21 research outputs found

    M31N 2013-10c: A Newly Identified Recurrent Nova in M31

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    The nova M31N 2023-11f (2023yoa) has been recently identified as the second eruption of a previously recognized nova, M31N 2013-10c, establishing the latter object as the 21st recurrent nova system thus far identified in M31. Here we present well sampled RR-band lightcurves of both the 2013 and 2023 eruptions of this system. The photometric evolution of each eruption was quite similar as expected for the same progenitor system. The 2013 and 2023 eruptions each reached peak magnitudes just brighter than R16R\sim16, with fits to the declining branches of the eruptions yielding times to decline by two magnitudes of t2(R)=5.5±1.7t_2(R)=5.5\pm1.7 and t2(R)=3.4±1.5t_2(R)=3.4\pm1.5 days, respectively. M31N 2013-10c has an absolute magnitude at peak, MR=8.8±0.2M_R=-8.8\pm0.2, making it the most luminous known recurrent nova in M31.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 table; Accepted for publication in RNAA

    Photometric calibration of the Stellar Abundance and Galactic Evolution Survey (SAGES): Nanshan One-meter Wide-field Telescope g, r, and i band imaging data

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    In this paper, a total of approximately 2.6 million dwarfs were constructed as standard stars, with an accuracy of about 0.01-0.02 mag for each band, by combining spectroscopic data from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope Data Release 7, photometric data from the corrected Gaia Early Data Release 3, and photometric metallicities. Using the spectroscopy based stellar color regression method (SCR method) and the photometric-based SCR method (SCR' method), we performed the relative calibration of the Nanshan One-meter Wide-field Telescope imaging data. Based on the corrected Pan-STARRS DR1 photometry, the absolute calibration was also performed. In the photometric calibration process, we analyzed the dependence of the calibration zero points on different images (observation time), different gates of the CCD detector, and different CCD positions. We found that the stellar flat and the relative gain between different gates depend on time. The amplitude of gain variation in three channels is approximately 0.5%-0.7% relative to the other channel, with a maximum value of 4%. In addition, significant spatial variations of the stellar flat fitting residual are found and corrected. Using repeated sources in the adjacent images, we checked and discovered internal consistency of about 1-2 mmag in all the filters. Using the PS1 magnitudes synthesized by Gaia DR3 BP/RP spectra by the synthetic photometry method, we found that the photometric calibration uniformity is about 1-2 mmag for all the bands, at a spatial resolution of 1.3 degree. A detailed comparison between the spectroscopy-based SCR and photometric-based SCR method magnitude offsets was performed, and we achieved an internal consistency precision of about 2 mmag or better with resolutions of 1.3 degree for all the filters. Which is mainly from the position-dependent errors of the E(B-V) used in SCR' method.Comment: 15 pages in Chinese language, 8 figures, Chinese Science Bulletin accepted and published online (https://www.sciengine.com/CSB/doi/10.1360/TB-2023-0052), see main results in Figures 6, 7 and

    Increased Mass Loss of Glaciers in the Sawir Mountains of Central Asia between 1959 and 2021

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    Glacier mass balance can be regarded as a major direct index of climate variations. In this paper, a geodetic method was used to evaluate the mass balance of Sawir glaciers based on topographic map DEM (Digital Elevation Model), SRTM 30 m DEM, ASTER 30 m DEM, and Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar 10 m DEM between 1959–2021, in order to explore the response to climatic alterations. In the case of Muz Taw glacier, the first comprehensive dataset concerning mass-balance readings for the 2014–2021 period was provided based on the eight-year consecutive field measurements. The glaciological average mass balance reached –883.4 ± 130 mm a–1 during this period. The geodetic mass balance for all glaciers of the Sawir Mountain range was −0.43 ± 0.12 m w. e. a−1 between 1959 and 2000, and accelerated to −0.56 ± 0.13 m w. e. a−1 between 2000 and 2021. A comparison of field measurements and remote-sensing approaches for determining the Muz Taw glacier’s mass balance between 2014–2021 proves the feasibility of the remote-sensing approach, which involves mass-balance monitoring based on DEMdata. In addition, our findings support the contention that air temperature is the dominant factor for accelerated glacier mass loss and surface elevation change

    Increased Mass Loss of Glaciers in the Sawir Mountains of Central Asia between 1959 and 2021

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    Glacier mass balance can be regarded as a major direct index of climate variations. In this paper, a geodetic method was used to evaluate the mass balance of Sawir glaciers based on topographic map DEM (Digital Elevation Model), SRTM 30 m DEM, ASTER 30 m DEM, and Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar 10 m DEM between 1959–2021, in order to explore the response to climatic alterations. In the case of Muz Taw glacier, the first comprehensive dataset concerning mass-balance readings for the 2014–2021 period was provided based on the eight-year consecutive field measurements. The glaciological average mass balance reached –883.4 ± 130 mm a–1 during this period. The geodetic mass balance for all glaciers of the Sawir Mountain range was −0.43 ± 0.12 m w. e. a−1 between 1959 and 2000, and accelerated to −0.56 ± 0.13 m w. e. a−1 between 2000 and 2021. A comparison of field measurements and remote-sensing approaches for determining the Muz Taw glacier’s mass balance between 2014–2021 proves the feasibility of the remote-sensing approach, which involves mass-balance monitoring based on DEMdata. In addition, our findings support the contention that air temperature is the dominant factor for accelerated glacier mass loss and surface elevation change

    Dynamic Monitoring of Debris-Covered Glacier Surface Velocity and Ice Thickness of Mt.Tomur, Tian Shan, China

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    The Mt.Tomur glaciers, in the Tian Shan mountains of Western China, are usually debris-covered, and due to climate change, glacial hazards are becoming more frequent in this region. However, no changes in the long-time series of glacier surface velocities have been observed in this region. Conducting field measurements in high-altitude mountains is relatively difficult, and consequently, the dynamics and driving factors are less studied. Here, image-correlation offset tracking using Landsat images was exploited to estimate the glacier surface velocity of glaciers in the Mt.Tomur region from 2000 to 2020 and to assess glacier ice thickness. The results show that the glacier surface velocity in the Mt.Tomur region showed a significant slowdown during 2000–2020, from 6.71 ± 0.66 m a−1 to 3.95 ± 0.66 m a−1, an overall decrease of 41.13%. The maximum glacier ice thickness in the Mt.Tomur region was estimated based on the ice flow principle being 171.27 ± 17.10 m, and the glacier average thickness is 50.00 ± 5.0 m. Glacier thickness at first increases with increasing altitude, showing more than 100 ± 10 m ice thickness between 3400 m and 4300 m, and then decreases with further increases in altitude. The reliability of the surface velocity and ice thickness obtained from remote sensing was proved using the measured surface velocity and ice thickness of Qingbingtan glacier No. 72 stall (the correlation coefficient R2 > 0.85). The debris cover has an overall mitigating effect on the ablation and movement rate of Qingbingtan Glacier No. 72; however, it has an accelerating effect on the ablation and movement rate of glacier No. 74

    Pd-membranes on their Way Towards Application for CO2-capture

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    AbstractPd-membranes in combination with water gas shift (WGS) reactors are considered as a cost and energy efficient technology for CO2 capture in natural gas or coal-fired power stations. An important step towards realization of a full-scale membrane reactor is the demonstration of a scaled-down version. This paper describes the realization of a scaled-down membrane module, which is able to generate a hydrogen flux of approximately 12 Nm3/m2.hr at a hydrogen recovery of 95% and an operating temperature of 400°C under 30bar of NGCC-gas composition as feed stream and 6bar N2 sweep stream