250 research outputs found

    Exploring Science Curriculum Emphases in Relation to the Alberta Physics Program-of-Study

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    Using Roberts’ (1982, 1988, 1995, 1998, 2003) seven science curriculum emphases as its framework, this investigation into Alberta’s physics program-of-study found that pre-service and novice teachers reported focusing on four of the emphases—Structure of Science; Scientific Skill Development; Science, Technology, and Decisions; and Correct Explanation— while experienced teachers reported focusing on two of the emphases—Structure of Science and Everyday Coping. Other program-of-study aspects that were reported by teachers as being of high priority included holistic views of physics and student engagement, both of which fall beyond Roberts’ framework. Teacher participants focused on different aspects of the program-of-study as compared to a senior curriculum leader in Alberta (i.e., the program manager for secondary sciences in the Curriculum Branch of Alberta Education), suggesting a possible need for professional development for teachers to deliver the program-of-study as intended by Alberta Education. This research increases understanding of how teachers interpret a physics program-of-study with respect to science curriculum emphases. Reprenant comme cadre l'accent que met Roberts sur un programme d'études reposant sur sept priorités en sciences (1982, 1988, 1995, 1998, 2003), cette recherche du programme d'études en physique de l'Alberta a trouvé que les stagiaires et les enseignants débutants se concentraient sur quatre des priorités - La structure de la science; Le développement des habiletés en science; La science, la technologie et les décisions; et La bonne explication - alors que les enseignants plus expérimentés misaient deux des priorités - La structure de la science et Pour faire face au quotidien. Parmi d'autres aspects du programme d'études que les enseignants ont évoqués comme étant prioritaires notons des perspectives holistiques de la physique et l'implication des élèves, deux composantes qui ne sont pas inclues le cadre de Roberts. Les enseignants participants ont misé différents aspects du programme d'études par rapport au chef sénior du programme d'études (c'est-à-dire le gestionnaire de programme des sciences au secondaire de la Direction des programmes d'études de Alberta Education), ce qui donne à penser qu'il pourrait avoir un besoin de développement professionnel pour que les enseignants mettent en œuvre le programme d'études tel que prévu par Alberta Education. Cette recherche vient ajouter à nos connaissances sur l'interprétation que font les enseignants du programme d'études en physique relativement aux priorités en sciences

    General Equilibrium Analysis of Hold-Up Problem and Non-Exclusive Franchise Contract

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    In this paper, we develop a general equilibrium model that examines the emergence of non-exclusive franchise contracts in the presence of the franchisor hold-up problem. Our model of an endogenous franchising network underscores the trade-off between th

    Desire for experiential travel, avoidance of rituality and social esteem: An empirical study of consumer response to tourism innovation

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    AbstractThis study investigates tourist consumption responses toward tourism innovation. To measure tourist responses, this study posits three key consumption drivers, namely social esteem, desire for experiential travel, and avoidance against rituality of tourism settings (a subscale of need for uniqueness) and models consumers’ affective response within the context of tourism innovation. It involves 295 respondents in an empirical survey. The findings affirm the three drivers toward tourist consumption behavior. Avoidance of rituality reflects tourist preference toward tourism product and service innovation. Desire for experiential travel and the pursuit of social esteem signify tourism management and marketing innovation. Social esteem, need for status and creative choice have significant influence on tourists’ affective responses. Acquiring unique tourist products, desire for experiential travel and seeking social esteem are important motivations for tourist consumption. The implications of the study enrich the existing literature of consumer behavior and tourist consumption in response to tourism innovation

    Examining the Efficacy of Inquiry-based Approaches to Education

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    Educational jurisdictions around the world have introduced curricular initiatives that emphasize the need for students to engage in inquiry-based education. This shift, has been met by significant public opposition, particularly in the Canadian context. Results from this study indicate that criticisms of inquiry-based approaches to education are largely directed at discovery learning, which has limited educational value. We note the significant affordances of guided forms of inquiry, such as problem-based learning, and approaches to inquiry aligned with the authentic education movement. Additionally, we highlight the specific instructional supports needed for processes of inquiry to promote elements, such as critical thinking skills and flexible problem solving abilities, necessary for success in a rapidly changing world


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    黃帝與蚩尤的戰爭,是古代一大神話傳說,這一神話傳說的記錄,開始於戰國初年,流傳演變,知道唐宋時代不絕,中間經過一千多年,實在是我國神話傳說規模最大、影響最廣的。它基本上反映了原始社會部族之間的戰爭。傳說中蚩尤與黃帝的涿鹿之戰,不僅記載了蚩尤的主要戰爭事跡,亦是中國傳說中一個重要的歷史事跡,相傳黃帝戰勝蚩尤以後,統一了中原地區,成為了華夏的正統。 本文將從涿鹿之戰的神話、地區性和民族性等方面探討蚩尤的形象

    Adapting to a Design-Based Professional Learning Intervention

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    Designing a systematic inquiry-based, and knowledge-building experience through continuous professional learning for teachers is a key challenge for school authorities. A total of 26 teachers, five principals, three researchers, one graduate student, and two contract professionals from a university were involved in a research-practice partnership. The partners engaged in a yearlong design-based professional learning series. In this study, design-based research was used as the methodology to understand the participant responses to professional learning during the design, enactment, and refinement phases used to design the professional learning series. Open-ended survey responses, researcher field notes and documents from the professional learning sessions were analyzed throughout the study and during three phases of the learning design. The results indicated there were four key shifts and corresponding adaptations made by the participants as they responded to and engaged in a continuous model of professional learning

    Operationalizing the role of trust for student wellbeing, learning and achievement

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    Abstract:  This paper provides an argument regarding the importance of relational trust between students and teachers during the learning process. Establishing this trust is expected to foster student wellbeing and lead to openness to learn and increased innovativeness. However, there is a relative dearth of theoretical and empirical literature on behaviors to establish relational trust (Bryk & Schneider, 2002; Tschannen-Moran & Hoy, 1997), and how these behaviors can be expected to lead to wellbeing and academic achievement. The Learning Errors and Formative Feedback (LEAFF) model is proposed to organize key aspects of the theoretical literature as they might relate to measurable ways in which trust can be promoted with specific words and actions in the classroom to enhance learning. Based on the LEAFF model, a framework is designed to operationalize facets of trust to help teachers develop trusting relationships with their students. However, the potential effects of these facets need to be empirically tested in future studies to secure optimal learning outcomes.

    Looking back to look forward: setting future research agenda for international business in textiles and clothing industry

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    Since its development by Tinbergen (1962), the gravity model of international trade has widely been applied to analyse the effect of various factors on trade relationships between countries. Past studies on trade gravity vary not only in the mix of model variables but also in how they have come into the analysis. This study reviews existing literature on bilateral trade with an aim to identify influential predictors such as changes of trade policy and national development strategy and highlight important yet understudied factors such as transport and logistics infrastructure, and sustainable development. To demonstrate the needs to examine these critical factors across industry sectors, the study presents the case of textiles and clothing (T&C) production and trade between China and its trading partners as an illustration. Through the literature review, it shows how the gravity model can be applied to address current issues in international trade arena such as the potential trade war between the US and China, China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and other important factors shaping global T&C trade. This study offers future research directions for analysis of global trade in the T&C industry and contributes to the wider literature of international business and trade

    What are the opportunities for manufacturing in the “one belt one road” initiative? The case of Hong Kong’s textiles and clothing sector

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    The One Belt, One Road (hereafter OBOR) initiative is a development strategy launched by China in 2015. Its aim is to increase economic co-operation among countries along the China’s Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road that connect Asia, Europe and Africa. As one of China’s important economic drivers, Hong Kong’s anticipated gains taking part in this initiative are substantial. This is particularly true for companies in the textiles and clothing (T&C) sectors, as the OBOR initiative offers investment opportunities in developing low-cost production bases in developing countries and promotes global trade. The main objective of this paper is twofold. First, it investigates how Hong Kong can strengthen its “superconnector” role, facilitating sustainable trade and development in the T&C industries among some OBOR countries. Specific measures are identified so that T&C companies in Hong Kong can establish and facilitate technological upgrades and transformation to potential production facilities in some developing countries under the OBOR initiative. This would contribute to the sustainable development of the T&C sectors in Hong Kong. Second, the study extends the gravity trade model to analyze the development of T&C trade patterns between Hong Kong and OBOR countries. Especially it covered some of the key factors not considered in previous studies, such as Logistics Performance Index (LPI), demographical factors, and those related to the business environment and policies. The analysis covers the impacts of country-specific, social, economic and supply chain factors on T&C trade. Based on the results, recommendations are provided to address how Hong Kong helps to facilitate trade and development of the T&C sectors under the OBOR initiative