1,258 research outputs found

    Signatures of Extra Gauge Bosons in the Littlest Higgs Model with T-parity at Future Colliders

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    We study the collider signatures of a T-odd gauge boson WHW_{H} pair production in the Littlest Higgs Model with T-parity (LHT) at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and Linear Collider (LC). At the LHC, we search for the WHW_{H} boson using its leptonic decay, i.e. ppWH+WHAHAH+ννˉpp\to W_{H}^{+}W_{H}^{-}\to A_{H}A_{H}\ell^{+}\nu_{\ell}\ell^{\prime-}\bar{\nu}_{\ell^{\prime}}, which gives rise to a collider signature of \ell^{+}\ell^{\prime-}+\met. We demonstrate that the LHC not only has a great potential of discovering the WHW_{H} boson in this channel, but also can probe enormous parameter space of the LHT. Due to four missing particles in the final state, one cannot reconstruct the mass of WHW_{H} at the LHC. But such a mass measurement can be easily achieved at the LC in the process of e+eWH+WHAHAHW+WAHAHjjjje^{+}e^{-}\to W_{H}^{+}W_{H}^{-}\to A_{H}A_{H}W^{+}W^{-}\to A_{H}A_{H}jjjj. We present an algorithm of measuring the mass and spin of the WHW_{H} boson at the LC. Furthermore, we illustrate that the spin correlation between the WW boson and its mother particle (WHW_{H}) can be used to distinguish the LHT from other new physics models.Comment: version to appear in PRD (a few references added

    Resummation Effects in the Search of SM Higgs Boson at Hadron Colliders

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    We examine the soft-gluon resummation effects, including the exact spin correlations among the final state particles, in the search of the Standard Model Higgs boson, via the process ggHWW/ZZ4leptons,attheTevatronandtheLHC.AcomparisonbetweentheresummationandtheNexttoLeadingorder(NLO)calculationisperformedafterimposingvariouskinematicscutssuggestedintheliteraturefortheHiggsbosonsearch.Forthegg\to H\to WW/ZZ \to 4 leptons, at the Tevatron and the LHC. A comparison between the resummation and the Next-to-Leading order (NLO) calculation is performed after imposing various kinematics cuts suggested in the literature for the Higgs boson search. For the H\to ZZmode,theresummationeffectsincreasetheacceptanceofthesignaleventsbyabout25variouskinematicsdistributionsofthefinalstateleptons.Forthe mode, the resummation effects increase the acceptance of the signal events by about 25%, as compared to the NLO prediction, and dramatically alter various kinematics distributions of the final state leptons. For the H\to WW$ mode, the acceptance rates of the signal events predicted by the resummation and NLO calculations are almost the same, but some of the predicted kinematical distributions are quite different. Thus, to precisely determine the properties of the Higgs boson at hadron colliders, the soft-gluon resummation effects have to be taken into account.Comment: The version to appear in PR

    Problem svojstvenih vrijednosti za višečlani potencijal s inverznim racionalnim potencijama

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    It is shown that eigenspectra corresponding to various interactions with three- and two-term inverse fractional power are, under certain conditions, analytically tractable either by using the solution of the biconfluent Heun\u27s equation or by using the quasi-exactly solvable sl(2) symmetry approach.Pokazuje se kako se, pod izvjesnim uvjetima, mogu analitički odrediti svojstvene vrijednosti za razna međudjelovanja s tri ili dva člana s inverznim racionalnim potencijama, primjenom bilo rješenja bikonfluentne Heunove jednadžbe, ili poluegzaktno rješivim pristupom sa sl(2) simetrijom

    Egzaktna rješenja nepolinomnog međudjelovanja

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    Exact solvability of a non-polynomial interaction is investigated. The relation to the existence of a double-well potential is discussed, with a presentation of a new type of exact solutions.Istražuje se egzaktno rješavanje nepolinomnog međudjelovanja. Raspravlja se problem dvojamnog potencijala i predstavljaju novi tipovi egzaktnih rješenja

    Singularni i egzaktno rješivi potencijali

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    The potentials involving singularities considered in this work result from the construction starting with higher-order-generation superpotentials. The second generation with a single base as well as the third one with a double base will be discussed. According to the choice of these bases, a number of results, which may be interesting from the theoretical point of view, can be observed such as the partial breaking of the symmetry or the construction of a new type of exactly solvable potentials which show existence of eigenstates with positive eigenvalues. Extension to the third generation potential of the theorem on quasi-exact solvability will also be discussed.Potencijali sa singularnostima koji se razmatraju u ovom radu slijede iz postavki za generacije superpotencijala višeg reda. Raspravlja se druga generacija s jednom osnovicom i treća generacija s dvije osnovice. Ovisno o odabiru osnovica, nalazi se niz rezultata koji mogu biti zanimljivi sa stanovišta teorije, kao djelomično kršenje simetrije ili postavka nove vrste egzaktno rješivih potencijala koji pokazuju postojanje svojstvenih stanja s pozitivnim svojstvenim vrijednostima. Raspravlja se također proširenje teorema o kvazi-egzaktnoj rješivosti za potencijale treće generacije