2 research outputs found

    A Digital Terrain Model in visualization and interpretation of geological and geomorphological settings

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    Geological sciences have recently utilized a wide range of numerical methods to collect, analyze, visualize and interpret geospatial datasets both at industrial and academic level. Investigation of various elements of surface and subsurface structures using DEM (Digital Elevation Model), DTM (Digital Terrain Model) and SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) data provides unique opportunities for depiction of geology and geomorphology in a form of three-dimensional maps. These digital maps should potentially replace traditional topographic maps in the nearest future. New numerical systems have enhanced significantly time efficiency of producing maps and related databases. Advance in detailed work on the high resolution maps and digital elevation computer-supported models is essential for precise and objective interpretation of large datasets. Available visualization systems produce sets of images and animations showing geospatial structures, processes and their relations in a multi-dimensional form commonly presented as stereo-pairs for presentation in an immersive environment or as anaglyphs. Utilization of web-accessible datasets of DTED level 0 and 1 and LandSat images is a new advantage in small and regional scale mapping

    Landslide susceptibility mapping in the Beskid Niski Mts., Western Carpathians (Dukla commune, Poland)

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    Landslides are one of the most prominent processes degrading the Beskidy Mts. slopes. Susceptibility assessment is based on the detailed mapping of the Dukla commune (235 km2) at the scale 1: 10,000 in frames of the project Landslide Counteracting System. The terrain affected by landslides is 19.59 km2, which is 8.34% of the researched area. The largest number of landslides can be found in the Beskid Dukielski Mts. area, where nearly 78% of all landslide areas are concentrated. Analysis of landslide-causing factors was performed using the index of entropy method. The following five factors were considered: lithology, slope inclination, slope aspect, distance to faults, and distance to drainage. The most important role in the development of mass movements in the study area is played by slope inclination (0.0079) and lithology of siliciclastic flysch (0.0066). The method applied also contributed to devising a landslide susceptibility map of considerable accuracy at 90.5%. The analyses of the landslide factors have proven that understanding of geology and landforms is not only of cognitive significance, but adds to practical applications in spatial management. The studies confirmed usefulness of large-scale mapping of landslides and applying statistical methods and GIS techniques in the spatial analysis of landform transformations. The obtained landslide susceptibility map can be a basis for assessing landslide risk. High and very high landslide susceptibility classes cover nearly 50% of the study area