8 research outputs found

    Soluble CD146 and B-type natriuretic peptide dissect overhydration into functional components of prognostic relevance in haemodialysis patients

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    Background: Accurate volume status evaluation and differentiation of cardiac and non-cardiac components of overhydration (OH) are fundaments of optimal haemodialysis (HD) management. Methods: This study, by combining bioimpedance measurements, cardiovascular biomarkers and echocardiography, aimed at dissecting OH into its major functional components, and prospectively tested the association between cardiac and non-cardiac components of OH with mortality. In the first part, we validated soluble CD146 (sCD146) as a non-cardiac biomarker of systemic congestion in a cohort of 30 HD patients. In the second part, we performed a prospective 1-year follow-up study in an independent cohort of 144 HD patients. Results: sCD146 incrementally increased after the short and long intervals after HD (+53 ng/mL, P = 0.006 and  +91 ng/mL, P < 0.001), correlated with OH as determined by bioimpedance and well-diagnosed OH (area under the receiver operating characteristics curve 0.72, P = 0.005). The prevalence of OH was lower for low-sCD146 and low-BNP patients (B-type natriuretic peptide, 29%) compared with subjects with either one or both biomarkers elevated (65–74%, P < 0.001). Notably, most low-BNP but high-sCD146 subjects were overhydrated. Systolic dysfunction was 2- to 3-fold more prevalent among high-BNP compared with low-BNP patients (44–68% versus 21–23%, chi-square P < 0.001), regardless of sCD146. One-year all-cause mortality was markedly higher in patients with high-BNP (P = 0.001) but not with high-sCD146. In multivariate analysis, systolic dysfunction and BNP, but not OH, were associated with lower survival. Conclusions: The combination of BNP and sCD146 dissects OH into functional components of prognostic value. OH in HD patients is associated with higher mortality only if resulting from cardiac dysfunction

    Synergistic Bcl-2 inhibition by ABT-737 and cyclosporine A

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    Survival of lymphocytes and melanocyte stem cells critically depends on B cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2). In T lymphocytes, a basal calcineurin activity maintains Bcl-2 expression in naïve cells, and the activation of the calcineurin pathway orchestrates the regulation of the intrinsic apoptosis pathway after antigen recognition. Therefore, calcineurin inhibitors might potentiate the pro-apoptotic effect of pharmacological Bcl-2 inhibitors on lymphatic cells. In vitro, a reduced Bcl-2 expression in lymphocytes exposed to calcineurin inhibitors increased their sensitivity to the small molecule Bcl-2 inhibitor ABT-737. This correlated with an augmented pro-apoptotic activity of ABT-737 on lymphocytes in combination with cyclosporine A in naïve mice in vivo. Interestingly, similar processes were observed in melanocytes. ABT-737 induced a fur depigmentation at the site of injection, and this effect was expanded to a generalized depigmentation in combination with cyclosporine A. Thus, inhibiting calcineurin increases the pro-apoptotic potency of ABT-737 in cells depending on Bcl-2 for survival. The increased efficacy of Bcl-2 inhibitors in combination with cyclosporine A might be relevant to exploit their anti-neoplastic and immuno-modulatory properties