2 research outputs found

    RAS/BRAF mutational status in familial non‑medullary thyroid carcinomas: A retrospective study

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    There are contrasting views on whether familial non‑medullary thyroid carcinomas (FNMTCs) are characterized by aggressive behavior, and limited evidence exists on the prognostic value of BRAF and RAS mutations in these tumors. Thus, in the present study, clinicopathological features were analyzed in 386 non‑medullary thyroid carcinomas (NMTCs), subdivided in 82 familial and 304 sporadic cases. Furthermore, the RAS and BRAF mutational statuses were investigated in a subgroup of 34 FNMTCs to address their clinical and biological significance. The results demonstrated that, compared with sporadic NMTCs, FNMTCs are characterized by significantly higher rates of multicentricity and bilaterality and are more frequently associated with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. Notably, a statistically significant difference in the rates of multicentricity was observed by subgrouping familial tumors according to the number of relatives involved; those with ≥3 affected relatives were more likely to be multicentric. Furthermore, the FNMTC cohort exhibited higher rates of tumors >4 cm in size with extrathyroidal or lymph node involvement. However, no significant difference was observed. Similarly, no differences were observed with respect to the age of onset or the patient outcome. The mutational profiling exhibited a rate of 58.8% for BRAF V600E mutations in familial tumors, which is at the upper limit of the mutational frequency observed in historical series of sporadic thyroid cancer. A high rate of NRAS mutations (17.6%) was also observed, mostly in the follicular variant histotype. Notably, compared with BRAF/RAS‑wild type FNMTCs, the familial carcinomas bearing BRAF or NRAS mutations exhibited slightly higher rates of bilaterality and multicentricity, in addition to increased frequency of locally advanced stage or lymph node involvement. The present data support the theory that FNMTCs are characterized by clinicopathological features that resemble a more aggressive phenotype and suggest that RAS/BRAF mutational analysis deserves to be further evaluated as a tool for the identification of FNMTCs with a potentially unfavorable prognosis

    Clinical significance of nonalbuminuric renal impairment in type 2 diabetes

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    Objective In type 2 diabetes, prevalence of nonalbuminuric renal impairment is increasing worldwide, though its clinical significance remains unclear. This large-cohort study aimed at evaluating the association of this phenotype with cardiovascular risk factors and other complications. Methods Type 2 diabetic patients from the Renal Insufficiency And Cardiovascular Events (RIACE) Italian Multicenter Study (n=15773), visiting consecutively 19 hospital-based Diabetes Clinics in years 2007-2008, were examined. Serum creatinine was assessed by the Jaffe method; albuminuria was measured by immunonephelometry or immunoturbidimetry. Results Of patients with renal impairment, as identified by an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) less than 60 ml/min per 1.73 m(2), 56.6% were normoalbuminuric, 30.8% were microalbuminuric, and 12.6% were macroalbuminuric. Percentages were similar when GFR was estimated using the more accurate Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration equation instead of the simplified Modification of Diet in Renal Disease formula, and were independent of age, thus indicating that the increasing prevalence of this phenotype does not reflects misclassification of elderly patients. Nonalbuminuric renal impairment was not associated with HbA(1c) and correlated less strongly with retinopathy and hypertension than albuminuria, either alone or associated with reduced eGFR. It was associated with a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) than albuminuria alone, but lower than albuminuric renal impairment. Female sex correlated with nonalbuminuric renal impairment and male sex with the albuminuric forms. Conclusions These data show that type 2 diabetic patients with nonalbuminuric renal impairment exhibit distinct clinical features, suggesting predominance of macroangiopathy as underlying renal pathology, and that this phenotype is associated with significant CVD burden. J Hypertens 29:1802-1809 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins