12 research outputs found

    Forms of continuity in architectural space

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    Starting from understanding the architectural space as one of many modes of continual urban space, the research focuses on the interpretation of concepts developed in order to describe the properties of the so-called cognitive architecture. In the last decade, guided by the issue of social effects of architecture, many investigations in the field of theory of architecture were conducted within the framework constituted from the philosophical elaborations of the notion of affect, mainly by Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari and Brian Massumi. In some proposals, the concept of cognitive architecture was established to describe the impact that the space occupied with new information and communication technologies exerts on the domains of intellect and mental disposition, coupled with the practices of every-day life. Cognitive architecture emerges as a consequence of the intertwinings of physical and mental processes in individuals’ bodies, as well as between them, that characterize social space in contemporary communication-information age. The concept of cognitive architecture thus emphasizes the ways in which technologies of communication shape the mental sphere of humans and its relation to material processes in humans’ bodies. Paralleling this phenomenon, in the field of architectural design, the architect Philippe Rahm has developed a practice based on investigations into the morphogenetic potential of material flows in space. The flows in question comprise a series of chemical, physical and biological transformations through which non-living materials and human mind and body become directly connected. Comparing and intersecting theoretical interpretations of cognitive architecture with Rahm’s design strategies, we shall offer a set of notions that trace new forms of unity between mind, body and architectural space, as a contribution to the exploration of the concept of bodily-mental-social continuum

    Problematika bývania v šesdesiatych rokoch 20. storočia v Belehrade: sprostredkovanie individuálneho a kolektívneho

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    Architecture and ambience of the low-rise high-density single-family housing estate Petlovo Brdo in Belgrade, Serbia (1967-69), relate everyday social production of space in socialism as a contemporary vernacular outcome of the notions of the folkloric and the peripheral. Socio-spatial balance between the individual and the communal, pursued by the estate’s architects Elsa and Branislav Milenković, is achieved by variation of seven apartment types in four house types and their diverse grouping in immediate neighbourhoods with pedestrian circulation. Architectural design upholds modular coordination, apartments’ use-value as a function of layout disposition, environmental mindfulness and aesthetic of domesticity and small scale urbanity

    Association of post-traumatic communication of endocranium and nasal cavity with recurrent meningoencephalitis without rhinorrhea

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    Introduction. A gunshot head injury, characterized by a huge intensity of mechanical force, in addition to the direct tissue damage at the location of direct impact, may cause a skull and skull base fracture, distant from the the point of direct impact, which could be further complicated by creating a communication between endocranium and nasal/paranasal cavities. Such cases pose a great diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for every clinician. Case report. The patient is presented with the history of a perforating gunshot head injury six years ago, with recurrent attacks of meningoencephalitis subsequently, without rhinorrhea. By using high resolution CT scans, previous traumatic skull injury was verified and a fissure in the frontoethmoidal region, far from the point of direct impact, was detected. The patient underwent transnasal endoscopic surgery, in order to seal the communication on skull basis. The patient did not suffer from meningoencephalitis during the next two years. Conclusion. In the cases with late occurrence of posttraumatic meningoencephalitis with no signs of rhinorrhea, a possibility of an existing communication between intracranial and nasal cavities should be considered, as well. By applying modern diagnostic and therapeutic procedures such communication should be precisely located and sealed

    Изложбе Модерни у Београду: Галерија Колектив, Галерија ФЛУ, Улична галерија, OZON ArtSpace, Коларчева задужбина [награда Ранко Радовић]

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    Projekat Moderni u Beogradu (MuBGD) okuplja grupu arhitekata (Iva Bekić, Irena Gajić, Dalia Dukanac, Stefan Đorđević, Snežana Zlatković, Mirjana Ješić, Hristina Stojanović, Petar Cigić) sa posebnim interesovanjem i angažmanom u oblasti ilustracije, grafičkog dizajna i likovnih umetnosti. Zajedno su pokrenuli udruženje MuBGD u cilju promocije, ali i kritičke analize arhitektonskog nasleđa Beograda putem inovativnih grafičkih reprezentacija. Koristeći projektantske metodske alate, autori projekta Moderni u Beogradu na inovativan način predstavljaju odabrana arhitektonska dela i prostorne celine nastale u hladnoratovskom periodu na teritoriji Beograda. Niz samostalnih izložbi koju je grupa realizovala tokom 2019. godine izdvajaju pojedine arhitektonske celine istražene kroz vizuelne reprezentacije, a potom su neke od njih i reinterpretirane u tri dimenzije što predstavlja reakciju autora u odnosu na specifično tematizovanu izlagačku sezonu jedne od galerija. Cilj projekta je doprinos razumevanju kanonskih arhitektonskih projekata i objekata i njihovih uloga u širem društveno-političkom, ekonomskom i kulturnom kontekstu, kao kritičkog instrumenta za promišljanje i produkciju savremenog prostora. Samostalne izložbe se tokom 2019. godine nadovezuju jedna na drugu, osmišljene kao jednogodišnji skup prostornih simulacija – autorskih radova članova tima. Svaki crtež, ilustracija ili maketa predstavljaju individualnu reakciju autora na specifične prostorne i estetske karakteristike odabranog dela i fragment je celokupnog projekta. Iako se vizuelni identiteti pojedinačnih priloga međusobno razlikuju u zavisnosti od pristupa autora kao i samog predmeta istraživanja, objedinjeni su medijem reprezentacije u zavisnosti od izložbe do izložbe. Autori koriste različite materijale, tehnike, prostorne odnose i likovne izraze kako bi vizuelno pripovedali o arhitektonskom nasleđu Beograda i približili manje poznate informacije i zanimljivosti široj publici. Likovna sloboda autora, sa druge strane, često podrazumeva spekulativan i fiktivan način reinterpretacija društveno-kulturoloških aspekata odabranh arhitektonskih objekata i prostornih celina. Akcenat izložbi je takođe na savremenoj interpretaciji i digitalizaciji likovne reprezentacije u okviru arhitektonskog diskursa. - „Moderni u Beogradu: crno na belo”, samostalna izložba, galerija O3ONE Art Space, Beograd, novembar-decembar 2019. godine - „Moderni u Beogradu”, Forum Kreativna Evropa, Zadužbina Ilije M. Kolarca, Beograd, novembar 2019. godine - „Moderni u Beogradu: Leto u Beogradu”, samostalna izložba, Ulična galerija, Beograd, jun-jul 2019. godine - „Moderni u Beogradu”, samostalna izložba, Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture - BINA, Beograd, maj 2019. godine - „Moderni u Beogradu: .33: nešto trodimenzionalno”, samostalna izložba, galerija Kolektiv, Beograd, april 2019. godin

    The Fisher Grade in predicting a degree of cerebral vasospasm in patients after intracranial aneurysm rupture

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    Background/Aim. Intracranial aneurysms are pathological enlargement of the wall of cerebral arteries. Intracranial aneurysms rupture is a dramatic event with a significant morbidity and mortality. The Fisher Grade is widely accepted in assessment of the extensiveness of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) and the presence of other intracranial hemorrhage on the computed tomography (CT) scan. Significant early complication of a aSAH may be a cerebral vasospasm. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the extensiveness of aSAH, assessed by the Fisher Grade on admission, with the intensity of cerebral vasospasm in patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysm. Methods. This prospective clinical study included 50 patients with aSAH hospitalized at the Clinic of Neurosurgery, Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia. All the patients underwent 256-layer cranial CT and CT angiography on admission and on the day 9. Based on native CT scans, they were classified according to the Fisher Grade. On CT angiography images, intensity of cerebral vasospasm was determined. Results. On the basis of admission CT images, 24% of patients were classified into the Fisher Grade group 2, while 34% and 42% were in the groups 3 and 4, respectively. A positive correlation of the Fischer Grade on admission with the intensity of cerebral vasospasm was established, but with no statistical significance (ρ = 0.273, p = 0.160). Conclusion. This study showed that the Fisher Grade is not significant in predicting the intensity of cerebral vasospasm in patients hospitalized with intracranial aneurysm rupture

    L'ottavo chilometro : [catalogo della mostra] : Padiglione della Serbia alla 17. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura - La Biennale di Venezia, 22. 05 -21.11. 2021

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    Representing Serbia at the Biennale Architettura 2020, "Moderni u Beogradu" (MuBGD) a team of eight architects, designed and produced an exhibition under the title The 8th Kilometer. The exhibition design was select ed by the Board of Experts via an open call organized by the Museum of Applied Art in Belgrade in 2019. MuBGD team interpreted the theme of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia How Will We Live Together? through the life-work relationship which generates forms of collectivity and is manifested as a relation between one city’s production base and its urban structure. The specific subject of the research that forms the main content of the exhibition in the Pavilion of Serbia is Bor, a mining town in East Serbia. Geographically positioned within a non-ferrous metal mining basin, this town was urbanistically and architecturally developed during the post-war industrialization period, as a further upgrade to its multicultural character previously developed through the town’s core economic activity – mining. As the authors of the exhibition have noticed, in everyday language the residents of Bor refer to the individual places of the town through a measure of their distance from the Bor open-cast mine, which they take as a starting point – “kilometer zero” or “the end of the world.” Furthermore, the inhabitants’ system of orientation is analogous to the methodology of planning and construction of the town itself by way of seven city kilometers. In this sense, the “eighth kilometer” represents a qualitatively new layer of the town, suggesting directions of its further development beyond the mining industry. The exhibition demonstrates that in the example of the Bor Basin, developed mining production has so far been unambiguously positioned as the sole factor of the town’s existence. By placing this production into global capital flows, the town exhibits the absence of opportunities to improve its social and spatial plans. At the same time, due to the unsustainability of the previously proposed alternatives to its socio-economic development, Bor also represents an opportunity to redefine the life-work relationship and consequently its physical framework. Therefore, the exhibition and the research investigate the future of this relationship through the topic of the “eighth kilometer” which introduces disruption into the order of the existing seven urban zones, i.e. seven city kilometers. Представљајући Србију на Бијеналу архитектуре у Венецији 2020/2021, Модерни у Београду (МуБГД) тим сачињен од осам архитеката, пројектовао је и произвео изложбу под насловом Осми километар. Предлог изложбе изабрао је Стручни савет путем отвореног конкурса за дизајн организованог од стране Музеја примењене уметности, у Београду 2019. године. МуБГД тим интерпретирао је тему 17. Међународне архитектонске изложбе La Biennale di Venezia Како ћемо живети заједно? кроз однос живот – рад, који генерише облике колективности и манифестује се кроз однос производне базе градова и изграђене урбане структуре. Посебан предмет истраживања који чини основни садржај изложбе у Павиљону Србије је Бор, рударски град смештен у источној Србији. Просторно-географски позициониран у оквиру рударског басена обојених метала, овај град је урбанистички и архитектонски развијен у периоду послератне индустријализације, чиме је надограђен његов мултикултурални карактер претходно развијен захваљујући основној привредној делатности овог града – рударству. Како су аутори ове изложбе уочили, становници Бора у свакодневном говору исказују појединачна места града кроз меру њихове удаљености од рударског површинског копа Бор, који рачунају као полазну тачку, „нулти километар” или „смак света”. Систем оријентације становника аналоган је начину планирања и изградње самог града кроз седам градских километара. У овом смислу, „осми километар” представља квалитативно нови слој града, предлажући правце његовог будућег развоја независног од рударске индустрије. Изложба приказује како се на примеру Борског басена развијена рударска производња до сада једнозначно постављала као искључиви фактор постојања града. Умрежавањем ове производње у глобалне токове капитала, у граду се испољава одсуство могућности рада на друштвеном и просторном плану. Уједно, услед неодрживости предложених алтернатива социо-економског развоја Бора, то је и прилика за редефинисање односа живот – рад, а тиме и физичког оквира унутар ког се наведени процеси одвијају. Стога изложба и истраживање разматрају будућност овог односа кроз тему „осмог километра”, који уводи поремећај у поредак постојећих седам градских зона – седам градских километара

    The evaluation of malignant astrocytoma score (MAS)

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    Background/Aim. At the moment there are few scoring systems for malignant astrocytoma but they are not widely accepted. The aim of this study was to evaluate malignant astrocytoma score (MAS) on a new group of patients with malignant astrocytoma, to compare MAS with other prognostic tools and to describe the use of MAS in everyday practice in neurooncology. Methods. The study was performed on 124 patients with supratentorial malignant astrocytoma grade III or IV. They were operated on and subsequently irradiated with 50-60 Gy. Results. The mean age of the patients was 57.3 years. The mean Karnofski performance status (KPS) of the functional inpairment was 54. The removal of the tumor > 90% was done in 59.7% of patients. The mean survival was 9.1 months, and 27.4% of patients had a 12-month survival. The area under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) of the MAS for predicting 6-, 12- and 18-month survival was 0.754, 0.783 and 0.882, respectively. We compared the MAS with the two mostly cited scoring systems. The AUC for the same prediction for medical research council (MRC) was 0.601, 0.693, 0.772 respectively. For the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) the AUC was 0.732, 0.765, 0.827, respectively. Conclusion. MAS represents a useful scoring system for determining illness severity and prognosis in patients with malignant supratentorial astrocytoma. It can be helpful in comparing single patients or groups of patients, as well as results of different treatments and in controlling the quality of hospital treatment and so on

    8th Kilometer [23. Salon arhitekture Novi Sad]

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    Predstavljajući Srbiju na Bijenalu arhitekture u Veneciji 2020/2021, MuBGD, tim sačinjen od osam arhitekata, projektovao je i proizveo izložbu pod naslovom Osmi kilometar. Predlog izložbe izabrao je Stručni savet putem otvorenog konkursa za dizajn organizovanog od strane Muzeja primenjene umetnosti, uz podršku Ministarstva kulture i informisanja, u Beogradu 2019. godine. MuBGD tim interpretirao je temu Sedamnaeste međunarodne arhitektonske izložbe La Biennale di Venezia Kako ćemo živeti zajedno? kroz odnos život – rad, koji generiše oblike kolektivnosti i manifestuje se kroz odnos proizvodne baze gradova i izgrađene urbane strukture. Poseban predmet istraživanja koji čini osnovni sadržaj izložbe u Paviljonu Srbije je Bor, rudarski grad smešten u istočnoj Srbiji. Prostorno-geografski pozicioniran u okviru rudarskog basena obojenih metala, ovaj grad je urbanistički i arhitektonski razvijen u periodu posleratne industrijalizacije, čime je nadograđen njegov multikulturalni karakter prethodno razvijen zahvaljujući osnovnoj privrednoj delatnosti ovog grada – rudarstvu. Struktura Kataloga izložbe je četvorodelna i sadrži: 1. Uvodni tekst autora projekta, koji detaljnije objašnjava predmet istraživanja, pristup temi Bijenala, metodologiju istraživanja i reprezentacije, i sadržaj izložbe; 2. Komentatorski deo, koji sagledava projekat i predlog izložbe od strane žirija, predstavnika nosioca projekta Muzeja primenjene umetnosti u Beogradu – Ljiljane Miletić Abramović, i komesara nastupa Srbije na Bijenalu – Slobodana Jovića; 3. Rezultat istraživanja u vidu sedam autorskih tekstova i ilustracija, koji problematizuju sedam gradskih kilometara grada Bora. Svaki od sedam tekstova čini predlog reinterpretacije odabrane teme koja je dominantno vezana za predmetni kilometar. Teme su redom: industrijska proizvodnja, prostori kulture, prostorno planiranje, standard stanovanja, prakse svakodnevnog života, ekologija i demografija. 4. Recenzija izložbe sa fotografskom dokumentacijom izvedene izložbene postavke u Paviljonu Srbije u Đardinima u Veneciji

    Moderni u Beograd [42. Salon arhitekture]

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    Platforma je osnovana u Beogradu 2018. godine i okuplja grupu arhitekata sa posebnim interesovanjem i angažmanom u oblasti ilustracije, grafičkog dizajna i likovnih umetnosti. Zajedno su pokrenuli projekat MuBGD u cilju promocije ali i kritičke analize arhitektonskog nasleđa Beograda putem inovativnih grafičkih reprezentacija. Dugoročno istraživanje autora u domenu vizuelne reprezentacije ima za cilj doprinos u razumevanju kanonskih arhitektonskih projekata i objekata i njihovih uloga u širem društveno-političkom, ekonomskom i kulturnom kontekstu, kao kritičkog instrumenta za posmatranje, promišljanje i ponašanje u savremenom prostoru