11 research outputs found

    Inhibin-α, E-cadherin, calretinin and Ki-67 antigen in the immunohistochemical evaluation of canine and human testicular neoplasms

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    Introduction. The steady increase of dogs with diagnosed testicular neoplasms observed in recent years prompted us to carry out immunohistochemical (IHC) studies for their better characterization. The aim of the study was to analyze most common canine testicular neoplasms (seminomas, Leydig cell and Sertoli cell tumors) with selected IHC markers and to compare the expressions of these proteins in corresponding canine and human testicular tumors. Material and methods. Studies were carried out on testicular canine tumors: 40 cases of seminoma, 40 cases of Leydig cell tumor and 40 cases of Sertoli cell tumor. Moreover, 15 cases of human seminomas and 5 cases of human Leydig cell tumors were also analyzed. Immunohistochemistry was performed on paraffin sections by standard technique using monoclonal anti-human antibodies against E-cadherin, inhibin-α, calretinin and Ki-67. The slides were subjected to computer-aided image analysis and the intensity of the immunoreactivity was assessed by a semi-quantitative scoring system. Results. Due to the very low prevalence of the Sertoli cell-derived tumors in the human population, we were able to examine the markers’ expression only in the canine gonadal tumors. We revealed that, apart from E-cadherin in Leydig cell tumors and calretinin in seminomas, the expression of all the analyzed markers in canine and human testicular tumors was similar. E.g. there was no immunoexpression of inhibin-α in 75% of canine and 100% of human cases of seminoma. The immunoreactivity of Ki-67 was intense in 40% of canine and 60% of human seminomas. Immunoexpression of inhibin-α in Leydig cell tumor was intense in 70% of canine and 100% of human cases, respectively. Also the immunoreactivity of calretinin was intense in 75% of cases of canine and 100% of human Leydig cell tumors. In 50% of canine and 40% of human Leydig cell tumors, the immunoexpression of Ki-67 was weak. Conclusions. The applied anti-human monoclonal antibodies against common antigens and markers of human testicular neoplasms could be routinely used for the immunohistochemical evaluation of canine testicular tumors.

    Tourism at Antarctic Arctowski Station 1991–1997: policies for better management. Polish Polar Research 18

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    ABSTRACT: Henryk Arctowski Station, the research station of the Polish Academy of Science in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, West Antarctica, is one of the most heavily visited bases in Antarctica. Between the seasons 1991/92 and 1996/97, 12884 tourists were recorded. A specially designed tourist trail was marked to divert visitors toward alternative attractions, not only the station buildings. Tourist management goals include: environmental protection, minimising waste and pollution, respecting the rules relating to protected areas, and prohibition of collections and souveniring

    Urothelial cancer of the prostate gland. Immunohistochemical analysis of two cases of rare canine cancer

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    Introduction. The study aimed to diagnose urothelial cancer of prostate gland (UCPG) in dogs as the primary focus and in its metastasis based on the expression of specific proteins used in immunohistochemical diagnosis of prostate cancer in men. Material and methods. The study was carried out on specimens collected during a post-mortem examination from macroscopic lesions of the prostate glands from two dogs. The immunoexpression of the following proteins was verified: prostate-specific antigen (PSA), high molecular weight cytokeratins (HMWCK), cytokeratin 7 and 20 (CK-7,-20), E-cadherin, von Willebrand factor, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), microsomal PGE2-1 synthase (mPGES-1) and component of the minichromosome 7 maintenance complex (MCM7). Results. All markers, except for PSA, were expressed both at the primary tumour site and in the metastasis. Conclusions. The immunohistochemical approach was more useful for the diagnosis of UCPG in dog than typical histopathological staining methods because it allowed for precise determination of features, type and grade of the tumour that may affect its early detection and treatment

    Study on the expression of testin in the testes of dogs

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    Testin is a protein involved in cell mobility, adhesion and colony formation. In rats, testin presence has been reported in the testes, and its possible role in spermatogenesis has been suggested. Studies in humans also suggest a possible role of testin as a cancer suppressor protein. In the dog, which represents both an important pet species and a good animal model for studying biological and pathological testicular processes, the presence of testin has never been reported

    Culturable bacteria community development in postglacial soils of Ecology Glacier, King George Island, Antarctica

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    Glacier forelands are excellent sites in which to study microbial succession because conditions change rapidly in the emerging soil. Development of the bacterial community was studied along two transects on lateral moraines of Ecology Glacier, King George Island, by culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches (denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis, DGGE). Environmental conditions such as cryoturbation and soil composition affected both abundance and phylogenetic diversity of bacterial communities. Microbiocenosis structure along transect 1(severe cryoturbation) differed markedly from that along transect 2 (minor cryoturbation). Soil physical and chemical factors changed along the chronosequence (time since exposure) and influenced the taxonomic diversity of cultivated bacteria (CB), particularly along transect 2. Arthrobacter spp. played a pioneer role, and were present in all soil samples, but were most abundant along transect 1. Cultivated bacteria isolated from transect 2 were taxonomically more diverse than those cultivated from transect 1; those from transect 1 tended to express a broader range of enzyme and assimilation activities. Our data suggest that cryoturbation is a major factor in controlling bacterial community development in postglacial soils, shed light on microbial succession in glacier forelands, and add a new parameter to models that describe succession phenomena