8 research outputs found

    Des malentendus à (bien) interpréter

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    La traduction, considĂ©rĂ©e par plusieurs auteurs comme paradigmatique pour l’entreprise anthropologique, est aussi une pratique habituelle sur le « terrain », oĂč les malentendus, et ce qui peut ĂȘtre interprĂ©tĂ© comme une manipulation volontaire, peuvent ensuite s’avĂ©rer des clĂ©s pour la vĂ©rification des rĂ©sultats de la recherche et, plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, des instruments de comprĂ©hension. C’est dans cette perspective que l’auteure rĂ©examine la transcription d’un entretien s’étant dĂ©roulĂ© en 1992, au dĂ©but de sa recherche dans le BĂ©lĂ©dougou (Mali), en mettant en contraste le dialogue en français entre elle et l’interprĂšte bambara avec sa traduction française du dialogue, en langue bamanan, entre l’interprĂšte et la guĂ©risseuse interviewĂ©e, une jinĂštigi (prĂȘtresse du culte des jinĂš).Often regarded as paradigmatic of anthropological knowledge, translation is an ordinary practice in fieldwork, where different types of misunderstanding and even what could be interpreted as voluntary manipulation may, however, prove to be precious insights into understanding. In that light, the author re-examines the transcription of a conversation held in 1992 in Bamana and French languages, contrasting her translation of Bamana sentences with the translation formulated by the interpreter

    Tempi diseguali. CoevitĂ  e contemporaneitĂ  in arte

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    The author, an anthropologist, argues that ethnically-marked contemporary art (such as African, Aboriginal, or Native contemporary art) is included in the contemporary in the form of Agamben’s exception: i.e., according to the logic of exclusive inclusion, which mirrors what Dumont defined as «l’englobement du contraire» in his notion of hierarchical oppositions. By examining some recent examples, the author contends that a systematic «denial of coevalness» (Fabian), mostly achieved by applying certain categorial pairs respectively to unmarked/marked contemporary art, is still operating in current curatorial discourse. This type of discourse surreptitiously reaffirms the cultural difference of ethnically-marked contemporary art, and of artists creating it, precisely in praising the “disjunctive” and “different time” of such art as a marker of its contemporaneity. The article ends with a plea for a critical reassessment of the dichotomies qualifying the anthropological dualism we/others within the dominant historical-artistic paradigm, advocating for the existence of different coeval aesthetics, not solely pertaining to what, for us, is art

    Tubabukalan, morikalan, donniya: studio, conoscenza e follia in contesto bambara: un confronto tra saperi

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    Dottorato di ricerca in antropologia culturale, etnologia, tradizioni popolari. 6. ciclo. Tutore M. Pavanello. Coordinatore G. MusioConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Una macchina per fabbricare l’etnocentrismo: osservazioni critiche sul “sistema arte/cultura” di James Clifford

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    Sono passati quasi venti anni da quando James Clifford presentĂČ il diagramma del sistema arte cultura come “macchina per fabbricare l’autenticità” in pagine giustamente famose e ormai ritualmente citate

    Polymorphic Genetic Markers of the GABA Catabolism Pathway in Alzheimer's Disease

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    The compilation of a list of genetic modifiers in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an open research field. The GABAergic system is affected in several neurological disorders but its role in AD is largely understudied

    Figures du malentendu

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    « C’est un malentendu ... ». Par cette formule s’opĂšre le constat d’un trouble dans la communication et s’exprime en mĂȘme temps le souhait de ne pas voir la situation dĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rer en un conflit plus sĂ©rieux. Mot de paix mais aussi de pouvoir – il faut ĂȘtre ‘quelqu’un’ pour oser qualifier en ces termes la parole de l’autre –, chaque auteur en a sa dĂ©finition, allant d’un constat tragi-comique Ă  l’affirmation optimiste du caractĂšre heuristique du malentendu sur le terrain ethnographique. Le terrain est en effet le lieu oĂč les malentendus et les mĂ©comprĂ©hensions (misunderstandings) abondent, pouvant susciter l’angoisse mais pouvant aussi mener Ă  de nouvelles voies d’approche, Ă  des formulations diffĂ©rentes, ou Ă  un rire libĂ©rateur


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    A partire dagli anni Ottanta del secolo scorso assistiamo a una radicale trasformazione della produzione artistica e della riflessione teorica. Le arti, la critica, l’estetica, così come i diversi ambiti di ricerca, non possono non registrare i mutamenti politici, economici e sociali che hanno segnato la cultura occidentale. L’esito di questa trasformazione, tuttora in corso, ù un’eterogeneità che fatica a trovare un nuovo quadro di riferimento e che richiede la messa a punto di strumenti di indagine adeguati alle sfide della contemporaneità. I saggi raccolti in questo volume provano a ripensare l’orizzonte teorico e artistico degli ultimi trent’anni, rivolgendo una particolare attenzione ad alcuni momenti dell’arte, dell’architettura e della musica