2 research outputs found

    Assesment of antioxidative enzymes activity and intensification of lipids peroxidation in asthmatic patients.

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    Chronic immunoalergic in flammatory reaction plays a key role in pathogenesis of asthma. Importance of free oxygen radicals in mechanism of chronic inflammatory process has been proved. Activity of two antioxidative enzymes: isoenzymes of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (POX), and concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) in serum and erythrocytes in asthmatics during exacerbation and improvement of disease were assessed. Disturbances in oxidative system in asthmatic patients have been observed. Lack of significant differences in antioxidative indexes between a period of exacerbation, not complicated by infection and a period of improvement indicates a pathophysiological role of chronic oxygenic stress in asthma. It has been also shown that bacterial infection disturbes efficiency of antioxidative mechanisms. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2004, 72, 472-47

    Mean daily plasma concentrations of β-endorphin, leu-enkephalin, ACTH, cortisol, and DHEAS in epileptic patients with complex partial seizures evolving to generalized tonic-clonic seizures

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    Introduction: A multitude of mechanisms have been implicated in the pathophysiology of epilepsy. Objective: To assess mean daily plasma concentrations of ACTH, cortisol, DHEAS, leu-enkephalin, and beta-endorphin in epileptic patients with complex partial seizures evolving to tonic-clonic in relation to frequency of seizure occurrence (groups with seizure occurrences - several per week and several per year) and duration of the disease (groups less than and more than 10 years). We decided to analyse mean daily values of beta-endorphin and leu-enkephalin because of significant differences in concentrations of these substances in blood during the day. Material and methods: The study was performed on 17 patients (14 males + 3 females; mean age 31.8 yrs) treated with carbamazepine (300-1800 mg/day). The control group consisted of six age-matched healthy volunteers. Blood was collected at 8 a.m., 2 p.m., 8 p.m., and 2 a.m. Intergroup analysis was performed with the use of ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Mean daily concentrations of ACTH and cortisol in the blood of the patients with epilepsy were higher in comparison with those of the healthy volunteers, independently of the frequency of seizures and duration of the disease. Mean daily concentrations of beta-endorphin in the blood of the patients with epilepsy were higher in the groups of patients with more severe clinical course of disease (with more frequently occurring epilepsy seizures and longer duration of the disease) in comparison with healthy subjects. Mean daily concentrations of leu-enkephalin in the blood of the patients with epilepsy were higher in the group of patients with short duration of the disease in comparison with the group with long duration of the disease. Conclusions: 1. Pituitary-adrenal axis hyperactivity is observed in patients with clinically active epilepsy, independently of the frequency of seizures and duration of the disease. 2. Changes in endogenous opioid system activity are related to the clinical activity of epilepsy - beta-endorphin concentrations are connected with frequency of seizures and duration of the disease and leu-enkephalin concentrations with duration of the disease. 3. Endogenous opioid peptides might take part in the neurochemical mechanism of human epilepsy. (Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (1): 103-110)Wst臋p: W patofizjologii padaczki uczestniczy nieokre艣lona ilo艣膰 mechanizm贸w. Celem pracy by艂a ocena 艣redniodobowych osoczowych st臋偶e艅 ACTH, kortyzolu, DHEAS, leu-enkefaliny and β-endorfiny u chorych na padaczk臋 z napadami cz臋艣ciowymi, z艂o偶onymi i wt贸rnie uog贸lnionymi, toniczno-klonicznymi w zale偶no艣ci od cz臋sto艣ci napad贸w (grupy z cz臋sto艣ci膮 napad贸w - kilka na tydzie艅 i kilka na rok) i od czasu trwania choroby (grupy 10 lat). Autorzy zdecydowali si臋 na analiz臋 艣redniodobowych warto艣ci β-endorfiny i leu-enkefaliny z powodu wyra藕nych r贸偶nic w ich st臋偶eniu we krwi w ci膮gu doby. Materia艂 i metody: Badanie przeprowadzono u 17 chorych (14 m臋偶czyzn i 3 kobiety; 艣redni wiek 31,8 lat) leczonych karbamazepin膮 (300-1800 mg/dzie艅). Grupa kontrolna sk艂ada艂a si臋 z 6 zdrowych ochotnik贸w w por贸wnywalnym wieku. Krew pobierano o godzinie 8, 14, 20, 2. W analizie mi臋dzygrupowej wykorzystano test ANOVA Kruskala-Wallisa. Wyniki: 艢redniodobowe st臋偶enia ACTH i kortyzolu we krwi chorych na padaczk臋 by艂y wy偶sze w por贸wnaniu ze zdrowymi niezale偶nie od cz臋sto艣ci napad贸w i czasu trwania choroby. 艢redniodobowe st臋偶enia β-endorfiny we krwi chorych na padaczk臋 by艂y wy偶sze w grupach pacjent贸w z ci臋偶kim przebiegiem klinicznym choroby (z wysok膮 cz臋sto艣ci膮 napad贸w i d艂ugim czasem trwania choroby) w por贸wnaniu ze zdrowymi. 艢redniodobowe st臋偶enia leu-enkefaliny we krwi chorych na padaczk臋 by艂y wy偶sze w grupie pacjent贸w z kr贸tkim czasem trwania choroby w por贸wnaniu z grup膮 z d艂ugim czasem trwania choroby. Wnioski: 1. U chorych na padaczk臋, niezale偶nie od cz臋sto艣ci napad贸w i czasu trwania choroby, dochodzi do wzmo偶onej aktywno艣ci osi przysadkowo- nadnerczowej. 2. Zmiany w aktywno艣ci endogennego uk艂adu opioidowego s膮 zwi膮zane z kliniczn膮 aktywno艣ci膮 padaczki - st臋偶enia β-endorfiny pozostaj膮 w zwi膮zku z cz臋sto艣ci膮 napad贸w i czasem trwania choroby, a st臋偶enia leu-enkefaliny z czasem trwania choroby. 3. Endogenne peptydy opioidowe mog膮 uczestniczy膰 w neurochemicznym mechanizmie padaczki u ludzi. (Endokrynol Pol 2010; 61 (1): 103-110