2 research outputs found

    Bacterial Hsp90 Facilitates the Degradation of Aggregation-Prone Hsp70-Hsp40 Substrates.

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    In eukaryotes, the 90-kDa heat shock proteins (Hsp90s) are profusely studied chaperones that, together with 70-kDa heat shock proteins (Hsp70s), control protein homeostasis. In bacteria, however, the function of Hsp90 (HtpG) and its collaboration with Hsp70 (DnaK) remains poorly characterized. To uncover physiological processes that depend on HtpG and DnaK, we performed comparative quantitative proteomic analyses of insoluble and total protein fractions from unstressed wild-type (WT) Escherichia coli and from knockout mutants ΔdnaKdnaJ (ΔKJ), ΔhtpG (ΔG), and ΔdnaKdnaJΔhtpG (ΔKJG). Whereas the ΔG mutant showed no detectable proteomic differences with wild-type, ΔKJ expressed more chaperones, proteases and ribosomes and expressed dramatically less metabolic and respiratory enzymes. Unexpectedly, we found that the triple mutant ΔKJG showed higher levels of metabolic and respiratory enzymes than ΔKJ, suggesting that bacterial Hsp90 mediates the degradation of aggregation-prone Hsp70-Hsp40 substrates. Further in vivo experiments suggest that such Hsp90-mediated degradation possibly occurs through the HslUV protease

    Hsp 33 Controls Elongation Factor-Tu Stability and allows Escherichia coli growth in the absence of the major DnaK and Trigger Factor Chaperones

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    Intracellular de novo protein folding is assisted by cellular networks of molecular chaperones. In Escherichia coli, cooperation between the chaperones trigger factor (TF) and DnaK is central to this process. Accordingly, the simultaneous deletion of both chaperone-encoding genes leads to severe growth and protein folding defects. Herein, we took advantage of such defective phenotypes to further elucidate the interactions of chaperone networks in vivo. We show that disruption of the TF/DnaK chaperone pathway is efficiently rescued by overexpression of the redox-regulated chaperone Hsp33. Consistent with this observation, the deletion of hslO, the Hsp33 structural gene, is no longer tolerated in the absence of the TF/DnaK pathway. However, in contrast with other chaperones like GroEL or SecB, suppression by Hsp33 was not attributed to its potential overlapping general chaperone function(s). Instead, we show that overexpressed Hsp33 specifically binds to elongation factor-Tu (EF-Tu) and targets it for degradation by the protease Lon. This synergistic action of Hsp33 and Lon was responsible for the rescue of bacterial growth in the absence of TF and DnaK, by presumably restoring the coupling between translation and the downstream folding capacity of the cell. In support of this hypothesis, we show that overexpression of the stress-responsive toxin HipA, which inhibits EF-Tu, also rescues bacterial growth and protein folding in the absence of TF and DnaK. The relevance for such a convergence of networks of chaperones and proteases acting directly on EF-Tu to modulate the intracellular rate of protein synthesis in response to protein aggregation is discussed. © 2012 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc