6,281 research outputs found

    Dynamical properties of a nonequilibrium quantum dot close to localized-delocalized quantum phase transitions

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    We calculate the dynamical decoherence rate and susceptibility of a nonequilibrium quantum dot close to the delocalized-to-localized quantum phase transitions. The setup concerns a resonance-level coupled to two spinless fermionic baths with a finite bias voltage and an Ohmic bosonic bath representing the dissipative environment. The system is equivalent to an anisotropic Kondo model. As the dissipation strength increases, the system at zero temperature and zero bias show quantum phase transition between a conducting delocalized phase to an insulating localized phase. Within the nonequilibrium functional Renormalization Group (FRG) approach, we address the finite bias crossover in dynamical decoherence rate and charge susceptibility close to the phase transition. We find the dynamical decoherence rate increases with increasing frequency. In the delocalized phase, it shows a singularity at frequencies equal to positive or negative bias voltage. As the system crossovers to the localized phase, the decoherence rate at low frequencies get progressively smaller and this sharp feature is gradually smeared out, leading to a single linear frequency dependence. The dynamical charge susceptibility shows a dip-to-peak crossover across the delocalized-to-localized transition. Relevance of our results to the experiments is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Statistics of spinons in the spin-liquid phase of Cs2CuCl4

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    Motivated by a recent experiment on Cs2CuCl4, we study the spin dynamics of the spin-liquid phase of the spin-1/2 frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the anisotropic triangular lattice. There have been two different proposals for the spin-liquid phase of Cs2CuCl4. These spin-liquid states support different statistics of spinons; the bosonic Sp(N) large-N mean field theory predicts bosonic spinons while the SU(2) slave-boson mean field theory leads to fermionic spinons. We compute the dynamical spin structure factor for both types of spin-liquid state at zero and finite temperatures. While at zero temperature both theories agree with experiment on a qualitative level, they show substantial differences in the temperature dependence of the dynamical spin structure factor.Comment: 4 pages, including 4 figure

    Strange metal in paramagnetic heavy-fermion Kondo lattice: Dynamical large-N fermionic multi-channel approach

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    The mechanism of strange metal (SM) with unconventional charge transport near magnetic phase transitions has become an outstanding open problem in correlated electron systems. Recently, an exotic quantum critical SM phase was observed in paramagnetic frustrated heavy-fermion materials near Kondo breakdown. We establish a controlled theoretical framework to this issue via a dynamical large-N fermionic multichannel approach to the two-dimensional Kondo-Heisenberg lattice model, where KB transition separates a heavy-Fermi liquid from fermionic spin-liquid state. With Kondo fluctuations being fully considered, we find a distinct SM behavior with quasi-linear-in-temperature scattering rate associated with KB. When particle-hole symmetry is present, signatures of a critical spin-liquid SM phase as T→0T \rightarrow 0 are revealed with ω/T\omega/T scaling extended to a wide range. We attribute these features to the interplay of critical bosonic charge (Kondo) fluctuations and gapless fermionic spinons. The implications of our results for the experiments are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Tunneling between helical Majorana modes and helical Luttinger liquids

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    We propose and study the charge transport through single and double quantum point contacts setup between helical Majorana modes and an interacting helical Luttinger liquid. We show that the differential conductance decreases for stronger repulsive interactions and that the point contacts become insulating above a critical interaction strength. For a single point contact, the differential conductance as a function of bias voltage shows a series of peaks due to Andreev reflection of electrons in the Majorana modes. In the case of two point contacts, interference phenomena make the structure of the individual resonance peaks less universal and show modulations with different separation distance between the contacts. For small separation distance the overall features remain similar to the case of a single point contact.Comment: v.2: 14 pages, 11 figures; adding one figure, an appendix, and some minor change
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