3 research outputs found

    Older People Hospitalized for COVID-19: Prognostic Role of Multidimensional Prognostic Index and Other Prognostic Scores

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    During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, frailty and patients’ poor outcomes seem to be closely related. However, there is no clear indication of the significance of this connection and the most adequate risk index in clinical practice. In this study, we compared a short version of MPI (multidimensional prognostic index) and other two prognostic scores for COVID-19 as potential predictors of poor patient outcomes. The patients were consecutively enrolled in the hospital of Palermo for COVID-19. The accuracy of Brief-MPI, 4C score and COVID-GRAM score in points was evaluated using the area under the curve (AUC) with 95% CI, taking mortality or sub-ICU admission as outcome. The study included 112 participants (mean age 77.6, 55.4% males). During a mean of 16 days of hospitalization, Brief-MPI significantly increased by 0.03 ± 0.14 (p = 0.04), whilst COVID-GRAM did not. Brief-MPI, 4C score and COVID-GRAM scores had good accuracy in predicting negative outcomes (AUC > 0.70 for all three scores). Brief-MPI was significantly associated with an increased mortality/ICU admission risk, indicating the importance of multidimensional impairment in clinical decision-making with an accuracy similar to other prognostic scores commonly used in COVID-19 study, providing information regarding domains for which interventions can be proposed

    Multidimensional Frailty and Vaccinations in Older People: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    It is known that influenza, herpes zoster, pneumococcal and pertussis infections may increase morbidity and mortality in older people. Vaccinations against these pathogens are effective in older adults. Frailty seems to be an important determinant of vaccination rates, yet data supporting this association are still missing. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the prevalence of four recommended vaccinations (influenza, herpes zoster, pneumococcal and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) and the association with multidimensional frailty assessed using a self-reported comprehensive geriatric assessment tool, i.e., the multidimensional prognostic index (SELFY-MPI). Older participants visiting the outpatient clinic of Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria, Palermo, Italy were included. The SELFY-MPI questionnaire score was calculated based on eight different domains, while the vaccination status was determined using self-reported information. We included 319 participants from the 500 initially considered (63.8%). Vaccination against influenza was observed in 70.5% of the cases, whilst only 1.3% received the vaccination against diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis. Participants with higher SELFY-MPI scores were more likely to report vaccination against pneumococcus (45.6 vs. 28.3%, p = 0.01), whilst no significant differences were observed for the other vaccinations. In conclusion, the coverage of recommended vaccinations is low. Higher SELFY-MPI scores and vaccination status, particularly anti-pneumococcus, appear to be associated, but future studies are urgently needed for confirming that frailty is associated with vaccination status in older people