5,258 research outputs found

    Optimal evaluations for the S\'{a}ndor-Yang mean by power mean

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    In this paper, we prove that the double inequality Mp(a,b)0M_{p}(a,b)0 with aba\neq b if and only if p4log2/(4+2log2π)=1.2351p\leq 4\log 2/(4+2\log 2-\pi)=1.2351\cdots and q4/3q\geq 4/3, where Mr(a,b)=[(ar+br)/2]1/r% M_{r}(a,b)=[(a^{r}+b^{r})/2]^{1/r} (r0)(r\neq 0) and M0(a,b)=abM_{0}(a,b)=\sqrt{ab} is the rrth power mean, B(a,b)=Q(a,b)eA(a,b)/T(a,b)1B(a,b)=Q(a,b)e^{A(a,b)/T(a,b)-1} is the S\'{a}% ndor-Yang mean, A(a,b)=(a+b)/2A(a,b)=(a+b)/2, Q(a,b)=(a2+b2)/2Q(a,b)=\sqrt{(a^{2}+b^{2})/2} and T(a,b)=(ab)/[2arctan((ab)/(a+b))]% T(a,b)=(a-b)/[2\arctan((a-b)/(a+b))].Comment: 9 page

    Refinements of the inequalities between Neuman-Sandor, arithmetic, contra-harmonic and quadratic means

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    In this paper, we prove that the inequalities α[1/3Q(a,b)+2/3A(a,b)]+(1α)Q1/3(a,b)A2/3(a,b)<M(a,b)<β[1/3Q(a,b)+2/3A(a,b)]+(1β)Q1/3(a,b)A2/3(a,b)\alpha [1/3 Q(a,b)+2/3 A(a,b)]+(1-\alpha)Q^{1/3}(a,b)A^{2/3}(a,b)<M(a,b) <\beta [1/3 Q(a,b)+2/3 A(a,b)]+(1-\beta)Q^{1/3}(a,b)A^{2/3}(a,b) and λ[1/6C(a,b)+5/6A(a,b)]+(1λ)C1/6(a,b)A5/6(a,b)<M(a,b)<μ[1/6C(a,b)+5/6A(a,b)]++(1μ)C1/6(a,b)A5/6(a,b)\lambda [1/6 C(a,b)+5/6 A(a,b)]+(1-\lambda)C^{1/6}(a,b)A^{5/6}(a,b)<M(a,b)<\mu [1/6 C(a,b)+5/6 A(a,b)]++(1-\mu)C^{1/6}(a,b)A^{5/6}(a,b) hold for all a,b>0a,b>0 with aba\neq b if and only if α(3326log(1+2))/[(2+2326)log(1+2)]=0.777...\alpha\leq (3-3\sqrt[6]{2}\log(1+\sqrt{2}))/[(2+\sqrt{2}-3\sqrt[6]{2})\log(1+\sqrt{2})]=0.777..., β4/5\beta\geq 4/5, λ(6626log(1+2))/(7626log(1+2))=0.274...\lambda\leq (6-6\sqrt[6]{2}\log(1+\sqrt{2}))/(7-6\sqrt[6]{2}\log(1+\sqrt{2}))=0.274..., and μ8/25\mu\geq 8/25. Here, M(a,b)M(a,b), A(a,b)A(a,b), C(a,b)C(a,b), and Q(a,b)Q(a,b) denote the Neuman-S\'{a}ndor, arithmetic, contra-harmonic, and quadratic means of aa and bb, respectively.Comment: 9 page

    Asymptotical Bounds for Complete Elliptic Integrals of the Second Kind

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    In this paper, we establish several asymptotical bounds for the complete elliptic integrals of the second kind E(r)\mathcal{E}(r), and improve the well-known conjecture E(r)>π[(1+(1r2)3/4)/2]2/3/2\mathcal{E}(r)>\pi[(1+(1-r^2)^{3/4})/2]^{2/3}/2 for all r(0,1)r\in(0,1) proposed by M. Vuorinen.Comment: 15 page

    A note on the Neuman-S\'andor Mean

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    In this article, we present the best possible upper and lower bounds for the Neuman-S\'andor mean in terms of the geometric combinations of harmonic and quadratic means, geometric and quadratic means, harmonic and contra-harmonic means, and geometric and contra-harmonic means.Comment: 7 page

    Sharp inequalities for the Neuman-Sandor mean in terms of arithmetic and contra-harmonic means

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    In this paper, we find the greatest values α\alpha and λ\lambda, and the least values β\beta and μ\mu such that the double inequalities Cα(a,b)A1α(a,b)<M(a,b)<Cβ(a,b)A1β(a,b)C^{\alpha}(a,b)A^{1-\alpha}(a,b)<M(a,b)<C^{\beta}(a,b)A^{1-\beta}(a,b) and &[C(a,b)/6+5 A(a,b)/6]^{\lambda}[C^{1/6}(a,b)A^{5/6}(a,b)]^{1-\lambda}<M(a,b) &\qquad<[C(a,b)/6+5 A(a,b)/6]^{\mu}[C^{1/6}(a,b)A^{5/6}(a,b)]^{1-\mu} hold for all a,b>0a,b>0 with aba\neq b, where M(a,b)M(a,b), A(a,b)A(a,b) and C(a,b)C(a,b) denote the Neuman-S\'andor, arithmetic, and contra-harmonic means of aa and bb, respectively.Comment: 9 page

    Optimal bounds for the Neuman-Sandor means in terms of geometric and contra-harmonic means

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    In this article, we prove that the double inequality αG(a,b)+(1α)C(a,b)<M(a,b)<βG(a,b)+(1β)C(a,b)\alpha G(a,b)+(1-\alpha)C(a,b)<M(a,b)<\beta G(a,b)+(1-\beta)C(a,b) holds true for all a,b>0a,b>0 with aba\neq b if and only if α5/9\alpha\geq 5/9 and β11/[2log(1+2)]=0.4327...\beta\leq 1-1/[2\log(1+\sqrt{2})]=0.4327..., where G(a,b),C(a,b)G(a,b),C(a,b) and M(a,b)M(a,b) are respectively the geometric, contra-harmonic and Neuman-S\'andor means of aa and bb.Comment: 6 page

    Some Best Possible Inequalities Concerning Certain Bivariate Means

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    In this paper, some inequalities of bounds for the Neuman-S\'{a}ndor mean in terms of weighted arithmetic means of two bivariate means are established. Bounds involving weighted arithmetic means are sharp.Comment: 8 page

    Sharp Inequalities between Harmonic, Seiffert, Quadratic and Contraharmonic Means

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    In this paper, we present the greatest values α\alpha, λ\lambda and pp, and the least values β\beta, μ\mu and qq such that the double inequalities αD(a,b)+(1α)H(a,b)<T(a,b)<βD(a,b)+(1β)H(a,b)\alpha D(a,b)+(1-\alpha)H(a,b)<T(a,b)<\beta D(a,b)+(1-\beta) H(a,b), λD(a,b)+(1λ)H(a,b)<C(a,b)<μD(a,b)+(1μ)H(a,b)\lambda D(a,b)+(1-\lambda)H(a,b)<C(a,b)<\mu D(a,b)+(1-\mu) H(a,b) and pD(a,b)+(1p)H(a,b)0p D(a,b)+(1-p)H(a,b)0 with aba\neq b, where H(a,b)=2ab/(a+b)H(a,b)=2ab/(a+b), T(a,b)=(ab)/[2arctan((ab)/(a+b))]T(a,b)=(a-b)/[2\arctan((a-b)/(a+b))], Q(a,b)=(a2+b2)/2Q(a,b)=\sqrt{(a^2+b^2)/2}, C(a,b)=(a2+b2)/(a+b)C(a,b)=(a^2+b^2)/(a+b) and D(a,b)=(a3+b3)/(a2+b2)D(a,b)=(a^3+b^3)/(a^2+b^2) are the harmonic, Seiffert, quadratic, first contraharmonic and second contraharmonic means of aa and bb, respectively.Comment: 11 page

    Optimal two parameter bounds for the Seiffert mean

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    In this note we obtain sharp bounds for the Seiffert mean in terms of a two parameter family of means. Our results generalize and extend the recent bounds presented in the Journal of Inequalities and Applications (2012) and Abstract and Applied Analysis (2012).Comment: 6 page

    Ramanujan's cubic transformation inequalities for zero-balanced hypergeometric functions

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    In this paper, a generalization of Ramanujan's cubic transformation, in the form of an inequality, is proved for zero-balanced Gaussian hypergeometric function F(a,b;a+b;x)F(a,b;a+b;x), a,b>0a,b>0.Comment: 9 page