23 research outputs found

    The price for reduced light toxicity: Do endoilluminator spectral filters decrease color contrast during Brilliant Blue G-assisted chromovitrectomy?

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    Background: Vitreoretinal surgeons have been slow to adopt the use of spectral filters for endoillumination to reduce retinal light toxicity. This study shows that spectral filters can be used without a loss in color contrast during brilliant blue G chromovitrectomy. Methods: To evaluate the influence of intra operative spectral light filters on perceivable contrast during Brilliant Blue G chromovitrectomy, a prospective, observational clinical study was carried out on 59 consecutive Brilliant Blue G chromovitrectomy interventions in 59 patients admitted for macular holes, macular pucker or vitreomacular traction syndromes. Subsequent to peeling of the internal limiting membrane, six different illumination modes were enabled consecutively: mercury vapor, mercury vapor/xenon, and xenon followed by xenon combined with an amber, green or yellow spectral filter. Main outcome measure was the chromaticity spread between stained internal limiting membrane and unstained retina as a measure for the color contrast perceived by the human eye. Results: Mean chromaticity scores were similar for all light sources: mercury vapor 7.97, mercury vapor/xenon 7.96 (p = 0.96), and xenon 7.41 (p = 0.55). Compared to xenon, the additional use of endoillumination spectral filters did not change contrast recognizability: Chromaticity scores were 9.38 for the amber filter (p = 0.13), 6.63 for the green and 7.02 for the yellow filter (p = 0.37 and 0.64, respectively). When comparing the different filters head-to-head, the amber filter was superior to the green filter (p = 0.03), while the yellow was intermediate and not significantly different from either the amber (p = 0.08) or the green filter (p = 0.51). Conclusions: Color contrast perceptibility during Brilliant Blue G assisted chromovitrectomy is similar with mercury vapor, mercury vapor/xenon or xenon light sources. Spectral filters do not decrease color contrast recognizability. Head-to-head comparison shows a significant advantage for the amber over the green filter with respect to contrast generation, the yellow filter is intermediate. As spectral filters are known to greatly reduce retinal light toxicity, we suggest donor eye studies to validate whether the amber filter should be generally recommended for Brilliant Blue G chromovitrectomy

    Quantification of retinal layer thickness changes in acute macular neuroretinopathy.

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    PURPOSE To quantitatively evaluate retinal layer thickness changes in acute macular neuroretinopathy (AMN). METHODS AMN areas were identified using near-infrared reflectance (NIR) images. Intraretinal layer segmentation using Heidelberg software was performed. The inbuilt ETDRS -grid was moved onto the AMN lesion and the mean retinal layer thicknesses of the central grid were recorded and compared with the corresponding area of the fellow eye at initial presentation and during follow-up. RESULTS Eleven patients were included (mean age 26±6 years). AMN lesions at baseline had a significantly thinner outer nuclear layer (ONL) (51±21 µm vs 73±17 µm, p=0.002). The other layers, including inner nuclear layer (37±8 µm vs 38±6 µm, p=0.9) and outer plexiform layer (OPL) (45±19 µm vs 33±16 µm, p=0.1) did not show significant differences between the study eyes and fellow eyes. Adjacent to NIR image lesions, areas of OPL thickening were identified (study eye: 50±14 µm vs fellow eye: 39±16 µm, p=0.005) with corresponding thinning of ONL (study eye: 52±16 µm vs fellow eye: 69±16 µm, p=0.002). CONCLUSIONS AMN presents with characteristic quantitative retinal changes and the extent of the lesion may be more extensive than initially presumed from NIR image lesions

    Comparative study of endolaser versus cryocoagulation in vitrectomy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

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    Abstract Background To investigate the influence of different types of retinopexy on the outcome of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) repair. Method All patients with RRD who underwent pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) between January 2013 and December 2017 were included. Analysed surgical factors were types of retinopexy (cryocoagulation, endolaser, combined). Subgroup analysis was performed in patients with primary proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), and/or the necessity of a primary silicone oil fill. Results A total of 1017 eyes with retinal detachment were included. The predominant type of retinopexy used during PPV was cryocoagulation in 492 eyes, followed by a combined cryocogulation/endolaser in 306 eyes and laserretinopexy in only 219 eyes. Overall, the re-detachment rate was 10.1%. In most of the cases (53.6%) the main reason for re-detachment was insufficient retinopexy, followed by a PVR-reaction in 37.3%, and new site break in 9.1%. No significant difference in the rate of re-detachment was found between the different types of retinopexy (p = 0.309). However, subgroup analysis showed a significantly higher rate of re-detachment in patients with a primary PVR (p = 0.0003), and in the group with silicone oil as the primary tamponade (p = 0.0001). Conclusion The data suggests that the type of retinopexy has little relevance for the surgical outcome of PPV for the primary RRD. However, patients with primary PVR and primary silicone oil fills were at a significantly increased risk for re-detachment

    Predictive risk factors for retinal redetachment following uncomplicated pars plana vitrectomy for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

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    Purpose: To investigate clinical and surgical factors influencing the outcome after primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment surgery. Methods: A retrospective, single-centre, case-control study of 1017 eyes of 1017 consecutive patients with primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) who underwent pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), were included in the study. Analysed surgical factors were: combined procedure with phacoemulsification, type of retinopexy (cryocoagulation, endolaser, combined), type of tamponade (gas, silicone oil), and anatomical factors: primary proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) and macular detachment at the time of surgery. Results: Overall retinal re-detachment rate was 10.1%. The main reason for re-detachment was an insufficient retinopexy in 53.6%, followed by PVR (37.3%), and retinal detachment occurred at a different location caused by another break in 9.1%. No significant difference in the rate of re-detachment was found if a phacoemulsification with simultaneous IOL implantation was performed (p = 0.641). No significant difference between the various retinopexy techniques was found (p = 0.309). Risk factors re-detachment were primary PVR (p = 0.0003), silicone oil as initial tamponade (p = 0.0001) as well as macula off detachments (p = 0.034). Conclusions: The present study showed no significant difference between the types of retinopexy and if additional phacoemulsification was performed or not. Factors associated with a higher risk for re-detachment were detached macula at surgery, primary PVR and primary oil-filling

    Thermal Laser Monotherapy for Extrafoveal Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy

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    INTRODUCTION Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) is a vascular disease of the choroid. Diagnosis is mainly based on polypoidal aneurysm-like lesions seen in indocyanine green (ICG) angiography. Various therapeutic options have been proposed. METHODS Outcomes of 10 cases with extrafoveal PCV and consecutive macular edema treated with thermal laser are reported. Diagnosis of PCV was confirmed by ICG angiography. RESULTS Upon successful occlusion of the polyps in 10 eyes after thermal laser treatment demonstrated in ICG angiography, a regression of central foveal edema was seen in optical coherence tomography and color fundus photography. Visual acuity improved from logMAR 0.8 to logMAR 0.3. Follow-up ranged from 4 months to 15 years, with a median of 1 year. Two eyes had a recurrence of exudative maculopathy 5 and 7 years after laser treatment, respectively. CONCLUSION A careful differentiation between various subforms of exudative maculopathy using fluorescein and ICG angiography can identify certain selected patients with extrafoveal PCV, for whom thermal laser monotherapy can be a therapeutic option

    Thermal Laser Monotherapy for Extrafoveal Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy

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    Introduction Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) is a vascular disease of the choroid. Diagnosis is mainly based on polypoidal aneurysm-like lesions seen in indocyanine green (ICG) angiography. Various therapeutic options have been proposed. Methods Outcomes of 10 cases with extrafoveal PCV and consecutive macular edema treated with thermal laser are reported. Diagnosis of PCV was confirmed by ICG angiography. Results Upon successful occlusion of the polyps in 10 eyes after thermal laser treatment demonstrated in ICG angiography, a regression of central foveal edema was seen in optical coherence tomography and color fundus photography. Visual acuity improved from logMAR 0.8 to logMAR 0.3. Follow-up ranged from 4 months to 15 years, with a median of 1 year. Two eyes had a recurrence of exudative maculopathy 5 and 7 years after laser treatment, respectively. Conclusion A careful differentiation between various subforms of exudative maculopathy using fluorescein and ICG angiography can identify certain selected patients with extrafoveal PCV, for whom thermal laser monotherapy can be a therapeutic option