5 research outputs found

    The effect of providing feedback on inhaler technique and adherence from an electronic audio recording device, INCAÂź, in a community pharmacy setting: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Poor adherence to inhaled medication may lead to inadequate symptom control in patients with respiratory disease. In practice it can be difficult to identify poor adherence. We designed an acoustic recording device, the INCAÂź (INhaler Compliance Assessment) device, which, when attached to an inhaler, identifies and records the time and technique of inhaler use, thereby providing objective longitudinal data on an individual\u27s adherence to inhaled medication. This study will test the hypothesis that providing objective, personalised, visual feedback on adherence to patients in combination with a tailored educational intervention in a community pharmacy setting, improves adherence more effectively than education alone. METHODS/DESIGN: The study is a prospective, cluster randomised, parallel-group, multi-site study conducted over 6 months. The study is designed to compare current best practice in care (i.e. routine inhaler technique training) with the use of the INCAÂź device for respiratory patients in a community pharmacy setting. Pharmacies are the unit of randomisation and on enrolment to the study they will be allocated by the lead researcher to one of the three study groups (intervention, comparator or control groups) using a computer-generated list of random numbers. Given the nature of the intervention neither pharmacists nor participants can be blinded. The intervention group will receive feedback from the acoustic recording device on inhaler technique and adherence three times over a 6-month period along with inhaler technique training at each of these times. The comparator group will also receive training in inhaler use three times over the 6-month study period but no feedback on their habitual performance. The control group will receive usual care (i.e. the safe supply of medicines and advice on their use). The primary outcome is the rate of participant adherence to their inhaled medication, defined as the proportion of correctly taken doses of medication at the correct time relative to the prescribed interval. Secondary outcomes include exacerbation rates and quality of life measures. Differences in the timing and technique of inhaler use as altered by the interventions will also be assessed. Data will be analysed on an intention-to-treat and a per-protocol basis. Sample size has been calculated with reference to comparisons to be made between the intervention and comparator clusters and indicates 75 participants per cluster. With an estimated 10 % loss to follow-up we will be able to show a 20 % difference between the population means of the intervention and comparator groups with a power of 0.8. The Type I error probability associated with the test of the null hypothesis is 0.05. DISCUSSION: This clinical trial will establish whether providing personalised feedback to individuals on their inhaler use improves adherence. It may also be possible to enhance the role of pharmacists in clinical care by identifying patients in whom alteration of either therapy or inhaler device is appropriate. REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02203266

    Cell Adhesion Molecules in Normal Skin and Melanoma

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    Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) of the cadherin, integrin, immunoglobulin, and selectin protein families are indispensable for the formation and maintenance of multicellular tissues, especially epithelia. In the epidermis, they are involved in cell–cell contacts and in cellular interactions with the extracellular matrix (ECM), thereby contributing to the structural integrity and barrier formation of the skin. Bulk and single cell RNA sequencing data show that >170 CAMs are expressed in the healthy human skin, with high expression levels in melanocytes, keratinocytes, endothelial, and smooth muscle cells. Alterations in expression levels of CAMs are involved in melanoma propagation, interaction with the microenvironment, and metastasis. Recent mechanistic analyses together with protein and gene expression data provide a better picture of the role of CAMs in the context of skin physiology and melanoma. Here, we review progress in the field and discuss molecular mechanisms in light of gene expression profiles, including recent single cell RNA expression information. We highlight key adhesion molecules in melanoma, which can guide the identification of pathways and strategies for novel anti-melanoma therapies

    Disease–Gene Networks of Skin Pigmentation Disorders and Reconstruction of Protein–Protein Interaction Networks

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    Melanin, a light and free radical absorbing pigment, is produced in melanocyte cells that are found in skin, but also in hair follicles, eyes, the inner ear, heart, brain and other organs. Melanin synthesis is the result of a complex network of signaling and metabolic reactions. It therefore comes as no surprise that mutations in many of the genes involved are associated with various types of pigmentation diseases and phenotypes (‘pigmentation genes’). Here, we used bioinformatics tools to first reconstruct gene-disease/phenotype associations for all pigmentation genes. Next, we reconstructed protein–protein interaction (PPI) networks centered around pigmentation gene products (‘pigmentation proteins’) and supplemented the PPI networks with protein expression information obtained by mass spectrometry in a panel of melanoma cell lines (both pigment producing and non-pigment producing cells). The analysis provides a systems network representation of all genes/ proteins centered around pigmentation and melanin biosynthesis pathways (‘pigmentation network map’). Our work will enable the pigmentation research community to experimentally test new hypothesis arising from the pigmentation network map and to identify new targets for drug discovery

    Whole-cell energy modeling reveals quantitative changes of predicted energy flows in RAS mutant cancer cell lines

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    Summary: Cellular utilization of available energy flows to drive a multitude of forms of cellular “work” is a major biological constraint. Cells steer metabolism to address changing phenotypic states but little is known as to how bioenergetics couples to the richness of processes in a cell as a whole. Here, we outline a whole-cell energy framework that is informed by proteomic analysis and an energetics-based gene ontology. We separate analysis of metabolic supply and the capacity to generate high-energy phosphates from a representation of demand that is built on the relative abundance of ATPases and GTPases that deliver cellular work. We employed mouse embryonic fibroblast cell lines that express wild-type KRAS or oncogenic mutations and with distinct phenotypes. We observe shifts between energy-requiring processes. Calibrating against Seahorse analysis, we have created a whole-cell energy budget with apparent predictive power, for instance in relation to protein synthesis