16 research outputs found

    Development of a Machine Learning-Based Radiometric Bias Correction for NOAA’s Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS)

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    We present the development of a dynamic over-ocean radiometric bias correction for the Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) which accounts for spatial, temporal, spectral, and angular dependence of the systematic differences between observed and forward model-simulated radiances. The dynamic bias correction, which utilizes a deep neural network approach, is designed to incorporate dependence on the atmospheric and surface conditions that impact forward model biases. The approach utilizes collocations of observed Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership/Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (SNPP/ATMS) radiances and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model analyses which are used as input to the Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) forward model to develop training data of radiometric biases. Analysis of the neural network performance indicates that in many channels, the dynamic bias is able to reproduce realistically both the spatial patterns of the original bias and its probability distribution function. Furthermore, retrieval impact experiments on independent data show that, compared with the baseline static bias correction, using the dynamic bias correction can improve temperature and water vapor profile retrievals, particularly in regions with higher Cloud Liquid Water (CLW) amounts. Ocean surface emissivity retrievals are also improved, for example at 23.8 GHz, showing an increase in correlation from 0.59 to 0.67 and a reduction of standard deviation from 0.035 to 0.026

    Development of a Machine Learning-Based Radiometric Bias Correction for NOAA’s Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS)

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    We present the development of a dynamic over-ocean radiometric bias correction for the Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) which accounts for spatial, temporal, spectral, and angular dependence of the systematic differences between observed and forward model-simulated radiances. The dynamic bias correction, which utilizes a deep neural network approach, is designed to incorporate dependence on the atmospheric and surface conditions that impact forward model biases. The approach utilizes collocations of observed Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership/Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (SNPP/ATMS) radiances and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model analyses which are used as input to the Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) forward model to develop training data of radiometric biases. Analysis of the neural network performance indicates that in many channels, the dynamic bias is able to reproduce realistically both the spatial patterns of the original bias and its probability distribution function. Furthermore, retrieval impact experiments on independent data show that, compared with the baseline static bias correction, using the dynamic bias correction can improve temperature and water vapor profile retrievals, particularly in regions with higher Cloud Liquid Water (CLW) amounts. Ocean surface emissivity retrievals are also improved, for example at 23.8 GHz, showing an increase in correlation from 0.59 to 0.67 and a reduction of standard deviation from 0.035 to 0.026.https://doi.org/10.3390/rs1219316

    Warm-Season Microwave Integrated Retrieval System Precipitation Improvement Using Machine Learning Methods

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    This study compares the performance of five selected machine learning models regarding precipitation climatology during the warm season in 2022 and 2023 over the continental U.S. Input features included retrieved products from the microwave integrated retrieval system (MiRS) based on NOAA-20 ATMS data. The radar-based instantaneous multiradar multisensor system precipitation was used for model training and validation. Among the models, three used a U-Net architecture and two used a deep neural network (DNN) architecture. The U-Net models all significantly outperformed the DNN models for the evaluated metrics. While the DNN architecture can only learn from local inputs, the U-Net also has the capability to learn from neighborhood spatial patterns. As such, the DNN overcorrected the precipitation amounts that MiRS had overestimated, leading to net underestimation, but also failed to improve the overall performance relative to the original MiRS estimates. The U-Net not only corrected MiRS overestimation in the central U.S., but also improved the MiRS dry bias over the Southeast. Among the five experiments, the one that used the MiRS retrieved column-integrated hydrometeors of graupel water path, rainwater path, cloud liquid water, total precipitable water, and geolocation information demonstrated the best performance, improving the MiRS spatial correlation coefficient from 0.75 to 0.89 and reducing the mean bias percentage from 11.95% to −6.33% for 2022 accumulated precipitation. This suggests that applying an appropriate architecture and input features provides an opportunity to determine more accurate physical and statistical relationships which can include spatial and regional dependence, leading to improved microwave-based precipitation estimates

    Dynamic Inversion of Global Surface Microwave Emissivity Using a 1DVAR Approach

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    A variational inversion scheme is used to extract microwave emissivity spectra from brightness temperatures over a multitude of surface types. The scheme is called the Microwave Integrated Retrieval System and has been implemented operationally since 2007 at NOAA. This study focuses on the Advance Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU)/MHS pair onboard the NOAA-18 platform, but the algorithm is applied routinely to multiple microwave sensors, including the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) on Suomi-National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP), Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMI/S) on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) flight units, as well as to the Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) Microwave Imager (GMI), to name a few. The emissivity spectrum retrieval is entirely based on a physical approach. To optimize the use of information content from the measurements, the emissivity is extracted simultaneously with other parameters impacting the measurements, namely, the vertical profiles of temperature, moisture and cloud, as well as the skin temperature and hydrometeor parameters when rain or ice are present. The final solution is therefore a consistent set of parameters that fit the measured brightness temperatures within the instrument noise level. No ancillary data are needed to perform this dynamic emissivity inversion. By allowing the emissivity to be part of the retrieved state vector, it becomes easy to handle the pixel-to-pixel variation in the emissivity over non-oceanic surfaces. This is particularly important in highly variable surface backgrounds. The retrieved emissivity spectrum by itself is of value (as a wetness index for instance), but it is also post-processed to determine surface geophysical parameters. Among the parameters retrieved from the emissivity using this approach are snow cover, snow water equivalent and effective grain size over snow-covered surfaces, sea-ice concentration and age from ice-covered ocean surfaces and wind speed over ocean surfaces. It could also be used to retrieve soil moisture and vegetation information from land surfaces. Accounting for the surface emissivity in the state vector has the added advantage of allowing an extension of the retrieval of some parameters over non-ocean surfaces. An example shown here relates to extending the total precipitable water over non-ocean surfaces and to a certain extent, the amount of suspended cloud. The study presents the methodology and performance of the emissivity retrieval and highlights a few examples of some of the emissivity-based products

    Experimental OMPS Radiance Assimilation through One-Dimensional Variational Analysis for Total Column Ozone in the Atmosphere

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    This experiment is the first ultraviolet radiance assimilation for atmospheric ozone in the troposphere and stratosphere. The experiment has provided better understanding of which observations need to be assimilated, what bias correction scheme may be optimal, and how to obtain surface reflectance. A key element is the extension of the Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) to handle fully polarized radiances, which presents challenges in terms of computational resource requirements. In this study, a scalar (unpolarized) treatment of radiances was used. The surface reflectance plays an important role in assimilating the nadir mapper (NM) radiance of the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS). Most OMPS NM measurements are affected by the surface reflection of solar radiation. We propose a linear spectral reflectance model that can be determined inline by fitting two OMPS NM channel radiances at 347.6 and 371.8 nm because the two channels have near zero sensitivity on atmospheric ozone. Assimilating a transformed reflectance measurement variable, the N value can overcome the difficulty in handling the large dynamic range of radiance and normalized radiance across the spectrum of the OMPS NM. It was found that the error in bias correction, surface reflectance, and neglecting polarization in radiative transfer calculations can be largely mitigated by using the two estimated surface reflectance. This study serves as a preliminary demonstration of direct ultraviolet radiance assimilation for total column ozone in the atmosphere

    How Can Microwave Observations at 23.8 GHz Help in Acquiring Water Vapor in the Atmosphere over Land?

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    Due to concerns about radio frequency interference from emerging telecommunications technology, there have been intensive discussions on the changes to the international Radio Regulations around 24 GHz at the recent World Radiocommunication Conference in 2019. Although the sensitivity to total precipitable water (TPW) at 23.8 GHz over land is small, and in some cases close to zero, state-of-the-art retrieval systems with no dependence on real-time ancillary data (e.g., numerical weather prediction (NWP) model forecasts), such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) operational Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS), have been producing reliable TPW products over both ocean and land, which implies that the microwave channel at 23.8 GHz is providing valuable information on TPW over land as well as over ocean. The contradiction between the zero or near-zero sensitivity and practical performance over land raises questions for the remote sensing community and public users of such data. In this study, we examine the underlying physics and include mathematical explanations, which address and clarify the apparent contradiction. The channel at 23.8 GHz is a direct measurement and indispensable for its combined use with microwave temperature and moisture sounding channels

    Multiple-Timescale Intercomparison of Two Radar Products and Rain Gauge Observations over the Arkansas–Red River Basin

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    A detailed intercomparison was performed for the period January 1998–June 1999 of three different sets of rainfall observations over the watershed covered by the National Weather Service Arkansas–Red Basin River Forecast Center (ABRFC). The rainfall datasets were 1) hourly 4-km-resolution ABRFC-produced P1 estimates, 2) 15-min 2-km resolution NOWrad estimates produced and marketed by Weather Services International Corporation (WSI), and 3) conventional hourly rain gauge observations available from the operational observing network. Precipitation estimates from the three products were compared at monthly, daily, and hourly timescales for the Arkansas–Red River basin and the Illinois River basin. Results indicate that the P1 products had a higher correlation and smaller bias relative to rain gauges than did the WSI products. The fact that the P1 estimates are bias corrected using gauges themselves makes an independent assessment difficult. WSI monthly accumulations seemed to overestimate (underestimate) total rainfall relative to gauges during the warm (cold) season. WSI and P1 estimates had very good agreement overall with correlation coefficients of daily accumulations generally greater than 0.7. The P1 hourly estimates were characterized by a large proportion of extremely light rainfall rates (less than 2 mm hïżœ1). This is likely due to the P1 bias correction algorithm’s use of sparse gauge data during low-level stratiform precipitation events. Finally, analyses of mean areal precipitation, fractional coverage, and storm total rainfall for the Illinois River basin demonstrate the potential impact of these rainfall products on hydrologic models that use these precipitation estimates as meteorological forcing

    The Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption as Seen in Satellite Microwave Observations and MiRS Temperature Retrievals

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    Abstract The strongest volcanic eruption since the 19th century occurred on 15 January 2022 at Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha'apai, generating unprecedented atmospheric waves not seen before in observations. We used satellite microwave observations from (a) Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) on board the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)‐20 and the Suomi‐National Polar‐orbiting Partnership (SNPP) and (b) Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU)‐A on board Meteorological operational satellite (MetOp)‐B/MetOp‐C to study these waves in the stratosphere immediately after the eruption. The NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) was applied to these microwave observations to produce atmospheric temperature profiles. The atmospheric Lamb wave and fast‐traveling gravity waves are clearly revealed in both the brightness temperatures and the MiRS retrieved temperatures, revealing their vertical phase structures. This study is the first attempt to perform a detailed analysis of the stratospheric impact of the Tonga eruption on operational satellite microwave observations and the corresponding MiRS retrievals

    Land surface microwave emissivities derived from AMSR-E and MODIS measurements with advanced quality control

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    International audienceA microwave emissivity database has been developed with data from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS (AMSR-E) and with ancillary land surface temperature (LST) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the same Aqua spacecraft. The primary intended application of the database is to provide surface emissivity constraints in atmospheric and surface property retrieval or assimilation. An additional application is to serve as a dynamic indicator of land surface properties relevant to climate change monitoring. The precision of the emissivity data is estimated to be significantly better than in prior databases from other sensors due to the precise collocation with high-quality MODIS LST data and due to the quality control features of our data analysis system. The accuracy of the emissivities in deserts and semiarid regions is enhanced by applying, in those regions, a version of the emissivity retrieval algorithm that accounts for the penetration of microwave radiation through dry soil with diurnally varying vertical temperature gradients. These results suggest that this penetration effect is more widespread and more significant to interpretation of passive microwave measurements than had been previously established. Emissivity coverage in areas where persistent cloudiness interferes with the availability of MODIS LST data is achieved using a classification-based method to spread emissivity data from less-cloudy areas that have similar microwave surface properties. Evaluations and analyses of the emissivity products over homogeneous snow-free areas are presented, including application to retrieval of soil temperature profiles. Spatial inhomogeneities are the largest in the vicinity of large water bodies due to the large water/land emissivity contrast and give rise to large apparent temporal variability in the retrieved emissivities when satellite footprint locations vary over time. This issue will be dealt with in the future by including a water fraction correction. Also note that current reliance on the MODIS day-night algorithm as a source of LST limits the coverage of the database in the Polar Regions. We will consider relaxing the current restrictions as part of future development