3 research outputs found

    Comparison of Methods for Classifying Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms in Children

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    Pediatric mild traumatic brain injury (pmTBI) has received increased public scrutiny over the past decade, especially regarding children who experience persistent post-concussive symptoms (PPCS). However, several methods for defining PPCS exist in clinical and scientific literature, and even healthy children frequently exhibit non-specific, concussive-like symptoms. Inter-method agreement (six PPCS methods), observed misclassification rates, and other psychometric properties were examined in large cohorts of consecutively recruited adolescent patients with pmTBI (n = 162) 1 week and 4 months post-injury and in age/sex-matched healthy controls (HC; n = 117) at equivalent time intervals. Six published PPCS methods were stratified into Simple Change (e.g., International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision [ICD-10]) and Standardized Change (e.g., reliable change indices) algorithms. Among HC, test-retest reliability was fair to good across the 4-month assessment window, with evidence of bias (i.e., higher symptom ratings) during retrospective relative to other assessments. Misclassification rates among HC were higher (>30%) for Simple Change algorithms, with poor inter-rater reliability of symptom burden across HC and their parents. A 49% spread existed in terms of the proportion of pmTBI patients "diagnosed" with PPCS at 4 months, with superior inter-method agreement among standardized change algorithms. In conclusion, the self-reporting of symptom burden is only modestly reliable in typically developing adolescents over a 4-month period, with additional evidence for systematic bias in both adolescent and parental ratings. Significant variation existed for identifying pmTBI patients who had "recovered" (i.e., those who did not meet individual criteria for PPCS) from concussion across the six definitions, representing a considerable challenge for estimating the true incidence rate of PPCS in published literature. Although relatively straightforward to obtain, current findings question the utility of the most commonly used Simple Change scores for diagnosis of PPCS in clinical settings

    Reproducibility and Characterization of Head Kinematics During a Large Animal Acceleration Model of Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Acceleration parameters have been utilized for the last six decades to investigate pathology in both human and animal models of traumatic brain injury (TBI), design safety equipment, and develop injury thresholds. Previous large animal models have quantified acceleration from impulsive loading forces (i.e., machine/object kinematics) rather than directly measuring head kinematics. No study has evaluated the reproducibility of head kinematics in large animal models. Nine (five males) sexually mature Yucatan swine were exposed to head rotation at a targeted peak angular velocity of 250 rad/s in the coronal plane. The results indicated that the measured peak angular velocity of the skull was 51% of the impulsive load, was experienced over 91% longer duration, and was multi- rather than uni-planar. These findings were replicated in a second experiment with a smaller cohort (N = 4). The reproducibility of skull kinematics data was mostly within acceptable ranges based on published industry standards, although the coefficients of variation (8.9% for peak angular velocity or 12.3% for duration) were higher than the impulsive loading parameters produced by the machine (1.1 vs. 2.5%, respectively). Immunohistochemical markers of diffuse axonal injury and blood–brain barrier breach were not associated with variation in either skull or machine kinematics, suggesting that the observed levels of variance in skull kinematics may not be biologically meaningful with the current sample sizes. The findings highlight the reproducibility of a large animal acceleration model of TBI and the importance of direct measurements of skull kinematics to determine the magnitude of angular velocity, refine injury criteria, and determine critical thresholds

    Test-Retest Reliability of a Semi-Structured Interview to Aid in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Diagnosis

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    OBJECTIVE: Retrospective self-report is typically used for diagnosing previous pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI). A new semi-structured interview instrument (New Mexico Assessment of Pediatric TBI; NewMAP TBI) investigated test-retest reliability for TBI characteristics in both the TBI that qualified for study inclusion and for lifetime history of TBI. METHOD: One-hundred and eight-four mTBI (aged 8-18), 156 matched healthy controls (HC), and their parents completed the NewMAP TBI within 11 days (subacute; SA) and 4 months (early chronic; EC) of injury, with a subset returning at 1 year (late chronic; LC). RESULTS: The test-retest reliability of common TBI characteristics [loss of consciousness (LOC), post-traumatic amnesia (PTA), retrograde amnesia, confusion/disorientation] and post-concussion symptoms (PCS) were examined across study visits. Aside from PTA, binary reporting (present/absent) for all TBI characteristics exhibited acceptable (≥0.60) test-retest reliability for both Qualifying and Remote TBIs across all three visits. In contrast, reliability for continuous data (exact duration) was generally unacceptable, with LOC and PCS meeting acceptable criteria at only half of the assessments. Transforming continuous self-report ratings into discrete categories based on injury severity resulted in acceptable reliability. Reliability was not strongly affected by the parent completing the NewMAP TBI. CONCLUSIONS: Categorical reporting of TBI characteristics in children and adolescents can aid clinicians in retrospectively obtaining reliable estimates of TBI severity up to a year post-injury. However, test-retest reliability is strongly impacted by the initial data distribution, selected statistical methods, and potentially by patient difficulty in distinguishing among conceptually similar medical concepts (i.e., PTA . confusion)