9 research outputs found

    The IDENTIFY study: the investigation and detection of urological neoplasia in patients referred with suspected urinary tract cancer - a multicentre observational study

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    Objective To evaluate the contemporary prevalence of urinary tract cancer (bladder cancer, upper tract urothelial cancer [UTUC] and renal cancer) in patients referred to secondary care with haematuria, adjusted for established patient risk markers and geographical variation. Patients and Methods This was an international multicentre prospective observational study. We included patients aged ≄16 years, referred to secondary care with suspected urinary tract cancer. Patients with a known or previous urological malignancy were excluded. We estimated the prevalence of bladder cancer, UTUC, renal cancer and prostate cancer; stratified by age, type of haematuria, sex, and smoking. We used a multivariable mixed-effects logistic regression to adjust cancer prevalence for age, type of haematuria, sex, smoking, hospitals, and countries. Results Of the 11 059 patients assessed for eligibility, 10 896 were included from 110 hospitals across 26 countries. The overall adjusted cancer prevalence (n = 2257) was 28.2% (95% confidence interval [CI] 22.3–34.1), bladder cancer (n = 1951) 24.7% (95% CI 19.1–30.2), UTUC (n = 128) 1.14% (95% CI 0.77–1.52), renal cancer (n = 107) 1.05% (95% CI 0.80–1.29), and prostate cancer (n = 124) 1.75% (95% CI 1.32–2.18). The odds ratios for patient risk markers in the model for all cancers were: age 1.04 (95% CI 1.03–1.05; P < 0.001), visible haematuria 3.47 (95% CI 2.90–4.15; P < 0.001), male sex 1.30 (95% CI 1.14–1.50; P < 0.001), and smoking 2.70 (95% CI 2.30–3.18; P < 0.001). Conclusions A better understanding of cancer prevalence across an international population is required to inform clinical guidelines. We are the first to report urinary tract cancer prevalence across an international population in patients referred to secondary care, adjusted for patient risk markers and geographical variation. Bladder cancer was the most prevalent disease. Visible haematuria was the strongest predictor for urinary tract cancer

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    Specific allergen immunotherapy for the treatment of allergic asthma: a review of current evidence.

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    Asthma is frequently associated with atopy, characterized by the production of specific immunoglobulin E in response to environmental allergens. Currently, two types of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) are used in clinical practice: subcutaneous and sublingual immunotherapy, both accepted as key components of the therapeutic repertoire for allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. However, their role in asthma remains controversial. The present document is aimed at providing the clinicians with a review of the evidence on the use of AIT in asthma, focusing on the most relevant aspects of its mechanism of action, its efficacy, and existing data on safety, tolerability, and cost-effectivity, both in pediatric and adult populations. A systematic search of MEDLINE, Cochrane, and Clinical Trials databases from 2000 to April of 2016 was carried out by a panel of experts from the Spanish Allergy and Clinical Immunology Scientific Society. Relevant studies prior to the year 2000 included in ulterior systematic reviews were also considered. More than 4000 articles were identified during the search and 241 were selected to retrieve available evidence on AIT, which was graded according to the Oxford classification. All the group members reviewed the resulting text until the final version reached the consensual agreement. A summary of recommendations on the more relevant topics are proposed. The role of AIT as a valuable therapeutic strategy for prevention of exacerbation and progressive decline in lung function is highlighted. Future research should include specific tools for asthma evaluation when assessing AIT effectiveness in asthmatic patients

    Satisfaction and quality of life of allergic patients following sublingual five-grass pollen tablet immunotherapy in Spain

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    Abstract Background: Five-grass pollen tablet is an effective and well-tolerated therapy for patients with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (ARC). This trial sought to determine the satisfaction and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients undergoing this treatment. Methods: This was a cross-sectional, multicentre, observational, naturalistic study, following a discontinuous pre- and coseasonal five-grass pollen regimen over two seasons in Spain (2012, 2013). The HRQoL of the patients was measured with the specific Rhinoconjunctivitis Quality of Life Questionnaire (RQLQ) for adults, adolescent (AdolRQLQ), or paediatric (PRQLQ) patients. Treatment satisfaction was assessed by the Satisfaction Scale for Patients Receiving Allergen Immunotherapy (ESPIA) questionnaire. Patients/investigators were surveyed on beliefs and attitudes towards the five-grass pollen tablet. ARC evolution according to allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma (ARIA) criteria and treatment adherence were evaluated. Results: Among the 591 ARC patients included, the mean (SD) HRQoL scores were 1.40 (1.1) in adults, 1.33 (1.1) in adolescents, and 1.15 (1.1) in children, indicating low levels of impairment (scale 0–6). ESPIA answers showed high levels of satisfaction, with an average score of 69.2 (scale 0–100). According to ARIA criteria, 88.2% of patients reported improvement of ARC. Moreover, this was accompanied by a reduced use of symptomatic medication. Adherence to treatment was estimated at 96.8%. In general, both patients and specialists exhibited a positive attitude towards five-grass pollen tablet treatment. Conclusion: ARC patients treated with five-grass pollen tablet showed favourable levels of HRQoL and treatment satisfaction, with concomitant improvements in ARC and symptomatic medication use, which translated into high levels of treatment adherence and a positive attitude towards five-grass pollen tablet

    Predictors of outcome after decompressive lumbar surgery and instrumented posterolateral fusion

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    There has been no agreement among different authors on guidelines to specify the situations in which arthrodesis is justified in terms of results, risks and complications. The aim of this study was to identify preoperative predictors of outcome after decompressive lumbar surgery and instrumented posterolateral fusion. A prospective observational study design was performed on 203 consecutive patients. Potential preoperative predictors of outcome included sociodemographic factors as well as variables pertaining to the preoperative clinical situation, diagnosis, expectations and surgery. Separate multiple linear regression models were used to assess the association between selected predictors and outcome variables, defined as the improvement after 1 year on the visual analog scale (VAS) for back pain, VAS for leg pain, physical component scores (PCS) of SF-36 and Oswestry disability index (ODI). Follow-up was available for 184 patients (90.6%). Patients with higher educational level and optimistic preoperative expectations had a more favourable postoperative leg pain (VAS) and ODI. Smokers had less leg pain relief. Patients with better mental component score (emotional health) had greater ODI improvement. Less preoperative walking capacity predicted more leg pain relief. Patients with disc herniation had greater relief from back pain and more PCS and ODI improvement. More severe lumbar pain was predictive of less improvement on ODI and PCS. Age, sex, body mass index, analgesic use, surgeon, self-rated health, the number of decompressed levels and the length of fusion had no association with outcome. This study concludes that a higher educational level, optimistic expectations for improvement, the diagnosis of “disc herniation”, less walking capacity and good emotional health may significantly improve clinical outcome. Smoking and more severe lumbar pain are predictors of worse results

    Developing a Diagnostic Multivariable Prediction Model for Urinary Tract Cancer in Patients Referred with Haematuria: Results from the IDENTIFY Collaborative Study

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    377siBackground: Patient factors associated with urinary tract cancer can be used to risk stratify patients referred with haematuria, prioritising those with a higher risk of cancer for prompt investigation. Objective: To develop a prediction model for urinary tract cancer in patients referred with haematuria. Design, setting, and participants: A prospective observational study was conducted in 10 282 patients from 110 hospitals across 26 countries, aged ≄16 yr and referred to secondary care with haematuria. Patients with a known or previous urological malignancy were excluded. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: The primary outcomes were the presence or absence of urinary tract cancer (bladder cancer, upper tract urothelial cancer [UTUC], and renal cancer). Mixed-effect multivariable logistic regression was performed with site and country as random effects and clinically important patient-level candidate predictors, chosen a priori, as fixed effects. Predictors were selected primarily using clinical reasoning, in addition to backward stepwise selection. Calibration and discrimination were calculated, and bootstrap validation was performed to calculate optimism. Results and limitations: The unadjusted prevalence was 17.2% (n = 1763) for bladder cancer, 1.20% (n = 123) for UTUC, and 1.00% (n = 103) for renal cancer. The final model included predictors of increased risk (visible haematuria, age, smoking history, male sex, and family history) and reduced risk (previous haematuria investigations, urinary tract infection, dysuria/suprapubic pain, anticoagulation, catheter use, and previous pelvic radiotherapy). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the final model was 0.86 (95% confidence interval 0.85-0.87). The model is limited to patients without previous urological malignancy. Conclusions: This cancer prediction model is the first to consider established and novel urinary tract cancer diagnostic markers. It can be used in secondary care for risk stratifying patients and aid the clinician's decision-making process in prioritising patients for investigation. Patient summary: We have developed a tool that uses a person's characteristics to determine the risk of cancer if that person develops blood in the urine (haematuria). This can be used to help prioritise patients for further investigation.noneopenKhadhouri, Sinan; Gallagher, Kevin M.; MacKenzie, Kenneth R.; Shah, Taimur T.; Gao, Chuanyu; Moore, Sacha; Zimmermann, Eleanor F.; Edison, Eric; Jefferies, Matthew; Nambiar, Arjun; Anbarasan, Thineskrishna; Mannas, Miles P.; Lee, Taeweon; Marra, Giancarlo; GĂłmez Rivas, Juan; Marcq, Gautier; Assmus, Mark A.; Uçar, Taha; Claps, Francesco; Boltri, Matteo; La Montagna, Giuseppe; Burnhope, Tara; Nkwam, Nkwam; Austin, Tomas; Boxall, Nicholas E.; Downey, Alison P.; Sukhu, Troy A.; AntĂłn-Juanilla, Marta; Rai, Sonpreet; Chin, Yew-Fung; Moore, Madeline; Drake, Tamsin; Green, James S.A.; Goulao, Beatriz; MacLennan, Graeme; Nielsen, Matthew; McGrath, John S.; Kasivisvanathan, Veeru; Chaudry, Aasem; Sharma, Abhishek; Bennett, Adam; Ahmad, Adnan; Abroaf, Ahmed; Suliman, Ahmed Musa; Lloyd, Aimee; McKay, Alastair; Wong, Albert; Silva, Alberto; Schneider, Alexandre; MacKay, Alison; Knight, Allen; Grigorakis, Alkiviadis; Bdesha, Amar; Nagle, Amy; Cebola, Ana; Dhanasekaran, Ananda Kumar; KondĆŸa, AndraĆŸ; Barcelos, AndrĂ©; Galosi, Andrea Benedetto; Ebur, Andrea; Minervini, Andrea; Russell, Andrew; Webb, Andrew; de JalĂłn, Ángel GarcĂ­a; Desai, Ankit; Czech, Anna Katarzyna; Mainwaring, Anna; Adimonye, Anthony; Das, Arighno; Figueiredo, Arnaldo; Villers, Arnauld; Leminski, Artur; Chippagiri, Arvinda; Lal, Asim Ahmed; Yıldırım, Asıf; Voulgaris, Athanasios Marios; Uzan, Audrey; Oo, Aye Moh Moh; Younis, Ayman; Zelhof, Bachar; Mukhtar, Bashir; Ayres, Ben; Challacombe, Ben; Sherwood, Benedict; Ristau, Benjamin; Lai, Billy; Nellensteijn, Brechtje; Schreiter, Brielle; Trombetta, Carlo; Dowling, Catherine; Hobbs, Catherine; Benitez, Cayo Augusto Estigarribia; Lebacle, CĂ©dric; Ho, Cherrie Wing Yin; Ng, Chi-Fai; Mount, Chloe; Lam, Chon Meng; Blick, Chris; Brown, Christian; Gallegos, Christopher; Higgs, Claire; Browne, ClĂ­odhna; McCann, Conor; Plaza Alonso, Cristina; Beder, Daniel; Cohen, Daniel; Gordon, Daniel; Wilby, Daniel; Gordon, Danny; Hrouda, David; Lau, David Hua Wu; Karsza, DĂĄvid; Mak, David; Martin-Way, David; Suthaharan, Denula; Patel, Dhruv; Carrion, Diego M; Nyanhongo, Donald; Bass, Edward; Mains, Edward; Chau, Edwin; Canelon Castillo, Elba; Day, Elizabeth; Desouky, Elsayed; Gaines, Emily; Papworth, Emma; Yuruk, Emrah; Kilic, Enes; Dinneen, Eoin; Palagonia, Erika; Xylinas, Evanguelos; Khawaja, Faizan; Cimarra, Fernando; Bardet, Florian; Kum, Francesca; Peters, Francesca; KovĂĄcs, GĂĄbor; Tanasescu, Geroge; Hellawell, Giles; Tasso, Giovanni; Lam, Gitte; La Montagna, Giuseppe; Pizzuto, Giuseppe; Lenart, Gordan; MacLennan, Graeme; ÖzgĂŒr, GĂŒnal; Bi, Hai; Lyons, Hannah; Warren, Hannah; Ahmed, Hashim; Simpson, Helen; Burden, Helena; Gresty, Helena; Rios Pita, Hernado; Clarke, Holly; Serag, Hosam; Kynaston, Howard; Crawford-Smith, Hugh; Mostafid, Hugh; Otaola-Arca, Hugo; Koo, Hui Fen; Ibrahim, Ibrahim; Ouzaid, Idir; Puche-Sanz, Ignacio; TomaĆĄković, Igor; Tinay, Ilker; Sahibzada, Iqbal; Thangasamy, Isaac; Cadena, IvĂĄn Revelo; Irani, Jacques; Udzik, Jakub; Brittain, James; Catto, James; Green, James; Tweedle, James; Hernando, Jamie Borrego; Leask, Jamie; Kalsi, Jas; Frankel, Jason; Toniolo, Jason; Raman, Jay D.; Courcier, Jean; Kumaradeevan, Jeevan; Clark, Jennifer; Jones, Jennifer; Teoh, Jeremy Yuen-Chun; Iacovou, John; Kelly, John; Selph, John P.; Aning, Jonathan; Deeks, Jon; Cobley, Jonathan; Olivier, Jonathan; Maw, Jonny; Herranz-YagĂŒe, JosĂ© Antonio; Nolazco, Jose Ignacio; CĂłzar-Olmo, Jose Manuel; Bagley, Joseph; Jelski, Joseph; Norris, Joseph; Testa, Joseph; Meeks, Joshua; Hernandez, Juan; VĂĄsquez, Juan Luis; Randhawa, Karen; Dhera, Karishma; Gronostaj, Katarzyna; Houlton, Kathleen; Lehman, Kathleen; Gillams, Kathryn; Adasonla, Kelvin; Brown, Kevin; Murtagh, Kevin; Mistry, Kiki; Davenport, Kim; Kitamura, Kosuke; Derbyshire, Laura; Clarke, Laurence; Morton, Lawrie; Martinez, Levin; Goldsmith, Louise; Paramore, Louise; Cormier, Luc; Dell'Atti, Lucio; Simmons, Lucy; Martinez-Piñeiro, Luis; Rico, Luis; Chan, Luke; Forster, Luke; Ma, Lulin; Moore, Madeline; Gallego, Maria Camacho; Freire, Maria JosĂ©; Emberton, Mark; Feneley, Mark; AntĂłn-Juanilla, Marta; Rivero, Marta Viridiana Muñoz; PirĆĄa, Matea; TallĂš, Matteo; Crockett, Matthew; Liew, Matthew; Trail, Matthew; Peters, Max; Cooper, Meghan; Kulkarni, Meghana; Ager, Michael; He, Ming; Li, Mo; Omran Breish, Mohamed; Tarin, Mohamed; Aldiwani, Mohammed; Matanhelia, Mudit; Pasha, Muhammad; Akalın, Mustafa Kaan; Abdullah, Nasreen; Hale, Nathan; Gadiyar, Neha; Kocher, Neil; Bullock, Nicholas; Campain, Nicholas; Pavan, Nicola; Al-Ibraheem, Nihad; Bhatt, Nikita; Bedi, Nishant; Shrotri, Nitin; Lobo, Niyati; Balderas, Olga; Kouli, Omar; Capoun, Otakar; Oteo Manjavacas, Pablo; Gontero, Paolo; Mariappan, Paramananthan; Marchiñena, Patricio Garcia; Erotocritou, Paul; Sweeney, Paul; Planelles, Paula; Acher, Peter; Black, Peter C.; Osei-Bonsu, Peter K; Østergren, Peter; Smith, Peter; Willemse, Peter-Paul Michiel; Chlosta, Piotr L.; Ul Ain, Qurrat; Barratt, Rachel; Esler, Rachel; Khalid, Raihan; Hsu, Ray; Stamirowski, Remigiusz; Mangat, Reshma; Cruz, Ricardo; Ellis, Ricky; Adams, Robert; Hessell, Robert; Oomen, Robert J.A.; McConkey, Robert; Ritchie, Robert; Jarimba, Roberto; Chahal, Rohit; Andres, Rosado Mario; Hawkins, Rosalyn; David, Rotimi; Manecksha, Rustom P.; Agrawal, Sachin; Hamid, Syed Sami; Deem, Samuel; Goonewardene, Sanchia; Swami, Satchi Kuchibhotla; Hori, Satoshi; Khan, Shahid; Mohammud Inder, Shakeel; Sangaralingam, Shanthi; Marathe, Shekhar; Raveenthiran, Sheliyan; Horie, Shigeo; Sengupta, Shomik; Parson, Sian; Parker, Sidney; Hawlina, Simon; Williams, Simon; Mazzoli, Simone; Grzegorz Kata, Slawomir; Pinheiro Lopes, Sofia; Ramos, SĂłnia; Rai, Sonpreet; Rintoul-Hoad, Sophie; O'Meara, Sorcha; Morris, Steve; Turner, Stacey; Venturini, Stefano; Almpanis, Stephanos; Joniau, Steven; Jain, Sunjay; Mallett, Susan; Nikles, Sven; Shahzad, null; Yan, Sylvia; Lee, Taeweon; Uçar, Taha; Drake, Tamsin; Toma, Tarq; Cabañuz Plo, Teresa; Bonnin, Thierry; Muilwijk, Tim; Wollin, Tim; Chu, Timothy Shun Man; Appanna, Timson; Brophy, Tom; Ellul, Tom; Austin, Tomas; Smrkolj, TomaĆŸ; Rowe, Tracey; Sukhu, Troy; Patel, Trushar; Garg, Tullika; ÇaƟkurlu, Turhan; Bele, Uros; Haroon, Usman; Crespo-AtĂ­n, VĂ­ctor; Parejo Cortes, Victor; CapapĂ© Poves, Victoria; Gnanapragasam, Vincent; Gauhar, Vineet; During, Vinnie; Kumar, Vivek; Fiala, Vojtech; Mahmalji, Wasim; Lam, Wayne; Fung Chin, Yew; Filtekin, Yigit; Chyn Phan, Yih; Ibrahim, Youssed; Glaser, Zachary A; Abiddin, Zainal Adwin; Qin, Zijian; Zotter, Zsuzsanna; Zainuddin, ZulkifliKhadhouri, Sinan; Gallagher, Kevin M.; Mackenzie, Kenneth R.; Shah, Taimur T.; Gao, Chuanyu; Moore, Sacha; Zimmermann, Eleanor F.; Edison, Eric; Jefferies, Matthew; Nambiar, Arjun; Anbarasan, Thineskrishna; Mannas, Miles P.; Lee, Taeweon; Marra, Giancarlo; GĂłmez Rivas, Juan; Marcq, Gautier; Assmus, Mark A.; Uçar, Taha; Claps, Francesco; Boltri, Matteo; La Montagna, Giuseppe; Burnhope, Tara; Nkwam, Nkwam; Austin, Tomas; Boxall, Nicholas E.; Downey, Alison P.; Sukhu, Troy A.; AntĂłn-Juanilla, Marta; Rai, Sonpreet; Chin, Yew-Fung; Moore, Madeline; Drake, Tamsin; Green, James S. A.; Goulao, Beatriz; Maclennan, Graeme; Nielsen, Matthew; Mcgrath, John S.; Kasivisvanathan, Veeru; Chaudry, Aasem; Sharma, Abhishek; Bennett, Adam; Ahmad, Adnan; Abroaf, Ahmed; Suliman, Ahmed Musa; Lloyd, Aimee; Mckay, Alastair; Wong, Albert; Silva, Alberto; Schneider, Alexandre; Mackay, Alison; Knight, Allen; Grigorakis, Alkiviadis; Bdesha, Amar; Nagle, Amy; Cebola, Ana; Dhanasekaran, Ananda Kumar; KondĆŸa, AndraĆŸ; Barcelos, AndrĂ©; Galosi, Andrea Benedetto; Ebur, Andrea; Minervini, Andrea; Russell, Andrew; Webb, Andrew; de JalĂłn, Ángel GarcĂ­a; Desai, Ankit; Czech, Anna Katarzyna; Mainwaring, Anna; Adimonye, Anthony; Das, Arighno; Figueiredo, Arnaldo; Villers, Arnauld; Leminski, Artur; Chippagiri, Arvinda; Lal, Asim Ahmed; Yıldırım, Asıf; Voulgaris, Athanasios Marios; Uzan, Audrey; Oo, Aye Moh Moh; Younis, Ayman; Zelhof, Bachar; Mukhtar, Bashir; Ayres, Ben; Challacombe, Ben; Sherwood, Benedict; Ristau, Benjamin; Lai, Billy; Nellensteijn, Brechtje; Schreiter, Brielle; Trombetta, Carlo; Dowling, Catherine; Hobbs, Catherine; Benitez, Cayo Augusto Estigarribia; Lebacle, CĂ©dric; Ho, Cherrie Wing Yin; Ng, Chi-Fai; Mount, Chloe; Lam, Chon Meng; Blick, Chris; Brown, Christian; Gallegos, Christopher; Higgs, Claire; Browne, ClĂ­odhna; Mccann, Conor; Plaza Alonso, Cristina; Beder, Daniel; Cohen, Daniel; Gordon, Daniel; Wilby, Daniel; Gordon, Danny; Hrouda, David; Lau, David Hua Wu; Karsza, DĂĄvid; Mak, David; Martin-Way, David; Suthaharan, Denula; Patel, Dhruv; Carrion, Diego M; Nyanhongo, Donald; Bass, Edward; Mains, Edward; Chau, Edwin; Canelon Castillo, Elba; Day, Elizabeth; Desouky, Elsayed; Gaines, Emily; Papworth, Emma; Yuruk, Emrah; Kilic, Enes; Dinneen, Eoin; Palagonia, Erika; Xylinas, Evanguelos; Khawaja, Faizan; Cimarra, Fernando; Bardet, Florian; Kum, Francesca; Peters, Francesca; KovĂĄcs, GĂĄbor; Tanasescu, Geroge; Hellawell, Giles; Tasso, Giovanni; Lam, Gitte; La Montagna, Giuseppe; Pizzuto, Giuseppe; Lenart, Gordan; Maclennan, Graeme; ÖzgĂŒr, GĂŒnal; Bi, Hai; Lyons, Hannah; Warren, Hannah; Ahmed, Hashim; Simpson, Helen; Burden, Helena; Gresty, Helena; Rios Pita, Hernado; Clarke, Holly; Serag, Hosam; Kynaston, Howard; Crawford-Smith, Hugh; Mostafid, Hugh; Otaola-Arca, Hugo; Koo, Hui Fen; Ibrahim, Ibrahim; Ouzaid, Idir; Puche-Sanz, Ignacio; TomaĆĄković, Igor; Tinay, Ilker; Sahibzada, Iqbal; Thangasamy, Isaac; Cadena, IvĂĄn Revelo; Irani, Jacques; Udzik, Jakub; Brittain, James; Catto, James; Green, James; Tweedle, James; Hernando, Jamie Borrego; Leask, Jamie; Kalsi, Jas; Frankel, Jason; Toniolo, Jason; Raman, Jay D.; Courcier, Jean; Kumaradeevan, Jeevan; Clark, Jennifer; Jones, Jennifer; Teoh, Jeremy Yuen-Chun; Iacovou, John; Kelly, John; Selph, John P.; Aning, Jonathan; Deeks, Jon; Cobley, Jonathan; Olivier, Jonathan; Maw, Jonny; Herranz-YagĂŒe, JosĂ© Antonio; Nolazco, Jose Ignacio; CĂłzar-Olmo, Jose Manuel; Bagley, Joseph; Jelski, Joseph; Norris, Joseph; Testa, Joseph; Meeks, Joshua; Hernandez, Juan; VĂĄsquez, Juan Luis; Randhawa, Karen; Dhera, Karishma; Gronostaj, Katarzyna; Houlton, Kathleen; Lehman, Kathleen; Gillams, Kathryn; Adasonla, Kelvin; Brown, Kevin; Murtagh, Kevin; Mistry, Kiki; Davenport, Kim; Kitamura, Kosuke; Derbyshire, Laura; Clarke, Laurence; Morton, Lawrie; Martinez, Levin; Goldsmith, Louise; Paramore, Louise; Cormier, Luc; Dell'Atti, Lucio; Simmons, Lucy; Martinez-Piñeiro, Luis; Rico, Luis; Chan, Luke; Forster, Luke; Ma, Lulin; Moore, Madeline; Gallego, Maria Camacho; Freire, Maria JosĂ©; Emberton, Mark; Feneley, Mark; AntĂłn-Juanilla, Marta; Rivero, Marta Viridiana Muñoz; PirĆĄa, Matea; TallĂš, Matteo; Crockett, Matthew; Liew, Matthew; Trail, Matthew; Peters, Max; Cooper, Meghan; Kulkarni, Meghana; Ager, Michael; He, Ming; Li, Mo; Omran Breish, Mohamed; Tarin, Mohamed; Aldiwani, Mohammed; Matanhelia, Mudit; Pasha, Muhammad; Akalın, Mustafa Kaan; Abdullah, Nasreen; Hale, Nathan; Gadiyar, Neha; Kocher, Neil; Bullock, Nicholas; Campain, Nicholas; Pavan, Nicola; Al-Ibraheem, Nihad; Bhatt, Nikita; Bedi, Nishant; Shrotri, Nitin; Lobo, Niyati; Balderas, Olga; Kouli, Omar; Capoun, Otakar; Oteo Manjavacas, Pablo; Gontero, Paolo; Mariappan, Paramananthan; Marchiñena, Patricio Garcia; Erotocritou, Paul; Sweeney, Paul; Planelles, Paula; Acher, Peter; Black, Peter C.; Osei-Bonsu, Peter K; Østergren, Peter; Smith, Peter; Willemse, Peter-Paul Michiel; Chlosta, Piotr L.; Ul Ain, Qurrat; Barratt, Rachel; Esler, Rachel; Khalid, Raihan; Hsu, Ray; Stamirowski, Remigiusz; Mangat, Reshma; Cruz, Ricardo; Ellis, Ricky; Adams, Robert; Hessell, Robert; Oomen, Robert J. A.; Mcconkey, Robert; Ritchie, Robert; Jarimba, Roberto; Chahal, Rohit; Andres, Rosado Mario; Hawkins, Rosalyn; David, Rotimi; Manecksha, Rustom P.; Agrawal, Sachin; Hamid, Syed Sami; Deem, Samuel; Goonewardene, Sanchia; Swami, Satchi Kuchibhotla; Hori, Satoshi; Khan, Shahid; Mohammud Inder, Shakeel; Sangaralingam, Shanthi; Marathe, Shekhar; Raveenthiran, Sheliyan; Horie, Shigeo; Sengupta, Shomik; Parson, Sian; Parker, Sidney; Hawlina, Simon; Williams, Simon; Mazzoli, Simone; Grzegorz Kata, Slawomir; Pinheiro Lopes, Sofia; Ramos, SĂłnia; Rai, Sonpreet; Rintoul-Hoad, Sophie; O'Meara, Sorcha; Morris, Steve; Turner, Stacey; Venturini, Stefano; Almpanis, Stephanos; Joniau, Steven; Jain, Sunjay; Mallett, Susan; Nikles, Sven; Shahzad, Null; Yan, Sylvia; Lee, Taeweon; Uçar, Taha; Drake, Tamsin; Toma, Tarq; Cabañuz Plo, Teresa; Bonnin, Thierry; Muilwijk, Tim; Wollin, Tim; Chu, Timothy Shun Man; Appanna, Timson; Brophy, Tom; Ellul, Tom; Austin, Tomas; Smrkolj, TomaĆŸ; Rowe, Tracey; Sukhu, Troy; Patel, Trushar; Garg, Tullika; ÇaƟkurlu, Turhan; Bele, Uros; Haroon, Usman; Crespo-AtĂ­n, VĂ­ctor; Parejo Cortes, Victor; CapapĂ© Poves, Victoria; Gnanapragasam, Vincent; Gauhar, Vineet; During, Vinnie; Kumar, Vivek; Fiala, Vojtech; Mahmalji, Wasim; Lam, Wayne; Fung Chin, Yew; Filtekin, Yigit; Chyn Phan, Yih; Ibrahim, Youssed; Glaser, Zachary A; Abiddin, Zainal Adwin; Qin, Zijian; Zotter, Zsuzsanna; Zainuddin, Zulkifl