1,075 research outputs found

    Phase separation and vortex states in binary mixture of Bose-Einstein condensates in the trapping potentials with displaced centers

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    The system of two simultaneously trapped codensates consisting of 87Rb^{87}Rb atoms in two different hyperfine states is investigated theoretically in the case when the minima of the trapping potentials are displaced with respect to each other. It is shown that the small shift of the minima of the trapping potentials leads to the considerable displacement of the centers of mass of the condensates, in agreement with the experiment. It is also shown that the critical angular velocities of the vortex states of the system drastically depend on the shift and the relative number of particles in the condensates, and there is a possibility to exchange the vortex states between condensates by shifting the centers of the trapping potentials.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Magnetic Field Induced Insulating Phases at Large rsr_s

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    Exploring a backgated low density two-dimensional hole sample in the large rsr_s regime we found a surprisingly rich phase diagram. At the highest densities, beside the ν=1/3\nu=1/3, 2/3, and 2/5 fractional quantum Hall states, we observe both of the previously reported high field insulating and reentrant insulating phases. As the density is lowered, the reentrant insulating phase initially strengthens, then it unexpectedly starts weakening until it completely dissapears. At the lowest densities the terminal quantum Hall state moves from ν=1/3\nu=1/3 to ν=1\nu=1. The intricate behavior of the insulating phases can be explained by a non-monotonic melting line in the ν\nu-rsr_s phase space

    Co-ordination between Rashba spin-orbital interaction and space charge effect and enhanced spin injection into semiconductors

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    We consider the effect of the Rashba spin-orbital interaction and space charge in a ferromagnet-insulator/semiconductor/insulator-ferromagnet junction where the spin current is severely affected by the doping, band structure and charge screening in the semiconductor. In diffusion region, if the the resistance of the tunneling barriers is comparable to the semiconductor resistance, the magnetoresistance of this junction can be greatly enhanced under appropriate doping by the co-ordination between the Rashba effect and screened Coulomb interaction in the nonequilibrium transport processes within Hartree approximation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Two Stages in the evolution of binary alkali Bose-Einstein condensate mixtures towards phase segregation

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    Two stages of quantum spinodal decomposition is proposed and analyzed for this highly non-equilibrium process. Both time and spatial scales for the process are found. Qualitative agreement with existing data is found. Some cases the agreements are quantitative. Further experimental verifications are indicated.Comment: late

    Symmetric-Asymmetric transition in mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We propose a new kind of quantum phase transition in phase separated mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates. In this transition, the distribution of the two components changes from a symmetric to an asymmetric shape. We discuss the nature of the phase transition, the role of interface tension and the phase diagram. The symmetric to asymmetric transition is the simplest quantum phase transition that one can imagine. Careful study of this problem should provide us new insight into this burgeoning field of discovery.Comment: 6 pages, 3 eps figure

    Variable range cotunneling and conductivity of a granular metal

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    The Efros-Shklovskii law for the conductivity of granular metals is interpreted as a result of a variable range cotunneling process. The cotunneling between distant resonant grains is predominantly elastic at low T << T_c, while it is inelastic (i.e., accompanied by creation of electron-hole pairs on a string of intermediate non-resonant grains) at T > T_c. The corresponding E-S temperature T_ES in the latter case is slightly (logarithmically) T-dependent. The magnetoresistance in the two cases is different: it may be relatively strong and negative at T much below T_c, while at T>T_c it is suppressed due to inelastic processes which destroy the interference.Comment: Submitted to JETP Letter

    Coulomb blockade and quantum tunnelling in the low-conductivity phase of granular metals

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    We study the effects of Coulomb interaction and inter-grain quantum tunnelling in an array of metallic grains using the phase-functional approach for temperatures TT well below the charging energy EcE_{c} of individual grains yet large compared to the level spacing in the grains. When the inter-grain tunnelling conductance g1g\gg1, the conductivity σ\sigma in dd dimensions decreases logarithmically with temperature (σ/σ0112πgdln(gEc/T)\sigma/\sigma_{0}\sim1-\frac{1}{2\pi gd}\ln(gE_{c}/T)), while for g0g\to0, the conductivity shows simple activated behaviour (σexp(Ec/T)\sigma \sim \exp(-E_c/T)). We show, for bare tunnelling conductance g1g \gtrsim 1, that the parameter γg(12/(gπ)ln(gEc/T))\gamma \equiv g(1-2/(g\pi)\ln(gE_{c}/T)) determines the competition between charging and tunnelling effects. At low enough temperatures in the regime 1γ1/βEc1\gtrsim \gamma \gg 1/\sqrt{\beta E_{c}}, a charge is shared among a finite number N=(Ec/T)/ln(π/2γz)N=\sqrt{(E_{c}/T)/\ln(\pi/2\gamma z)} of grains, and we find a soft activation behaviour of the conductivity, σz1exp(2(Ec/T)ln(π/2γz))\sigma\sim z^{-1}\exp(-2\sqrt{(E_{c}/T)\ln(\pi/2\gamma z)}), where zz is the effective coordination number of a grain.Comment: 11 pages REVTeX, 3 Figures. Appendix added, replaced with published versio

    Kinetic Roughening in Surfaces of Crystals Growing on Disordered Substrates

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    Substrate disorder effects on the scaling properties of growing crystalline surfaces in solidification or epitaxial deposition processes are investigated. Within the harmonic approach there is a phase transition into a low-temperature (low-noise) superrough phase with a continuously varying dynamic exponent z>2 and a non-linear response. In the presence of the KPZ nonlinearity the disorder causes the lattice efects to decay on large scales with an intermediate crossover behavior. The mobility of the rough surface hes a complex dependence on the temperature and the other physical parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures (not included). Submitted to Phys. Rev. Letts. Use Latex twic

    Development and Evaluation of a Positive Youth Development Course for University Students in Hong Kong

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    With higher education, university graduates are important elements of the labor force in knowledge-based economies. With reference to the mental health and developmental problems in university students, there is a need to review university's role in nurturing holistic development of students. Based on the positive youth development approach, it is argued that promoting intrapersonal competencies is an important strategy to facilitate holistic development of young people in Hong Kong. In The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a course entitled Tomorrow's Leader focusing on positive youth development constructs to promote student well-being will be offered on a compulsory basis starting from 2012/13 academic year under the new undergraduate curriculum structure. The proposed course was piloted in 2010/11 school year. Different evaluation strategies, including objective outcome evaluation, subjective outcome evaluation, process evaluation, and qualitative evaluation, are being carried out to evaluate the developed course. Preliminary evaluation findings based on the piloting experience in 2010/11 academic year are presented in this paper

    Thermodynamic Density Matrix renormalization Group Study of the Magnetic Susceptibility of Half-integer Quantum Spin Chains

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    It is shown that White's density matrix renormalization group technique can be adapted to obtain thermodynamic quantities. As an illustration, the magnetic susceptibility of Heisenberg S=1/2 and S=3/2 spin chains are computed. A careful finite size analysis is made to determine the range of temperatures where the results are reliable. For the S=1/2 chain, the comparison with the exact Bethe ansatz curve shows an agreement within 1% down to T=0.05J.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. To be published in PR