39,116 research outputs found

    Crossing Patterns in Nonplanar Road Networks

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    We define the crossing graph of a given embedded graph (such as a road network) to be a graph with a vertex for each edge of the embedding, with two crossing graph vertices adjacent when the corresponding two edges of the embedding cross each other. In this paper, we study the sparsity properties of crossing graphs of real-world road networks. We show that, in large road networks (the Urban Road Network Dataset), the crossing graphs have connected components that are primarily trees, and that the remaining non-tree components are typically sparse (technically, that they have bounded degeneracy). We prove theoretically that when an embedded graph has a sparse crossing graph, it has other desirable properties that lead to fast algorithms for shortest paths and other algorithms important in geographic information systems. Notably, these graphs have polynomial expansion, meaning that they and all their subgraphs have small separators.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. To appear at the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems(ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017

    Criticality in quark-gluon systems far beyond thermal and chemical equilibrium

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    Experimental evidence and theoretical arguments for the existence of self-organized criticality in systems of gluons and quarks are presented. It is observed that the existing data for high-transverse-momentum jet-production exhibit striking regularities; and it is shown that, together with first-principle considerations, such regularities can be used, not only to probe the possible compositness of quarks, but also to obtain {\em direct evidence} for, or against, the existence of critical temperature and/or critical chemical potential in quark-gluon systems when hadrons are squeezed together.Comment: 13 pages, including 1 figure and 1 tabl

    Adjacency labeling schemes and induced-universal graphs

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    We describe a way of assigning labels to the vertices of any undirected graph on up to nn vertices, each composed of n/2+O(1)n/2+O(1) bits, such that given the labels of two vertices, and no other information regarding the graph, it is possible to decide whether or not the vertices are adjacent in the graph. This is optimal, up to an additive constant, and constitutes the first improvement in almost 50 years of an n/2+O(logn)n/2+O(\log n) bound of Moon. As a consequence, we obtain an induced-universal graph for nn-vertex graphs containing only O(2n/2)O(2^{n/2}) vertices, which is optimal up to a multiplicative constant, solving an open problem of Vizing from 1968. We obtain similar tight results for directed graphs, tournaments and bipartite graphs

    Angular Normal Modes of a Circular Coulomb Cluster

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    We investigate the angular normal modes for small oscillations about an equilibrium of a single-component coulomb cluster confined by a radially symmetric external potential to a circle. The dynamical matrix for this system is a Laplacian symmetrically circulant matrix and this result leads to an analytic solution for the eigenfrequencies of the angular normal modes. We also show the limiting dependence of the largest eigenfrequency for large numbers of particles

    Formation of color-singlet gluon-clusters and inelastic diffractive scattering

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    This is the extensive follow-up report of a recent Letter in which the existence of self-organized criticality (SOC) in systems of interacting soft gluons is proposed, and its consequences for inelastic diffractive scattering processes are discussed. It is pointed out, that color-singlet gluon-clusters can be formed in hadrons as a consequence of SOC in systems of interacting soft gluons, and that the properties of such spatiotemporal complexities can be probed experimentally by examing inelastic diffractive scattering. Theoretical arguments and experimental evidences supporting the proposed picture are presented --- together with the result of a systematic analysis of the existing data for inelastic diffractive scattering processes performed at different incident energies, and/or by using different beam-particles. It is shown in particular that the size- and the lifetime-distributions of such gluon-clusters can be directly extracted from the data, and the obtained results exhibit universal power-law behaviors --- in accordance with the expected SOC-fingerprints. As further consequences of SOC in systems of interacting soft gluons, the tt-dependence and the (Mx2/s)(M_x^2/s)-dependence of the double differential cross-sections for inelastic diffractive scattering off proton-target are discussed. Here tt stands for the four-momentum-transfer squared, MxM_x for the missing mass, and s\sqrt{s} for the total c.m.s. energy. It is shown, that the space-time properties of the color-singlet gluon-clusters due to SOC, discussed above, lead to simple analytical formulae for d2σ/dtd(Mx2/s)d^2\sigma/dt d(M_x^2/s) and for dσ/dtd\sigma/dt, and that the obtained results are in good agreement with the existing data. Further experiments are suggested.Comment: 67 pages, including 11 figure

    Induced Lorentz- and CPT-violating Chern-Simons term in QED: Fock-Schwinger proper time method

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    Using the Fock-Schwinger proper time method, we calculate the induced Chern-Simons term arising from the Lorentz- and CPT-violating sector of quantum electrodynamics with a bμψˉγμγ5ψb_\mu \bar{\psi}\gamma^\mu \gamma_5 \psi term. Our result to all orders in bb coincides with a recent linear-in-bb calculation by Chaichian et al. [hep-th/0010129 v2]. The coincidence was pointed out by Chung [Phys. Lett. {\bf B461} (1999) 138] and P\'{e}rez-Victoria [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 83} (1999) 2518] in the standard Feynman diagram calculation with the nonperturbative-in-bb propagator.Comment: 11 pages, no figur

    Bidirectional PageRank Estimation: From Average-Case to Worst-Case

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    We present a new algorithm for estimating the Personalized PageRank (PPR) between a source and target node on undirected graphs, with sublinear running-time guarantees over the worst-case choice of source and target nodes. Our work builds on a recent line of work on bidirectional estimators for PPR, which obtained sublinear running-time guarantees but in an average-case sense, for a uniformly random choice of target node. Crucially, we show how the reversibility of random walks on undirected networks can be exploited to convert average-case to worst-case guarantees. While past bidirectional methods combine forward random walks with reverse local pushes, our algorithm combines forward local pushes with reverse random walks. We also discuss how to modify our methods to estimate random-walk probabilities for any length distribution, thereby obtaining fast algorithms for estimating general graph diffusions, including the heat kernel, on undirected networks.Comment: Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph (WAW) 201