47 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of the active pneumatic suspension of the operator’s seat of the mobile machine in depend of the vibration reduction strategies

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    Low speeds of heavy mobile machines combined with large inertia result in the excitation of low frequency vibrations. Dissipation of vibration energy in the case of unsprung machines is performed only through tires, which slightly reduces the intensity of vibrations. Effective reduction of vibrations of mobile machines is possible only with active or semi-active methods. In unsprung mobile machines, on the way of propagation of vibrations between the source of vibrations and the protected object (machine operator), are vibroisolation systems located. These are most often controlled seat suspensions. In the case of the active suspensions, it is necessary to provide external energy, e.g. in the form of compressed air. The compressed air has the advantage that it is generally available in working machines as the working fluid and has its environmentally friendly properties (leaks do not contaminate the environment). This article is the result of the continuation of work on active methods of vibro-activity lowering in mobile machines, which resulted in, among others, elaboration of simulation model of the active operator’s seat suspension with controlled pneumatic actuator and its experimental identification. In particular, it was verifying the effectiveness of the adopted solution made the identification the friction model and thermodynamic phenomena in the controlled pneumatic cylinder. The aim of this work is parametric optimization of the suspension system and searching for the optimal control strategy. Experimental tests were carried out under conditions of harmonic excitations, coming from the electromechanical vibration exciter with controllable pitch and frequency. Data acquisition system and control circuit of the proportional directional control valve, supplying compressed air to the actuator were implemented using MATLAB-Simulink Real-Time software

    Analysis of the operation of a traffic control system for tram within Lipinskiego-Czerwone Maki

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    Kraków - jako drugie co do wielkości miasto Polski oraz jeden z największych ośrodków akademickich, a także turystycznych - musi sprostać coraz większym wymaganiom dotyczącym obsługi komunikacyjnej. Z Kompleksowych Badań Ruchu (KBR) z roku 2013 wynika, że gród Kraka jest miastem o charakterze policentrycznym. Oznacza to, że śródmieście jest celem wielu podróży odbywających się w krakowskiej aglomeracji. W stosunku do KBR z 2003 roku można zauważyć wyraźny wzrost znaczenia transportu indywidualnego i jednocześnie spadek znaczenia komunikacji miejskiej (tab. 1)

    Analysis of operation the traffic control system of the tram line at Lipińskiego–Czerwone Maki streets in Krakow

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    Artykuł porusza tematykę systemów sterowania ruchem, których wdrażanie na obszarach miejskich pozwala zwiększyć efektywność funkcjonowania komunikacji zbiorowej. Przeprowadzono badania, które miały na celu analizę wpływu funkcjonowania obszarowego systemu sterowania ruchem na płynność przejazdu tramwajów na odcinku od ulicy Lipińskiego do pętli Czerwone Maki. Założeniem na omawianym ciągu komunikacyjnym było uprzywilejowanie pojazdów komunikacji miejskiej poprzez nadawanie im priorytetu w ruchu. Podczas obserwacji odnotowywano zdarzenia związane z ruchem tramwajów oraz sytuacją na skrzyżowaniach, określając m.in. przyczynę zatrzymania pojazdu. W artykule przedstawiono ogólne wyniki dla całego ciągu dla poszczególnych okresów pomiarowych. Uzyskane dane posłużyły do obliczenia ilości zatrzymań tramwajów spowodowanych nieprawidłowym działaniem systemu. W oparciu o zebrane informacje wyznaczono również liczbę tramwajów pokonujących analizowany ciąg z określoną liczbą zatrzymań. Ponadto w artykule poruszono kwestie wpływu liczby zatrzymań na czas przejazdu badanego odcinka. Wyznaczono również koszt zużycia energii spowodowany przez zatrzymania tramwajów przed sygnalizatorami, z uwzględnieniem specyfikacji technicznych poruszającego się na analizowanym ciągu taboru. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, iż liczba zatrzymań oraz średni czas ich trwania znacznie odbiegają od założeń przyjętych podczas wdrażania systemu na badanym ciągu. Oznacza to, że system wymaga dopracowania, którego celem powinna być minimalizacja liczby i długości zatrzymań tramwajów. Ponadto przeprowadzone badania pokazują konieczność monitorowania parametrów pracy systemów sterowania ruchem w celu optymalizacji ich efektywności.The article discusses issues of traffic control systems which implementation in the urban areas enables to rise effectiveness of public transport operation. The researches aimed to analyze traffic control system impact on smoothness of trams’ flow in the section from the Lipińskiego street to the Czerwone Maki terminus. In this specific tram lane it was assumed that public transport vehicles are to be given priority in the traffic. During observations occurrences connected to the tram traffic and intersections were noted together with – among others - the cause of vehicles stoppages. In the article general results of for specific measures periods have been presented. Gained date enabled possibility to calculate number of stoppages caused by incorrect operation of the system. Basing on collected information also number of trams operating on this line with defined number of stoppages has been determined. Besides a question of the impact of number of stoppages on travel time on the analyzed section have been discussed. Also cost of the electric energy use caused by trams’ stoppages before signal lights with the reference to the type of vehicles operating on this lane has been calculated. Conducted analysis result with conclusion that number of stoppages and its average duration (time) significantly diverges from assumptions accepted during system implementation at this line. It means that system needs to be re-elaborated aimed at mineralization of number and duration of tram stoppages. Conducted researches also conclude with necessity to monitor parameters of traffic control systems aimed at optimization of its effectiveness

    Model identification of active pneumatic vibration reduction operator’s seat of mobile machines

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    Low-frequency vibrations, generated in mobile machines during their driving, could be reduced only by use of active or semiactive methods. In conditions of low-frequency vibrations, energy dissipation in the machines tires slightly reduces the intensity of the vibration. Unsprung mobile machines are usually equipped with system of vibration isolation, which is located on the way of vibration propagation, between the vibration source and the protected object (the operator of the machine). Generally, controlled seat suspension is used. In the case of the active suspensions, it is necessary to provide external energy, e.g., in the form of compressed air. The compressed air has the advantage that it is generally available in working machines as the working fluid and has its environmentally friendly properties (leaks do not contaminate the environment). This article is the result of the continuation of work on active methods of vibro-activity lowering in mobile machines, which resulted in, among others, elaboration of simulation model of the active operator’s seat suspension with controlled pneumatic actuator. Currently aim of the study was experimental verification of the theoretical results; this verification was performed on the laboratory test bench. In the stand tests, special attention was paid on the assumed models of friction and thermodynamic phenomena in pneumatic actuator, as well as on the control system. Experimental tests were carried out under conditions of harmonic excitations, coming from the electromechanical vibration exciter with controllable pitch and frequency. Data acquisition system and control circuit of the proportional directional control valve, supplying compressed air to the actuator were implemented using Matlab-Simulink Real-Time software. Identification of the simulation model allows for getting the right parameters of the seat suspension. In addition, parametric optimization of the seat suspension system and functional optimization of control strategy would be possible in the next step

    Effectiveness of the active pneumatic suspension of the operator’s seat of the mobile machine in depend of the vibration reduction strategies

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    Low speeds of heavy mobile machines combined with large inertia result in the excitation of low frequency vibrations. Dissipation of vibration energy in the case of unsprung machines is performed only through tires, which slightly reduces the intensity of vibrations. Effective reduction of vibrations of mobile machines is possible only with active or semi-active methods. In unsprung mobile machines, on the way of propagation of vibrations between the source of vibrations and the protected object (machine operator), are vibroisolation systems located. These are most often controlled seat suspensions. In the case of the active suspensions, it is necessary to provide external energy, e.g. in the form of compressed air. The compressed air has the advantage that it is generally available in working machines as the working fluid and has its environmentally friendly properties (leaks do not contaminate the environment). This article is the result of the continuation of work on active methods of vibro-activity lowering in mobile machines, which resulted in, among others, elaboration of simulation model of the active operator’s seat suspension with controlled pneumatic actuator and its experimental identification. In particular, it was verifying the effectiveness of the adopted solution made the identification the friction model and thermodynamic phenomena in the controlled pneumatic cylinder. The aim of this work is parametric optimization of the suspension system and searching for the optimal control strategy. Experimental tests were carried out under conditions of harmonic excitations, coming from the electromechanical vibration exciter with controllable pitch and frequency. Data acquisition system and control circuit of the proportional directional control valve, supplying compressed air to the actuator were implemented using MATLAB-Simulink Real-Time software

    Analysis of a traffic control system operation for tram section from Lipinskiego to Czerwone Maki

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    W opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki badań, które miały na celu analizę wpływu funkcjonowania obszarowego systemu sterowania ruchem na płynność przejazdu tramwajów na odcinku od ulicy Lipińskiego do pętli Czerwone Maki w Krakowie. Uzyskane dane posłużyły do obliczenia liczbyzatrzymań tramwajów spowodowanych nieprawidłowym działaniem systemu. Ponadto w pracy poruszono kwestie wpływu liczby zatrzymań na czas przejazdu badanego odcinka. Wyznaczono również koszt zużycia energii zdeterminowany przez zatrzymania tramwajów przed sygnalizatorami z uwzględnieniem specyfikacji technicznych poruszającego się na analizowanym ciągu taboru.The main purpose of research was to analyse influence of traffic control system performance on fluency of trams movement at section from Lipińskiego street to Czerwone Maki street in the Krakow. The outcomes of research have been presented in the paper. Data collected during survey were used to calculate number of tram stops that had been caused due to malfunction of system. Moreover, the impact of the number of tram stops on tram travel time was discussed in the article. The cost of tram power consumption determined by the number of stops of trams (including technical specifications of every vehicles) have been calculated

    The effect of anisotropy in the modified Jiles-Atherton model of static hysteresis

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    An extension of the modified Jiles-Atherton description to include the effect of anisotropy is presented. Anisotropy is related to the value of the angular momentum quantum number J, which affects the form of the Brillouin function used to describe the anhysteretic magnetization. Moreover the shape of magnetization dependent R(m) function is influenced by the choice of the J value

    Tunnel building, underground passages and car parks in Kraków today and in the future

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    Kraków w ostatnich latach stał się miejscem budowy wielkich przedsięwzięć drogowych, których projekty sięgają lat 70. i 80. Znikły wokół przebudowanego Dworca Głównego obiekty nieprzynoszące chluby miastu, a w ich miejsce powstało Krakowskie Centrum Komunikacyjne z tunelami podziemnymi dla ruchu kołowego i szynowego. Polityka inwestycyjna miasta zmierza do radykalnej poprawy sytuacji drogowej poprzez realizację nowych tras komunikacyjnych i przebudowę istniejących układów komunikacyjnych włącznie z budową tuneli. Elementem poprawiającym miejską sieć drogową są budowane przejścia oraz parkingi podziemne. Realizowane inwestycje poprawią stan powietrza atmosferycznego oraz klimat akustyczny w ciągu głównych ulic Krakowa.Kraków in the last few years became the place of building great traffic undertakings, which were started to plan even in 1970s and 1980s. Structures, which did not bring the glory to the city, around Central Station in Kraków, disappeared, and in their place came into being Kraków's Communication Center with tunnels for vehicular and rail traffic. Investment policy of the City aims to radical improvement of traffic in the city, through constructing new routes, reconstructing existing communication systems including building tunnels. The elements which should improve the city road network are underground passages and car parks currently under construction. Those investments will improve the state of air as well as acoustic situation in the run of main streets of Kraków city

    Metrological properties and ability applications of self averaged pitot probes and micro - venturi tubes

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    W pracy przedstawiono rozwiązania konstrukcyjne przepływomierzy piętrzących, w których czujnikami są rurki uśredniające ciśnienie dynamiczne oraz mikrozwężki. Podano przykłady numerycznych badań piętrzących czujników przepływu. Omówiono ich własności metrologiczne i eksploatacyjne. Podano przykłady zastosowań.Constructions of impact flowmeters based on averaged pitot probes and micro - venturi tubes are presented in this paper. Examples of numerical simulations of impact flowmeters are displayed. Metrological and operating properties of these probes are shown. Moreover examples of their applications are given