14 research outputs found

    Ellipse Fitting Based Approach for Extended Object Tracking

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    With the increase of sensors’ resolution, traditional object tracking technology, which ignores object’s physical extension, gradually becomes inappropriate. Extended object tracking (EOT) technology is able to obtain more information about the object through jointly estimating both centroid’s dynamic state and physical extension of the object. Random matrix based approach is a promising method for EOT. It uses ellipse/ellipsoid to describe the physical extension of the object. In order to reduce the physical extension estimation error when object maneuvers, the relationship between ellipse/ellipsoid and symmetrical positive definite matrix is analyzed at first. On this basis, ellipse/ellipsoid fitting based approach (EFA) for EOT is proposed based on the measurement model and centroid’s dynamic model of random matrix based EOT approach. Simulation results show that EFA is effective. The physical extension estimation error of EFA is lower than those of random matrix based approaches when object maneuvers. Besides, the estimation error of centroid’s dynamic state of EFA is also lower

    Adaptive Two-Step Filter with Applications to Bearings-Only Measurement Problem

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    Extension of "Model Parameter Adaptive Approach of Extended Object Tracking Using Random Matrix"

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    This is a draft of summary of multi-model algorithm of extended object tracking based on random matrix (RMF-MM).Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the authors due to an error in simulation parameter seeting, which might be misleadin

    Stability Analysis of Fractional-Order Mathieu Equation with Forced Excitation

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    The advantage of fractional-order derivative has attracted extensive attention in the field of dynamics. In this paper, we investigated the stability of the fractional-order Mathieu equation under forced excitation, which is based on a model of the pantograph–catenary system. First, we obtained the approximate analytical expressions and periodic solutions of the stability boundaries by the multi-scale method and the perturbation method, and the correctness of these results were verified through numerical analysis by Matlab. In addition, by analyzing the stability of the k’T-periodic solutions in the system, we verified the existence of the unstable k’T-resonance lines through numerical simulation, and visually investigated the effect of the system parameters. The results show that forced excitation with a finite period does not change the position of the stability boundaries, but it can affect the expressions of the periodic solutions. Moreover, by analyzing the properties of the resonant lines, we found that when the points with k’T-periodic solutions were perturbed by the same frequency of forced excitation, these points became unstable due to resonance. Finally, we found that both the damping coefficient and the fractional-order parameters in the system have important influences on the stability boundaries and the resonance lines

    Adaptive Sliding-Mode Guidance of a Homing Missile

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