909 research outputs found
Legacy of first arithmetic textbooks in Croatia on todayās mathematics teaching
The first books in Croatia, that teach the reader the basics of arithmetic, were written in the middle of the 18th century. Arithmetica Horvatszka (1758), written by Mihajlo Å ilobold, and Aritmetika u slavni jezik Ilirski (1766) by Mate ZoriÄiÄ were published in separate parts of Croatia; the former was published in the part of Croatia that was under Austro-Hungarian rule and the latter under the Venetian rule. Although they were not directly intended for school work, the authors wanted to teach the general population the basics of numbers and arithmetic through these books. This paper provides a brief analysis of the calculation methods from that time, as well as the forms of instructions the authors gave to their readers
Transport Means and Equipment for Internal Transport and Storage
ZavrÅ”ni rad bavi se transportnim sredstvima, opremom i alatima u unutarnjem transportu i skladiÅ”tenju. Teorijski dio prikazuje koje su vrste i podvrste transportnih sredstava, opreme i alata te u koje se svrhe isti koriste, za koje vrste tereta, kakve dodatke pri rukovanju teretom mogu imati sl. Svaka vrsta tereta se skladiÅ”ti i prevozi transportnim sredstvima ovisno je li teret u krutom stanju, tekuÄem, je li sipki teret, krupni ili sitni. Svako transportno sredstvo zahtijeva razne dodatke, kuke, koÅ”are i sl. koje se primjenjuju pri rukovanju razliÄitim teretima. Tereti se odlaÅ£u na mjesta predviÄena za njih uz rukovanje odgovarajuÄom opremom i alatima. Primjer unutarnjeg transporta i skladiÅ”tenja ukratko je vidljiv na primjeru tvrtke DOK ā ING i VJ ā eko d.o.o. uz opis rada tvrtke.Final paper's discusses means of transport, equipment and tools for internal transportation and storing. Theoretical part describes the types and subtypes of transportation means, equipment and tools and also the purposes wich they are used for and different types of cargo handling etc. Every cargo type is stored and transported by different transportation means wich are depending on cargo condition. Every type of transportation requires various additions like hooks, baskets and etc. which are applied for handling different cargo types. Cargo is stored at for that provided spaces with the use of required equipment and tools. An example of internal transportation and storing is shown on case from copmany DOK-ING and VJ-eko with a description of the company
Antimikrobni peptidi kao terapeutici
Antimikrobni peptidi su male i, uglavnom, pozitivno nabijene molekule koje se nalaze u raznim oblicima života, od prokariota do eukariota. Mogu imati prirodno podrijetlo, iz prokariotskih i eukariotskih stanica, ali mogu se dizajnirati i sintetizirati u laboratoriju. Njihovo djelovanje može biti direktno, a to podrazumijeva njihovo vezanje na staniÄnu membranu bakterije i ulazak u samu bakteriju sa ciljem njezinog uniÅ”tavanja, dok indirektno djelovanje antimikrobnih peptida podrazumijeva njihovo sudjelovanje u imunoloÅ”kim obrambenim procesima. S obzirom na to da su pojedine bakterije otporne na odreÄene antimikrobne peptide, uvode se razne modifikacije na samim peptidima kako bi se poboljÅ”alo njihovo djelovanje. Kako bi se odreÄeni sintetizirani antimikrobni peptidi dostavili na odreÄeno mjesto u organizmu, moraju se prenijeti pomoÄu nanometarskih sustava kao Å”to su recimo liposomi. Kada bi antimikrobne peptide direktno unijeli u organizam, doÅ”lo bi do njihove hidrolize uslijed djelovanja proteolitiÄkih enzima. Sintetiziralo se nekoliko takvih peptida i neki od njih podvrgnuti su istraživanjima kako bi se analiziralo njihovo djelovanje i na kraju odobrila njihova primjena u terapeutske svrhe. U tu svrhu, razmatrale su se prednosti i nedostatci takvih peptida. Neki od sintetiziranih peptida i mehanizam njihovog djelovanja bit Äe spomenuti u daljnjem tekstu
In this work the Discrete Autoregressive Moving Average Model (DARMA(1,1)) has been used to describe the wet-dry day sequences in Croatia. The dryness or wetness of a time period (e.g. a month) can be determined using daily precipitation data. Nevertheless, in some cases these estimates may give a wrong impression, and therefore monitoring the number of wet and dry days is important as well. The First-order Markov Chain (DAR(1)) has also been used and compared to DARMA(1,1) results. The daily precipitation data from the Split-Marjan, Rijeka, Zagreb-GriÄ and Osijek meteorological stations during the 1948Ī£2000 period have been used. The importance of the autocorrelation coefficient as a measure of persistence has been emphasized
Dvije nove vrste slatkovodnih puževa (Gastropoda: Truncatelloidea) iz Ŕpilje Rudnica VI u Hrvatskoj
Two new subterranean freshwater gastropod species from the superfamily Truncatelloidea were found during a field trip in the cave Rudnica VI located in central Croatia, near the town of Ogulin. They have been described based on their conchological characteristics and therefore only preliminary assigned to Plagigeyeria and Paladilhiopsis genera. These two species represent a new addition to the already unique freshwater fauna of Rudnica VI.Tijekom terenskog istraživanja u Å”pilji Rudnica VI, smjeÅ”tenoj u srediÅ”njoj Hrvatskoj blizu grada Ogulina, pronaÄene su dvije nove vrste slatkovodnih puževa iz natporodice Truncatelloidea. Opisane su na temelju njihovih kuÄica i stoga tek preliminarno svrstane u rodove Plagigeyeria i Paladilhiopsis. Ove dvije vrste predstavljaju novi dodatak veÄ sada jedinstvenoj slatkovodnoj fauni Å”pilje Rudnica VI
Impact of Smoking on Development and Progression of Periodontal Disease
PuÅ”enje se smatra riziÄnim Äimbenikom za nastanak i progresiju parodontne bolesti.
Svrha je rada bila odrediti prevalenciju puÅ”enja u uzorku ispitivanih pacijenata koji boluju od parodontitisa, utvrditi utjecaj puÅ”enja na razvoj i progresiju parodontne bolesti i usporediti parodontni status puÅ”aÄa i nepuÅ”aÄa.
Ispitano je dvjesto pacijenata, pola kojih je bilo puÅ”aÄa a pola nepuÅ”aÄa, te su podijeljeni u Äetiri dobne skupine: do 19, 20-35, 35 65 i 66 i viÅ”e, i klasificirani prema spolu. Parodontni status vrjednovan je Community Periodontal Indexom (CPI) i Loss of Attachment Indexom (LA), te Klein-Palmerovim (KEP) Indexom.
Prema rezultatima CPI-a, nepuÅ”aÄi imaju statistiÄki znatno veÄu prevalenciju zdrava parodonta od skupine puÅ”aÄa, u kojih je zabilježena veÄa prevalencija plitkih i dubokih parodontnih džepova. Prevalencija parodontnih bolesti u svih ispitanih pacijenata iznosila je 41%. U skupini puÅ”aÄa 60% ispitanika imalo je parodontnu bolest, a 25% ispitanika u skupini nepuÅ”aÄa. Prema rezultatima LA indeksa, postoji statistiÄki znatnije veÄa prevalencija gubitka epitelnoga priÄvrstka veÄa od 3mm u skupini ispitanika - puÅ”aÄa nego u skupini ispitanika nepuÅ”aÄa. Prema rezultatima KEP-indeksa, ispitanici puÅ”aÄi imaju statistiÄki znatno viÅ”e karijesa i ekstrakcija nego nepuÅ”aÄi, a u broju lijeÄenih zuba nije bilo statistiÄki znatne razlike. Rezultati pokazuju da broj cigareta konzumiran u danu ne utjeÄe na razvoj parodontne bolesti, no svi ostali rezultati pokazuju da su prevalencija i stupanj parodontne bolesti statistiÄki znatno veÄi u ispitivanoj skupini puÅ”aÄa nego u ispitivanoj skupini nepuÅ”aÄa iste dobi i spola.Smoking is considered to be a risk factor for onset and progression of periodontal disease.
The aim was to determine the prevalence of smoking in the sample, subject to examination among the patients that suffer from periodontal diseases, to identify the impact of smoking on development and progression of periodontal disease, and to compare the periodontal status between smokers and non-smokers.
Two hundred patients, half of which were smokers an the other half non-smokers, were examined, and divided in four age groups: up to 1, 20-35, 36-65, and 66 and up, and further classified by gender. Periodontal status was evaluated by use of the Community Periodontal Index (CPI), the Loss of Attachment Index (LA), and Klein-Palmer (KEP) Index.
Following CPI, the non-smokers were found to have statistically significantly higher prevalence of healthy periodontium that the smokers, in whom a higher prevalence of shallow and deep pockets. Prevalence of periodontal disease in all of the examined patients was 42%. In the group of smokers 60% of examinees were found to have periodontal disease, and 25% of examinees in the group of non smokers.
Following LA index, there was statistically significantly higher prevalence of loss of atachment greater than 3 mm in the group of patients who were smokers, than in the group of non-smokers. Following KEP-index, the smokers examined had statistically significantly more caries and extracions than non-smokers,whereas there were no differences in the number of teeth cured. Results showed that the number of cigarttes consumed per day does not affect the development of periodontal disease, but all of the other results showed that the prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases among the examined group of smokers was statistically significantly higher than in the examined group of non-smokers of the same age and sex
As a part of the research project in progress at the Civil Engineering Faculty in Osijek a new large pullout testing device has been developed and
specially instrumented for characterisation of interaction between soil and geosynthetic in a pullout box by measuring wave velocity in the soil
around the geosynthetic, before and at stops during pullout procedure. This paper presents some of the results of investigation carried out on one
geogrid in one type of gravel, in terms of modulus of elasticity E and shear modulus G developed in the soil around the geogrid, under different
vertical stresses and different grid displacements. The results presented are part of a wider range of testing results in the project. When state after
compaction was tested, significant influence of the grid on E and G values compared to non-reinforced soil was not clearly detected. It is expected
that after some displacement of geogrid during pullout process, E and G values for reinforced and non-reinforced soil will be significantly
different. Examining this is the next step in the research programme.Za potrebe ispitivanja interakcije tla i geosintetika, u okviru znanstvenog projekta istraživanja uÄinkovitosti armature na GraÄevinskom fakultetu
u Osijeku, razvijen je posebno instrumentirani veliki ureÄaj za izvlaÄenje "pullout box" pomoÄu kojeg je moguÄe mjeriti brzinu valova u tlu u blizini
geosintetika, prije poÄetka i u prekidima ispitivanja. Ovaj rad iznosi samo dio rezultata ispitivanja modula elastiÄnosti E i modula posmika G
koji nastaju u tlu oko geomreže, a koji su dio rezultata opsežnijih istraživanja u okviru spomenutog projekta. Predstavljena su ispitivanja na jednom
tipu geomreže u Å”ljunku jedne granulacije pri razliÄitim vertikalnim naprezanjima i pomacima mreže. Kod ispitivanja u zbijenom stanju nije
bio jasno uoÄljiv utjecaj mreže na vrijednosti E i G modula u odnosu na tlo bez mreže. Po ostvarivanju odreÄenog pomaka geomreže za oÄekivati
je da Äe vrijednosti E i G modula za armirano i nearmirano tlo biti bitno drugaÄije. Istraživanje ove pretpostavke je sljedeÄi korak u programu ispitivanja
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