in the event of nuclear fusion power plants, and being practically non-existent in nature, must be produced by the reactor itself. After a description of tritium radiological characteristics and hazard, the tritium breeding issue is presented, focusing particularly on the most recent European breeding blanket designs

    Verification and validation of mHIT code over TMAP for hydrogen isotopes transport studies in fusion-relevant environments

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    The accurate prediction of tritium inventory and permeation fluxes in the breeding blanket of a D-T fusion reactor is a key aspect for future thermonuclear power plants licensing. Tritium permeation into structural materials could give rise to potential issues concerning the fuel self-sufficiency and can be lost into the environment with resulting radiological risks for the population. In the frame of hydrogen isotopes transport modelling, the Tritium Migration Analysis Program (TMAP) code is considered a referred code for the safety design of nuclear fusion power plants. It is mainly applied to Plasma Facing Components (PFCs), which are subjected to intense particles implantation and surface heat fluxes. Due to some code limitations and to the need of having a more easy-to-use computer code in a multiphysics framework, in the last years the commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics has been used to assess tritium transport studies as an application to ITER, DEMO and CFETR fusion reactors, but it was never validated against TMAP. Within this paper, a COMSOL-based code named mHIT (multi-trapping Hydrogen Isotopes Transport code) is presented. A set of verification and validation (V&V) problems were addressed, with the aim of substantiating the capabilities of the code in common fusion-relevant experimental set-ups and to include different physics according to the level of detail needed for a given application

    Development of new analytical tools for tritium transport modelling

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    Tritium technologies, in particular tritium extraction from lithium-lead (LiPb, 15.7 at. % Li) and tritium concentration measurement in the eutectic alloy, are among the most challenging aspects of the R&D activities envisaged for the development of ITER and the European DEMO reactor. For instance, to efficiently design the systems devoted to the extraction of tritium, such as Gas-Liquid Contactors (GLC), Permeators Against Vacuum (PAV) or Liquid-Vacuum Contactor (LVC), theoretical models for the evaluation of the permeation flux are strictly necessary. In general, the same needs arise for the description of tritium permeators, which can find their application as Hydrogen isotopes Permeation Sensors (HPS) for the measurement hydrogen/tritium solubilized in the LiPb of either the Test Blanket Systems (TBS) or the Breeding Blanket. In this paper, new mathematical tools to describe the different permeation regimes both in the gas phase and in the presence of hydrogen isotopes monoatomically dissolved in a liquid phase, thus substantiating the theoretical background of hydrogen isotopes transport modelling throughout a membrane, is presented. For the sake of completeness, theoretical models in case of absence of a membrane (LVC) are also reported

    Verification and Validation of COMSOL Magnetohydrodynamic Models for Liquid Metal Breeding Blankets Technologies

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    Liquid metal breeding blankets are extensively studied in nuclear fusion. In the main proposed systems, the Water Cooled Lithium Lead (WCLL) and the Dual Coolant Lithium Lead (DCLL), the liquid metal flows under an intense transverse magnetic field, for which a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effect is produced. The result is the alteration of all the flow features and the increase in the pressure drops. Although the latter issue can be evaluated with system models, 3D MHD codes are of extreme importance both in the design phase and for safety analyses. To test the reliability of COMSOL Multiphysics for the development of MHD models, a method for verification and validation of magnetohydrodynamic codes is followed. The benchmark problems solved regard steady state, fully developed flows in rectangular ducts, non-isothermal flows, flow in a spatially varying transverse magnetic field and two different unsteady turbulent problems, quasi-two-dimensional MHD turbulent flow and 3D turbulent MHD flow entering a magnetic obstacle. The computed results show good agreement with the reference solutions for all the addressed problems, suggesting that COMSOL can be used as software to study liquid metal MHD problems under the flow regimes typical of fusion power reactors